Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1503: 【1503】If I don't see King Xiang's secret treasure, I won't die with pe

Including Xu Jingxin and Kazama Dance, they all looked at Ye Feng curiously.

They are already familiar with Ye Feng, but they have never heard that he was a tomb robber before. Why is he so experienced?

"I'm called self-taught."

Ye Feng made a perfunctory sentence, and then focused all his attention on the big rooster.

Although everyone was dissatisfied with his answer, they didn't say anything, and all stared at the rooster.


The big rooster had already walked more than ten steps at this time, and it was still walking vigorously without any abnormality.

"It seems that we are worrying too much. There should be no danger here." Ah Can suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

However, just as he finished speaking, the big rooster suddenly stepped on a bluestone brick.

It stands to reason that the weight of a chicken is only about a few catties, and the weight can be ignored.

However, when the chicken stepped on that stone brick, a sudden change occurred.

I saw that the bluestone brick suddenly turned over, and the chicken immediately fell down and disappeared.

And the bluestone slab immediately returned to its original state, as if nothing had happened.

Everyone was stunned by this scene.

"I'm going, isn't this too scary?" A Can shuddered suddenly, and looked back at Ye Feng blankly.

Lan Xingyue's pretty face turned pale with fright.

If Ye Feng hadn't held her back just now, she might have fallen down.

"Did you see it? There are organs everywhere here, and if you are not careful, you may die here. Nine of us came in, and I don't want anyone to be missing when we go out. Do you understand?" Ye Feng said seriously Look at everyone.


Everyone answered in unison.

It can be seen that everyone was frightened by the scene just now, and everyone's face was not very good-looking.

Ye Feng had no choice but to speak again to ease the atmosphere, "But everyone, don't be too scared. As long as everyone obeys my orders, I guarantee that you will not suffer any casualties."

Despite his promise, everyone's expressions did not improve.

These agencies are too hidden, as long as there is a mistake, there may be no place to die.

In this case, no one's guarantee is reliable.

"Master...Ye Feng, I think we should go back, this is too scary, I haven't lived enough yet." Kazama Dance was the first to retreat.

Before Ye Feng could speak, Lan Xingyue was the first to stand up and object, "I'm here, if you don't go in and explore, then go back, isn't it a waste of time?"

Ye Feng glanced at her deeply, "Didn't you say before that you are not interested in this kind of place?"

An unnatural expression flashed across Lan Xingyue's face, and she laughed a few times, "I wasn't really interested before, but now I suddenly find it quite interesting."

A smile appeared on Ye Feng's face, "Since you think it's interesting, let's go and help everyone find the way."

"Ah?" Lan Xingyue panicked suddenly, "There are many traps here, if you are not careful, you may be lost forever."

"You want to continue to explore, but you are afraid of danger, so what do you mean? You want others to risk their lives to explore the way, and then you follow behind?" Ye Feng mercilessly exposed her thoughts.

"I...I didn't say that, I just felt..." Lan Xingyue was at a loss for words.

"Don't worry, as I said just now, as long as you follow my orders, I promise you will not be in any danger."

Ye Feng said, pointing to the tunnel, "Look, in this tunnel, there are three bluestone bricks in each row horizontally. Among the three bluestone bricks, at least one has no mechanism. The two of us hold hands, slowly Slowly tempt to walk over. No matter who is in danger, another person can quickly rescue..."

He told Lan Xingyue about his plan.

In fact, he was worried about leaving Lan Xingyue with Xu Jingxin and the others.

At least for now, her identity is still very suspicious.

He can rest assured that such a time bomb is under his nose at any time.

He had already reached this point, and Lan Xingyue knew she couldn't avoid it, so she nodded helplessly, "That's fine."

"You go in front, and I will ensure your safety in the back. You only need to use your feet to test lightly every time." Ye Feng took her hand and taught her how to test.

After Lan Xingyue listened patiently, she could only bite the bullet and agree.

The two then held hands, ready to enter the tunnel.

"Ye Feng, pay attention to safety." Xu Jingxin reminded with some worry.

"Don't worry, I won't die if I don't see King Xiang's secret treasure." Ye Feng turned around and joked.

"What's not dead? What nonsense are you talking about?" Kazama Dance scolded displeased.

"It's quite superstitious, don't worry, I'll be fine." Ye Feng gave them a reassuring smile, and then walked forward with Lan Xingyue.

Lan Xingyue first tested the three stone bricks in the first row with her feet, the two on the left and the right had flap mechanisms, and only the one in the middle was solid.

The two stepped on the brick at the same time.

This bluestone brick is about 80 meters long and 50 centimeters wide. Although it is enough for two people to stand close to each other, the distance is so close that they can even feel each other's body heat.

Lan Xingyue felt a little awkward and couldn't help twisting her body.

"Don't move around, how big is your butt, don't you know? You want to squeeze me into the mechanism?" Ye Feng couldn't help scolding.

Lan Xingyue's pretty face immediately flushed.

If she was teased like this outside, she would definitely turn her face on the spot.

But now that life and death are in the moment, she can't care about these anymore, and began to test the bluestone bricks in the second row.

This time the two bricks on the left and the middle have traps, while the one on the right is solid.

The two jumped onto the stone brick one after another.

In this way, the two moved forward in constant temptation, and soon came to the place where the rooster fell.

The rooster used his life to get rid of a wrong answer for them, so he didn't need to test this brick, he only needed to get rid of a wrong answer in the other two bricks.

Xu Jingxin, Kazama Wu, A Can and the others were all sweating for the two of them.

His expression was even more severe than that of the two who explored the road.

Fortunately, there were no surprises along the way.

The tunnel is about 20 meters long. With the accumulation of experience, Ye and Feng walked faster and faster.

Soon, it came to an end.

However, the last row of bluestone bricks is larger than the other stone bricks, fully two meters wide, and it is somewhat difficult to step across.

Lan Xingyue had no choice but to continue to explore in the previous way.

The two stone bricks on the left and in the middle started to sway with just a light touch with the toes, obviously there is a flip mechanism.

A smile appeared on Lan Xingyue's face. According to previous experience, the piece on the right is obviously real.

So she didn't try this one again, and stepped on it directly.

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