Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1520: 【1520】There are always people who want to harm me

Lian Jinhu glanced at the banknote in Ye Feng's hand, showing a greedy look, "Yes, you are generous enough. It seems that you have a baby in this car, so I want to take a look even more."

As he spoke, he waved his hand towards his subordinates.

That group of men rushed up immediately with whimpers, and were about to open the rear compartment.

Ye Feng hurriedly blocked everyone's way, "Everyone, please save face."

"Hehe, are you an idiot? Why should I give you face?" The sideburn said, shaking his right hand, a sharp knife came out from his sleeve.

And his subordinates also showed their guys one after another.

The cold light of sharp knives made people shudder.

In order to see Xu Jingxin and Kazama Wu panicked, two robbers deliberately brandished their knives in front of them.

To their disappointment, however, the two girls did nothing about it.

Xu Jingxin is calmer than Ye Feng, how could she be intimidated by this scene of petty fights?

And Kazama Dance has experienced all kinds of big scenes. In her opinion, the bravado of this group of people is like an adult watching a cartoon, and she only finds it childish and ridiculous.

The gang of robbers suffered a sense of frustration for the first time in front of the two girls, and suddenly became angry from embarrassment. They began to grin their teeth and make various hideous expressions, and roared like beasts from their mouths.

But the two girls were still very calm, as if watching a group of clowns.

"Don't talk nonsense, if you don't want to die, open the compartment quickly, or you will be let in with a white knife and come out with a red knife."

Even the sideburns waved a sharp knife a few times to scare Ye Feng.

Ye Feng couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

He really doesn't want to start killing again, but there are always fools who want to seek death.

This makes it difficult for him.

At this moment, there was another roar of cars, and Arthur's truck followed.

Because the two cars together were too big a target, Ye Feng deliberately asked Arthur and the others to keep a distance away in order not to attract the attention of interested people, and only now catch up.

When the robbers saw another car coming, they howled like hungry wolves smelling blood.

Dang even separated a few people and surrounded Arthur and the others.

Arthur's car was also stopped, and under the scolding of the robbers, they all got out of the car.

In addition to Arthur and A Can, there was also a member of the Sirius team sitting in the carriage, and the remaining seven members were squeezed into the back carriage with those corpses, and they probably didn't know what was going on outside.

"Brother, what's the matter?"

Ah Can glanced at Ye Feng, and already understood the situation.

Guessing that Mr. Ye didn't want to make any more troubles, he also smiled at Lian Xie.

"Oh, this is a big deal today. God wants us to make a fortune. Is there a foreigner?"

Lian Beard walked up to Arthur with a knife in his hand, and made two gestures.

But in Arthur's opinion, his knife-playing skills were at the level of a child's play house.

To say that he is playing tricks is flattering him.

"Do you know each other?" Even the sideburns pointed at Ye Feng and asked Arthur.

Arthur stared at him and did not speak, he was sure to kill this reckless guy within a second.

But without Ye Feng's order, he didn't dare to make his own claims.

"I don't know." Ah Can, who was at the side, answered for him.

"Whether you know each other or not, since we met here today, it means that we are destined. Open your carriages and let me see what you have pulled."

As Lian Hu talked, he was about to open the carriage.

But Arthur raised his hand to block his way, his face still cold.

"Hehe, what do you mean? Do you want to fight with us?" Lian Beard couldn't help teasing when he saw his appearance.

The younger brothers behind him also laughed wantonly.

In their view, there are only six people in Ye Feng and his two cars, and two of them are women. Not only can't help, but it may hinder them.

And there are eight of them, and all of them have guys in their hands. It is easy to deal with these four men.

Arthur's resistance seemed ridiculous to them.

"Don't think that we dare not stab you because you are a foreigner. Let me tell you, this is the country of Hua! The days when foreign devils ran rampant in our country are gone forever. You stole so many things from our country back then, Lao Tzu To **** something from you today is considered an honor for the country."

This man with sideburns probably watched a lot of TV shows, and he talked in a set manner, and finally even brought out the righteousness of the nation.

After saying these words, those younger brothers looked at him differently.

It feels like at this moment they are no longer robbers, but righteous men fighting against foreign captives.

A sense of sacred mission came to them.

If we don't **** this foreign devil today, he will be a national sinner.

Fearing that Arthur's violent temper could not be controlled, Ah Can had no choice but to stand up and talk to each other, "Brother, how about it, we pooled up 10,000 yuan for two cars, and it's like treating the brothers to drink. Please hold your hands high and put Let's go."

It's okay if he didn't say anything, but when Lian Huo heard this, he became more energetic, "You guys are very generous, that kid wants to give me two thousand, and you can directly increase the price to ten thousand. Let you do it like this , I am even more curious about what you have pulled in your car, open it and have a look."

"Brother, I really can't see the things on this car, it's quite scary." Ah Can continued to persuade him earnestly.

"I still want to watch it today, but I want to see how scary it is." The bearded man ignored him and turned to drive the rear compartment.

Arthur couldn't bear his violent temper, and kicked Lianxiong's chest directly.

The sideburns flew upside down for three or four meters, then rolled a few times on the ground, unable to get up for a long time.

It was Arthur who held his own and didn't want his life.

Otherwise, with his strength, this kick could directly crush Lianbei's chest.

At the same time that Arthur made a move, another member of the Sirius team also made a move.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this gang of robbers may appear to be extremely vicious.

However, in their eyes, it was as vulnerable as a clay figurine.

The two almost punched each other, knocking all eight robbers to the ground in an instant.

Just when Arthur was about to punch a robber who was still struggling to get up, suddenly there was a gunshot.


The gunshot startled everyone, and they all turned their heads to look.

In the hand of the bearded man, at some point there was an extra earthen gun. At this time, the muzzle of the gun was facing the sky, emitting green smoke.

The manufacturing process of this kind of earthen gun is very primitive. In the past, many people had it in their homes, and they used it for hunting birds and hares.

But even with the most primitive craftsmanship, its lethality is still very strong.

Fortunately, he just fired a shot at the sky. If it was aimed at Arthur, this top mercenary who had killed countless people would probably capsize in the gutter today.

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