Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1523: 【1523】How should you repay your master?

The pair of earrings that Ye Feng took out are indeed better than the jade ring given to Xu Jingxin in terms of aesthetics alone.

This also made Kazama Wu feel that her status in the mind of the master was far higher than that of Xu Jingxin.

This can be seen from the exquisiteness of the gifts given.

Unfortunately, she was indeed wrong.

Ye Feng knew the characters of these two girls too well.

Xu Jingxin has a restrained personality and prefers unpretentious objects.

That jade ring was just to her liking.

And Kazama Dance is still a little girl after all, she prefers brighter and more beautiful ones.

It's all knowledge here.

"Master, does it look good?"

Kazama Dance couldn't wait to put the pair of earrings on her ears.

At this time, she is smiling sweetly, with beautiful eyes looking forward to her, and she is so glamorous.

In a trance, Ye Feng seemed to see the Yu Meiren who would never change with the Overlord until death and whose name would last forever.

Kazama Wu was scrutinized by him with this kind of gaze, and his heart beat wildly.

She and Ye Feng have known each other for so long, and have done everything that should be done, but he has never looked at her with this look.

It was a complex emotion of both admiration and fascination.


Just as she was about to speak, Ye Feng blocked her mouth, "Xiao Wu, is Master treating you well?"

"Okay." Kazama Dance nodded obediently.

"Then how should you repay Master?" Ye Feng made a smirk, and one hand had already hooked her slender waist.

"Ah? Here?" Kazama Dance looked at the surrounding environment.

Although the warehouse has been cleaned, it is still full of dust.

The side is full of all kinds of rustic antiques, weapons and armor, it is really not a romantic place.

But Ye Feng couldn't bear it anymore, turned around and put her on a table.

"Since you want to be Concubine Yu, let me give you a taste of the overlord's hard bow today."

"Master, don't..."

After a night of exploration, fighting, and protracted battles in the warehouse, Ye Feng and Kazama Dance didn't embrace each other until they squeezed out the last bit of strength from their bodies.

When I woke up again, it was already afternoon, and the sun was almost setting.

Ye Feng was awakened by a rapid ringtone of the mobile phone.

In a daze, he picked up the phone and looked at it, only to find that it was Zhuang Xiaoqiao calling.

There are more than 20 missed calls ahead, and she also called. It is estimated that she was too sleepy today to hear.

He lowered his head to take a look at Wu Kazama, who was like suet jade, and a knife mark on her lower abdomen.

It was the scar left by Lan Xingyue. Fortunately, it was not serious. He had already given her medicine, so there should be no scar left.

He simply put on a piece of clothing, and while walking out of the warehouse, he connected the phone.

"Hey, Ye Feng, you finally answered the phone. I've called you so many times, why haven't you answered? I thought you had an accident. You are a real person. I don't know if people are worried about you. ? You want to kill me..."

As soon as Zhuang Xiaoqiao came up, she questioned her like a cannonball.

Ye Feng had no choice but to move the phone away and let her vent first.

The location of the warehouse is very good. Standing here, you can overlook the Yangtze River in the distance.

At this time, the afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on the river, and cruise ships crossed the silky river and headed for the place where the sky and water meet.

This really has a sense of the vastness of the sky and the sky of the Yangtze River.

"Hey, why don't you talk?"

Zhuang Xiaoqiao finally finished complaining. Hearing Ye Feng's silence for a long time, she asked angrily.

"Yeah, you're right." Ye Feng hurriedly said something perfunctory.

"Hmph, it's good to know." Zhuang Xiaoqiao was satisfied after hearing that he admitted his mistake with a good attitude, "How is it? Did your actions go smoothly?"

"Of course it went well, otherwise how could I talk to you on the phone?"

"Then where are you now? I'll go find you."

"Okay, I'll send you the address later."

Ye Feng didn't chat with her too much, and quickly sent her the address.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao was still very fast, and drove over after about half an hour.

Fortunately, Kazama Wu had already woken up at this time, and cleaned up the traces of the battle between the two.

When Zhuang Xiaoqiao saw the huge number of antiques in the warehouse, she was so shocked that she couldn't speak for a long time.

" didn't rob a museum, did you?"

It took a long time before she said that.

She has been in touch with Ye Feng for so long, and in order to have a common language with him, she also taught herself a lot about antique appreciation in private.

Although it is far from reaching the level of experts, some basic things can still be seen.

The antiques in front of us, judging from their styles and decorations, are all from the Warring States Period.

Many are even national treasures.

Even if these things are brought to those large museums, they can be the treasures of the town hall.

But now, these treasures are piled up there like garbage, which is still very shocking.

"Can the museum grab such a good thing?" Kazama Wu walked over and put his arms around Zhuang Xiaoqiao's shoulders.

"Xiao Wu, tell me quickly, what you have experienced this time." Zhuang Xiaoqiao hurriedly grabbed her little hand and asked like a curious baby.

Even though Wu Kazama told her in detail how they entered the secret treasure and how they passed through many dangers.

Her eloquence is very good, and many thrilling scenes are described vividly, making people feel as if they are on the scene.

When Zhuang Xiaoqiao heard that Ye Feng fell into the flap, she knew that Ye Feng was standing beside her at this time, so she was not in any danger, but she still felt anxious.

It wasn't until Kazama Dance said that they had successfully brought these treasures out of the secret store that she was relieved.

However, the narration of Kazama Wu was not over yet, and then it was about Lan Xingyue's identity being discovered by Ye Feng, and a battle broke out between the two sides.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao raised her heart again, not even daring to breathe.

When I heard that Wu Kazama pretended to be her and successfully killed a genetically modified person.

I couldn't help but applaud, as if she also had a share of the credit.

The two girls chatted in such a startled manner, which made Ye Feng yawn.

Isn't it just searching the secret treasure left by Xiang Yu unscathed?

Isn't it designed to kill more than 20 genetically modified people who are equivalent to the strength of Anjin's initial stage?

What's there to show off?

"Hmph, big pig's trotter."

After listening to Fengjianwu's narration, Zhuang Xiaoqiao glared at Ye Feng angrily.

It was this guy's fault that she missed out on such a wonderful expedition.

The more Miss Zhuang thought about it, the angrier she became, and she kicked Ye Feng's calf.

Ye Feng had already noticed it, but he was too lazy to hide.


Zhuang Xiaoqiao kicked it up, as if kicking on a concrete pillar, and grinned in pain.

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