Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1519: 【1519】Even if she is resurrected, so what?

Although Xu Jingxin and the others dismissed his flattery, they had to admit that there was some truth in his words.

This place is so big, but Ye Feng can find clues so quickly, this kind of observation ability is really abnormal.

With such a backbone, no matter how dangerous it is, there is no need to be afraid.

Because they knew that with him around, there was no accident.

Ye Feng didn't waste any more time on this matter, and directly called Feng Shaokun, asking him to help find a warehouse and send two more trucks over.

Among the hidden treasures, there are quite a few weapons and armor, which can be considered as rare antiques, and the number is very large.

He was going to keep it and try to move it later.

But now the plan has changed, and we have to move out in advance.

If Lan Xingyue went back and notified the mysterious organization to cut off her beard, that would be bad.

Feng Shaokun's work efficiency is still very reliable. After less than half an hour, two large trucks were sent over.

Ye Feng first asked the ten jounin from the Kazama family to drive the car they came to guard the warehouse, and then led the Sirius team into the secret storage, and took out all the weapons and armor to load them into the car.

Throw the bodies of those dead men in black onto another truck.

After this busy work, the sky is already bright.

Ye Feng couldn't help yawning, and the other people who attracted him yawned again and again.

They have been busy all night, and now they are finally done.

"walk home!"

With a big wave of his hand, Ye Feng got on the truck with weapons and armor first.

Including the driver, there are three people in the compartment.

Xu Jingxin and Kazama Wu got in first, they didn't want to sit in the truck that pulled the corpse.

But Ah Can didn't grab the seat, so he had to put on a mournful face and followed Arthur and others into another truck.

The convoy started mightily and began to drive towards the city.

"Ah, it's finally over. What I experienced this night is more than what I experienced in the previous twenty years combined."

Sitting in the middle of the carriage, Kazama Mai couldn't help expressing emotion.

And Xu Jingxin, who was sitting by the window, couldn't help nodding, "Yes, what we experienced tonight is enough to write a novel."

She has always longed for adventure since she was a child, but her family is very strict with her, and she has never found a chance.

It wasn't until this time that this wish was truly realized.

Although the surface has been very indifferent, in fact she is very excited and wants to record their expedition this time.

When I get old in the future, it may also become a good memory.

Ye Feng didn't have as many emotions as they did. He just wanted to send these things to the warehouse quickly, and then go back and have a good sleep.

It's a pity that things often backfire.

After going through an adventure first, and then a big battle, Ye Feng and the others felt physically and mentally exhausted.

I thought there should be no twists and turns in the future.

However, when their car traveled a certain distance, the accident happened again.

Ye Feng drove the car and saw seven or eight men squatting on both sides of the road ahead from a distance.

After seeing their car, these people threw down their cigarette butts one after another, got up and walked to the middle of the road, blocking their way.

Xu Jingxin and Kazama Dance who were dozing off immediately woke up.

"What's the situation?" Kazama Mai rubbed her sleepy eyes and looked outside suspiciously.

"I met a robber." Xu Jingxin looked very calm. She was the weakest of them all, but she had the best mentality.

Even if she was besieged by dead soldiers in black before, she could still keep her face unchanged.

Even Ye Feng admired this point.

Although his strength is already very strong, he sometimes feels flustered.

It's impossible not to admire people like others who have no strength and can still be calm.


Kazama Dance was suddenly speechless.

Although a few small thieves did not pose any threat to them, this group of people was like a swarm of flies, they didn't bite, but they were disgusting.

If this was in an island country, she really wanted to go down with a knife and kill all these people.

But this is in the country of Hua, and she doesn't want to cause trouble for the master.

When Ye Feng was three or four meters away from the group of people, he stopped the car slowly.

"get off!"

A middle-aged man with sideburns tapped on the car door and signaled them to get out of the car.

Ye Feng winked at the two girls to tell them not to act rashly, and then got out of the car first.

When the gang of robbers saw Xu Jingxin and Kazama Dance, their eyes lit up, probably they had never seen such a beautiful woman in real life.

"You're not very lucky, boy? When you come out to buy goods, you bring these two beauties?"

Even the sideburns looked greedily at the two girls, but immediately looked away, and roared at the group of men behind him, "What the **** are you looking at? Have you never seen a woman?"

"Hey, big brother, we've seen a lot of women, but we've never seen such a beautiful woman. Shall we take these two **** to the field to have **** first, and then get down to business?"

Immediately there was a wretched proposal from a younger brother.

The other younger brothers also looked expectantly at Lian Hu, obviously holding the same idea.

Even the sideburns glared at them fiercely, "A group of idiots who think like birds, can we pursue something? We only rob money, not sex, this is the principle."

A group of younger brothers were scolded by him, although they still looked eagerly at Xu Jingxin and Kazama Wu, but temporarily held back their evil thoughts.

It can be seen that this sideburn has a high prestige among the robbers.

"Brother, you are really particular!"

Ye Feng gave a thumbs up to the sideburns, took out another pack of Huazi from his pocket, and distributed one to each robber.

When the gang of robbers saw Hua Zi, their eyes lit up again.

"Okay, the business is quite big, isn't it? Can you still afford Huazi?" The bearded man put the cigarette under his nose and sniffed it, with a look of enjoyment.

Ye Feng took the initiative to light the fire for him, and accompanied him with a smiling face, "Hey, it's just for a meal. I don't want to smoke this cigarette usually, so I just honor my brothers."

Hearing what he said, Lian Beihu couldn't help but sneered, "Your mouth is quite sweet, what's in the car?"

"It's nothing, just some broken furniture." Ye Feng lied all over his mouth.

"Open it and have a look." Lian Jinhu took a puff of the cigarette, this guy has a lot of lung capacity, and he sucked a lot of the smoke in one puff.

Ye Feng continued to smile apologetically, "Brother, we are in a hurry to do business for others, so let's stop watching it?"

As he said that, he took out a stack of banknotes from his pocket, about two thousand yuan, "These money will be used to buy cigarettes for the brothers, let us go there."

He really didn't want to make trouble again, if he could settle it with money, that would of course be the best.

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