Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1533: 【1533】Do you think he is Huang Feihong?

Since going to King Xiang's Secret Treasure last night until now, Ye Feng really hasn't eaten anything, and his stomach has long been unbearable.

After swallowing the three bowls of sliced ​​noodles wholeheartedly, there was finally some comfort in his stomach.

And the two girls haven't even finished half a bowl.

"Hey, have you guys heard? There was big news on the snack street just now."

At this moment, a man sitting at the table next to them was bragging to his companions at the same table while watching the news in the WeChat group.

"What's the big news?" Someone asked curiously, and everyone else looked at the man curiously.

The man was in his thirties, his face was flushed from drinking, and now that he was the focus of everyone, his face became even more rosy.

He picked up the wine glass, poured half of the white wine into his mouth, and then slapped it on the table with a "bang", bragging vividly.

"Just now there was a fierce man on the Antique Street, and more than a hundred people lay down by himself. And these more than a hundred people were carrying machetes in their hands. Do you think it's awesome or not?"

"Isn't this too ridiculous? Do more than a hundred by one person? Do you think he is Huang Feihong?"

"Huang Feihong is not so fierce, is he? What is the concept of knowing more than a hundred people holding machetes? Even Tyson has to be chopped into meat paste."

"You don't even make drafts when you're bragging, isn't it too exaggerated?"

"That's right, Newton's coffin boards can't bear it anymore..."

The companions questioned the man's words.

The man suddenly became anxious, "You still don't believe it? Is there a video to prove it?"

The man hurriedly played a video that was crazily forwarded in the WeChat group.

The three of Ye Feng suddenly became nervous, wouldn't they also be photographed?

But when this video was played, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

It is estimated that the person who posted the video also knew that Ye Feng's background was strong enough, and he was afraid of getting himself into trouble, so he didn't shoot the three of Ye Feng, mainly targeting Liu Kuanhai and his gang.

Moreover, this video has been edited, splicing together the scenes of Liu Kuanhai and his group being repaired miserably the first two times, and the third scene of more than a hundred people holding machetes.

It looked as if more than a hundred people were looking for trouble with machetes, but some of them were pierced by chopsticks, and some were beaten and rolled all over the ground, crying.

In short, this scene is **** and exciting. For people who are used to ordinary life, the impact is still very strong.

"My god, it's actually true? Doing more than a hundred people alone? Isn't this really a movie?"

"I said to go to the snack street to eat. You think there are too many people there, so you just refuse to go. You missed such a good show for nothing."

"Don't talk about it, I'm almost regretting it. This kind of scene may not be encountered once in a lifetime, and I just missed it."

"Yeah, if I can meet him, I will worship that master as my teacher no matter what I say. I have wanted to be a hero since I was a child, but I have never found the opportunity."

"This is life, you don't have the life to be a hero..."

With this topic, the atmosphere at that table became more and more heated.

Some people were guessing Ye Feng's identity, some were bragging about his strength, and two women were curious about what Ye Feng looked like.

Ye Feng thought it was funny at first, but the more they said it, the more outrageous it became. Some people even said that he might be a superman, maybe he took time to have a meal in his spare time to save the earth.

He really couldn't stand it anymore, so he got up to pay the bill, and was about to take Zhuang Xiaoqiao and Fengjian Wu to leave.

Just when the three of them were about to step out of the gate, they suddenly heard the sound of tables and chairs colliding behind them, followed by exclamations.

The three of them looked back, and saw the man with a red face just now, lying on his back on the ground at this time, his face was no longer rosy, replaced by a kind of pale.

And his companion at the same table yelled in panic.

In fact, Ye Feng noticed just now that this guy has a liver problem, and his reaction to alcohol is very slow, which gives people a false impression that he can drink very well.

In fact, on the contrary, the more he drank, the more dangerous he became.

Sure enough, there was finally a problem with drinking.

"Call an ambulance, hurry up..."

"He is intoxicated by alcohol, and the ambulance will take ten minutes at the fastest, and I'm afraid it will be too late."

"Then what should we do? If it turns out to be good or bad, we can't get rid of it."

"Is there a doctor on site? Someone is alcoholic, is there a doctor..."

Those companions were already in a hurry.

Some shouted for help, some were stunned and stunned, and some even started to help the person with cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng couldn't help shaking his head.

It's good that they don't mess around, the man might survive until the ambulance arrives.

It's dangerous to be tossed about by them now.

Sure enough, at this moment, the man suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood.

This time, the companions were completely shocked.

"It's over, it's over, it's about to kill someone."

"Oh my god, are you vomiting blood? What... what should I do?"

"We have a big problem this time, will we go to jail?"

"I don't want to go to jail. I just graduated from university this year, and I still have to contribute to my motherland."

"My daughter was just born, is she going to lose her father..."


"Let me see."

The man was about to die, and Ye Feng couldn't help but walk over.

"Are you a doctor?" Those companions looked at Ye Feng expectantly as if grabbing a life-saving straw.

"No." Ye Feng shook his head.

"Not a doctor? Then you'd better not meddle in your own business."

Everyone was disappointed when they heard that he was not a doctor, and they were about to stop him.

Ye Feng looked at them angrily, "Apart from trusting me, do you have any other options?"

The companions all looked at each other in blank dismay, and had no choice but to keep their mouths shut.

Now he can only treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor. Doing something is better than doing nothing.

Ye Feng ignored them, squatted down, and checked the man's condition.

The man was indeed intoxicated with alcohol and was in critical condition.

If the toxin cannot be discharged within five minutes, there is no need to send it to the hospital, and it can be sent directly to the crematorium.

He tore open the man's shirt, then took out a silver needle from his body, and performed a simple disinfection.

Then, needles were used at Qimen, Ganshu, Qihai, Xingjian, Dadun and other acupoints.

Because the liver belongs to wood, and water grows wood, so the needling method he used is the water-moving penetrating needling method.

It can activate liver function in a short time and help expel toxins.

Of course, just doing this step is not enough.

This person has a problem with liver function and cannot rely on the liver's own operation to expel toxins in a short period of time, so a set of massage techniques to promote blood circulation is also necessary.

Everyone looked at Ye Feng's movements curiously. His fingers were very slender and very suitable for playing the piano.

And his massage movements at this time are also very similar to playing the piano, without any strength.

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