Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1504: [1504] install, continue to install

"Be careful!"

Ye Feng realized the danger the moment she stepped forward, but it was still a step too late.

Lan Xingyue has already stepped on it.

And the bluestone brick immediately flipped downwards, and her body also fell rapidly.


Lan Xingyue screamed suddenly, but her body was out of control.

Caught off guard, Ye Feng was also dragged by her sinking force to take a step forward, and was about to fall into it.

Fortunately, at the last moment, the strength of his feet exploded violently, and he was firmly nailed to the bluestone brick.

At the same time, he pulled his wrist hard, and finally stopped Lan Xingyue from falling.

Lan Xingyue breathed a sigh of relief, and looked down.

I saw densely packed sharp knives at the bottom of the pit.

Once a person falls, he will surely die.

Seeing these sharp knives, she immediately felt her scalp go numb.

If Ye Feng hadn't grabbed her tightly just now, she might have turned into a corpse by now.


"Are you OK?"

Ye Feng dragged Lan Xingyue out of the tunnel, and asked with concern.

"I...I'm not...It's okay..."

Lan Xingyue's pretty face turned pale with fright, and her body was still shaking, which showed that she was really frightened.

Both hands held onto Ye Feng tightly, as if they were holding onto a life-saving straw.

Ye Feng looked at her at this time, exactly what a frightened little girl should look like.

He couldn't tell for a while whether she was really scared or just pretending.

He even suspected that she stepped on the trap on purpose just now, just to drag him down to be buried with him.

Even so, it's a bit unreasonable.

But he has never hesitated to speculate on the enemy's intentions with the greatest malice.

With the madness of that mysterious organization, in order to eliminate him, they will definitely do everything possible, so they must be careful.

At the same time, Xu Jingxin and the others finally let out a long sigh of relief.

At that moment just now, their hearts were in their throats, thinking that Ye Feng had also fallen down.

They didn't care much about Lan Xingyue's life or death, they only cared about Ye Feng's well-being.

Fortunately, it was a false alarm in the end.

"Ye Feng, be careful, if you can't do it, just go back." Kazama Dance hurriedly shouted at Ye Feng, her voice trembling a little.

Ye Feng turned around and waved at them, "Don't worry, it's all right."

Then he looked back at the bluestone bricks in front, and couldn't help admiring, "The person who designed the mechanism is really a genius. He actually used people's paralyzed psychology to set up all the mechanisms on the last row of stone bricks."

Lan Xingyue nodded in agreement, "Yeah, I'm also a habitual thinker. I thought that one of the three stone bricks in front must be real, so I didn't think much about it. If it weren't for you, I might have died gone."

When she said this, she looked at Ye Feng with complicated emotions.

"It's not possible that you're dead, but you're definitely dead. Do you think you're invulnerable? If you fall into it, you can still survive?" Ye Feng's tone was slightly reproachful.

But I don't know why, but Lan Xingyue enjoyed his reproachful tone very much, and she was somewhat shaken.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Couldn't it be because I saved you that you couldn't help falling in love with me?" Seeing her staring at him, Ye Feng couldn't help teasing.

Lan Xingyue hurriedly withdrew her gaze and changed the subject, "The last row is full of organs, so how do we get there?"

Ye Feng sighed, "What else can I do? I can only jump over it."

"This stone brick is at least two meters away, I'm afraid it's not easy to jump..."

Before Lan Xingyue could finish speaking, Ye Feng jumped straight up, leaped across the row of two-meter-wide bluestone slabs, and onto the opposite stone platform.

"Isn't this coming? Come on." Ye Feng stood opposite with a smile and waved to her.

Lan Xingyue suddenly smiled wryly, "I'm afraid I won't be able to jump over."

"Okay, I'll come back to pick you up."

After Ye Feng finished speaking, he jumped onto the bluestone brick again.

Normally, jumping such a long distance, the body will definitely rush forward due to inertia.

But Ye Feng's feet were like nails, firmly nailed to the bluestone bricks without any movement.

Lan Xingyue stared dumbfounded, "Your physique is really extraordinary."

"What is this? You just need to have feet." Ye Feng was very modest, and then turned his back to her, "Come up."

"Ah?" Lan Xingyue didn't understand what he meant for a while.

"Lie down on my back, and I'll jump over with you on my back."

"This... Can you jump over with someone on your back?"

Lan Xingyue hesitated.

Jumping two meters away with a person on his back is somewhat exaggerated.

"Try it, at worst we both fall into the mechanism and go to **** together." Ye Feng still did not forget to joke at such a time.

But Lan Xingyue couldn't laugh at all, and still hesitated on the spot.

"Hurry up, they are still waiting behind, don't waste too much time." Ye Feng had no choice but to urge.

Lan Xingyue had no choice but to lie on his back.


Ye Feng deliberately pretended to stumble and fall, which scared Lan Xingyue to scream again.

Just as she screamed, Ye Feng jumped over.

When she landed, she was still in shock, and patted Ye Feng angrily, "Are you going to scare me to death?"

Seeing her panicked look, Ye Feng secretly sneered in his heart.

Install, continue to install.

If someone who has undergone genetic modification wanted to jump over a two-meter-wide bluestone slab, wouldn't that be an easy task?

How could it be possible to be so frightened?

In short, in his opinion, all of Lan Xingyue's current performances are fakes.

The two of them made it through the tunnel and cleared the way for those behind.

Xu Jingxin and the others also started to walk through the tunnel.

When they came to the last bluestone brick, Ah Can and the four members of the Sirius team first threw the packages they were carrying with them, and then they all jumped over with ease.

But Xu Jingxin and Kazama Dance were stuck there.

In fact, Kazama Wu can also come here easily, but who made him pretend to be Zhuang Xiaoqiao now, so he has to pretend to be a weak chicken.

Ye Feng had no choice but to take on the responsibility of transportation again, which also made the two girls feel the thrill of flying into the sky.

"I didn't expect that it would be so scary to enter a tunnel. I don't know how many traps there are behind it." A Can couldn't help feeling emotional while looking at the road when he came.

"Fortunately, everyone came here without any risk. As long as you are careful, there should be no problem."

Although Ye Feng was a little apprehensive, at least he had to pretend to be calm on the surface.

He is the backbone of this expedition team, if even he is panicked, how can the others survive?

"That is, as long as you follow Mr. Ye, everyone will not be in danger." Ah Can is always looking for opportunities to flatter.

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