Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1524: 【1524】Aren't you too domineering?

Looking up, she found that Ye Feng was holding back her laughter, which made Zhuang Xiaoqiao even more angry.

"I'm fighting with you."

She bared her teeth and clawed at Ye Feng.

Faced with her overreaching attack, Ye Feng just took a small step back, leaving Zhuang Xiaoqiao in the air.

He bumped into the place where Ye Feng and Kazama Wu were sleeping just now.

"Who is so uncivil? He actually spits everywhere."

Zhuang Xiaoqiao threw herself to the ground, rubbing her aching knee with one hand, while the other hand was stuck with something sticky.

She thought it was someone spitting up the phlegm, and she immediately looked disgusted.

Ye Feng looked at Kazama Wu in embarrassment, and Kazama Wu stuck out her little tongue.

I tidied up too hastily just now, and there are still omissions.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao got up and continued to settle accounts with Ye Feng, Ye Feng had no choice but to beg for mercy, and promised to take her with her next adventure.

This made Miss Zhuang pause for a while.

"You have gained quite a lot this time, but what do you do with so many antiques?" Zhuang Xiaoqiao looked at the pile of antiques that looked like a hill, and immediately became worried for Ye Feng.

"Do you have any good ideas?" Ye Feng asked back.

"If it's one or two pieces, I can help you find a way. But the quantity is so huge, what can I do?" Zhuang Xiaoqiao shook her head immediately.

There are so many antiques that are enough to open a museum. How can they handle them with their ability alone?

"I usually see you bluffing, and think you are so powerful, but you are a waste." Ye Feng taunted mercilessly.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao frowned again, "You call me trash? If you have a way, then you should deal with it. Why do you ask me?"

"Of course I can."

"Cut, bragging."

"Then shall we make a bet?"

"What bet?"

"If I can get rid of all these antiques, you can dress up as Xiao Wu and let me command you for three days. Do you dare?"

Ye Feng looked at her provocatively.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao suddenly hesitated, "Three days? Isn't this too long?"

"It's fine if you don't dare to gamble." Ye Feng was about to turn around and walk away.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao hastily stopped him, "Who says I dare not gamble anymore? Let me tell you first, I can let you do what I want, but you can't touch me, let alone... me."

"Which one?" Ye Feng asked with a smile.

"You know."

"This, I really don't understand, can you clarify?"

"You... did you do it on purpose?"

Zhuang Xiaoqiao suddenly became furious and wanted to chase him down again.

Ye Feng hurriedly confessed, "Okay, okay, I promise I won't do that to you, it's okay, right?"

Only then did Zhuang Xiaoqiao nodded in satisfaction, "Also, you must dispose of these antiques before twelve o'clock tonight in order to count yourself as a winner. If you exceed the time limit, even if it is only a minute, you will be counted as a loser."

"Are you going too far?" Ye Feng quit immediately, "It's already six o'clock in the afternoon, and there are still six hours left today. How can you dispose of so many antiques?"

"Then I don't care. If you don't dare to gamble, then admit that you are trash." Zhuang Xiaoqiao crossed Xiaoman's waist and looked at him proudly.

Seeing her smug look, Ye Feng laughed angrily, "Okay, today is today, let's see how I deal with you then."

After finishing speaking, he took out his mobile phone and called Lin Qianqian directly.

The other side quickly connected the phone.

"Hey, Boss, do you still remember that you have an antique shop? I thought you forgot about it long ago." Lin Qianqian spoke with resentment, obviously dissatisfied with Ye Feng, the hands-off shopkeeper.

"Where is there so much nonsense? Is it because you have been paid less salary? Or because you have lost your benefits? If you dare to be disrespectful to the boss, believe it or not, I will deduct your salary?" Ye Feng put on the boss' airs as soon as he came up.

Lin Qianqian immediately confessed, "I'm sorry, boss, I was wrong just now, what's the matter with you calling me? Just tell me, I will definitely help you to do it properly."

"That's about the same." Ye Feng nodded with satisfaction, "Are you free now?"

"Can I say I'm not free?"


"You're really domineering. It's already off-duty time. From a legal point of view, I can refuse any order from you." Lin Qianqian immediately protested to the vampire boss.

"Okay, tell me from the legal point of view? Then I will talk from the salary point of view. If you dare to refuse my order, this month's salary will be gone." Ye Feng threatened openly.

The hard-working worker Lin Qianqian had no choice but to confess again, "I'm sorry, boss, I don't dare anymore. If you have any orders, just ask, can I promise?"

Only then did Ye Feng smile with satisfaction, "That's right. No matter what you have on hand, let me put it down, take the fastest flight, and fly to Jiangzuo right away."


"That's right, right away. If you can't see your person before twelve o'clock tonight, then you don't come, just send your resignation report."

"Are you too domineering? How can you be like this? I protest."

"Protesting is useless, you still have six... no, five hours and forty-two minutes to be precise. You can figure it out."

After Ye Feng finished speaking, he hung up the phone without giving her another chance to protest.

He plans to put some of the fine works in Maple Leaf Pavilion as the treasures of the town hall.

With these high-quality antiques from the Warring States period, Maple Leaf Pavilion can definitely be raised a few more levels.

Don’t dare to say anything else, just ask the antique shop in Nanyue Province, which one has this level of antiques?

With an antique town store of this level, Maple Leaf Pavilion will become the number one antique brand in southern Guangdong, and it will be just around the corner.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao and Feng Jian Wu watched from the side, couldn't help curling their lips secretly.

This guy was so domineering that he asked him to come all the way from Nanyue to Jiangzuo, and he had to arrive before twelve o'clock in the evening.

This is simply robbery.

They couldn't help feeling sorry for Lin Qianqian, whom they had never met.

Poor woman, why do you have to work under such a blood-sucking boss?

Ye Feng didn't know what they were thinking, so after hanging up on Lin Qianqian, he called Chen Qiushan again.

How can such a good opportunity to make a fortune forget this good friend?

"Hey, brother Ye, are you having fun in Jiangzuo?"

Immediately after the call was connected, Chen Qiushan's hearty voice came, and it could be heard that he was in a good mood.

"Brother Chen, what good thing happened to you? Tell me, let me be happy together." Ye Feng didn't directly talk about the antique, but talked about what he didn't want to do.

"Hahaha, it's nothing. It's just that I just received a good batch of goods, which means I've completed this month's KPI."

"Hearing Brother Chen's tone, it seems that this batch of goods is not bad. What year is it? How much did it cost?"

"A batch of Tang Sancai was purchased for a total of more than 400 million yuan, and it should be able to sell 500 to 600 million yuan."

In fact, these are already commercial secrets, but Chen Qiushan revealed the whole thing without any concealment, which shows his trust in Ye Feng.

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