Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1534: 【1534】Oh my god, it was really saved?

Everyone was confused and even secretly suspicious.

Just a few needles and a few gentle presses can save people from life?

Is this a bit of a joke?

Even Zhuang Xiaoqiao and Fengjian Wu knew that Ye Feng's medical skills were very powerful, but they couldn't understand what he was doing, they just didn't understand it.

At this time, the customers who were dining in the restaurant also gathered around, whispering from time to time.

The owner of the restaurant also rushed over after hearing the news. After seeing the scene, his legs became weak with fright.

If someone died in his restaurant, he might not be able to get away with it.

"Is this a medical technique? Why can't I understand it?"

"Of course you don't understand. This is Chinese medicine. Didn't you see that everyone uses acupuncture?"

"Hehe, what do you know? Is acupuncture the same as Chinese medicine? I can tell you very responsibly that he is messing around and it is not Chinese medicine at all."

"If you say it's not, then it's not? We don't understand, do you understand?"

"Nonsense, I'm a graduate student of the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, do you think I understand?"

"Fuck, you are a student of the College of Chinese Medicine, where did you die when he was looking for a doctor just now? Now come out to pretend to be garlic? What are you?"

"That's right, you don't have the guts to save someone yourself, but someone else saves you, and you're making sarcastic remarks here, what the hell..."

The student from the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine was scolded by everyone, and he was so ashamed that he had no choice but to keep his mouth shut.

At this moment, the unconscious man suddenly reacted.

I saw his chest began to rise and fall violently, like a bellows, and the frequency became more and more rapid.

But Ye Feng's movements didn't stop, and he also accelerated the rhythm.

Finally, the man sat up abruptly, and opened his mouth to spit out a lot of filth.

Ye Feng's reaction speed was extremely fast, and he had already hid far away.

But one of the man's companions didn't have time to dodge, and was spat out by a shoe.

In the filth, apart from what they ate tonight, there was also a lot of blood.

The whole restaurant immediately stinks and is disgusting.

But everyone present was very excited.

"My God, it was really saved? It's amazing!"

"My God, it's really amazing. Just a few needles and a few light presses with your hands, it really saved the life?"

"I didn't expect this little brother to be so skilled in medicine at such a young age?"

"The most important thing is that he is still handsome."

"Young, with great medical skills, handsome, and so righteous, it's perfect."

"Where's the top student from the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine just now? Didn't he say that he is not a Chinese medicine doctor, and he is just messing around? Come out and take a few steps?"

"He knows a lot about chicken feathers. No wonder Chinese medicine is declining more and more. It turns out that what the Chinese medicine school learns is this kind of waste?"

The student from the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine had already been scolded so much that he couldn't hold his head up, and fled away in despair.

And the man who was rescued, when he learned the whole process, immediately knelt down and kowtowed to Ye Feng.

"Thank you, the divine doctor, for saving my life."

Ye Feng didn't stop him, because he really could stand his worship.

He not only saved his life just now, but also cured his liver disease.

As far as his illness is concerned, if you go to the hospital, no one can cure it, and the effect can't be compared with his.

At this time, the man's companions also looked at Ye Feng gratefully.

"Genius doctor, thank you for your help. Without you, we might not be able to get away with it."

"Yes, you not only saved him, but you also saved us all."

"Most of us are students, and we don't have much money on us. Let's put together 20,000 yuan as a thank you gift to the genius doctor. What do you think?"

"I agree that people should be rewarded for acting out of righteousness, so that society can become a better place."

At this moment, the owner of the store also came over, excitedly holding Ye Feng's hand, "Thank you, little genius doctor. Without you, my store would not be able to continue. How about it, I will also take out 10,000 yuan as a thank you gift." , don’t be too small.”

Faced with their enthusiasm, Ye Feng felt a little comforted in his heart.

Being able to receive sincere gratitude from others is perhaps the greatest reward for every medical student, right?

As for their little money, to be honest, he really didn't like it.

"I have received everyone's thanks, but the money will be waived. I saved him, and it was just a matter of raising my hand."

Everyone still insisted, but Ye Feng was firm.

After collecting the silver needles, they left with Zhuang Xiaoqiao and Kazama Wu.

Already gone far away, I can still hear the voices of thanks from everyone.

"Ye Feng, you were so handsome just now."

The three of them had already left the hotel, Zhuang Xiaoqiao suddenly gave Ye Feng a thumbs up.

Kazama Dance on the side also nodded, "I think so too."

"What's this called? Wasn't I handsome before?" Ye Feng was a little displeased.

When he showed off his power in the snack street just now, the two girls didn't praise him for being handsome.

Now he just saved someone casually, and he was very puzzled to receive such praise.

"Because saving one life is more respectable than building a seven-level pagoda and killing ten thousand people." Zhuang Xiaoqiao gave the answer.

"That's right, that's what I want to say." Kazama Wu nodded immediately.

Ye Feng rubbed his nose, "Then it seems that we should save more people in the future, so as not to cause too many murders and die a bad death."

"What nonsense are you talking about? You were quite serious just now, but you lost your mind while talking." Zhuang Xiaoqiao immediately blamed her.

"Bah, bah, hurry up and pat the wood, what you just said doesn't count." Kazama Dance also hurriedly urged.

Ye Feng was immediately amused by the two, "You two little girls are quite superstitious."

Looking at the delicate appearance of the two girls, he stretched out his hand out of nowhere and pinched their little noses.

The expressions of the two girls suddenly became dull.

"This guy is too much, actually molesting both of us at the same time?"

"Master, how can you do this?"

"Fuck him!"

The two girls immediately started chasing and killing Ye Feng.

Ye Feng had no choice but to flee on the street with his head in his arms.

Mr. Ye, who faced more than a hundred gangsters with machetes just now, had no fear on his face, but was defeated in front of two dainty beauties, and was beaten and fled in embarrassment.

If this matter gets out, it is estimated that it will be laughed out of the mouth.

The three had a fight, and then parted ways.

Kazama Wu still needs to return to the warehouse to be responsible for the delivery with Lin Qianqian and Chen Qiushan.

Ye Feng has already sorted those antiques into categories, and when their people arrive, they can take them away directly, and he doesn't need to do it himself.

And Zhuang Xiaoqiao had to return to the small courtyard they rented.

After Ye Feng sent the two away, he was about to find a hotel to stay in.

But at this moment, a system notification suddenly sounded in his ears.

"A new treasure navigation has been detected, the host is asked to go straight for 20 meters along the current road and turn right..."

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