Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1535: 【1535】What the **** is this place?

He who was already a little sleepy suddenly lifted his spirits.

I didn't expect a hidden treasure navigation to appear in the middle of the night. Where can I lead this time?

Out of curiosity, he hurriedly followed the system navigation.

After walking for more than ten minutes, they soon came to an abandoned warehouse by the river.

The area around the warehouse is very dilapidated, and it looks like it hasn't been used for a long time.

But at this time, the warehouse was brightly lit, and I didn't know what was going on inside.

Moreover, there were two people guarding the warehouse door, which made it look a bit weird inside.

He observed from a distance for a while, and found that people would enter the warehouse from time to time.

The two guards did not stop them.

Only then did he feel relieved and walked towards the warehouse.

But when he came to the door, he was stopped by those two people.

"Sorry, this is a private place, and outsiders are not allowed to enter." One of the taller men stared at Ye Feng sharply, as if guarding against thieves.

Ye Feng frowned, "Then how could those people go in?"

"Can you control it? It's other people's business that other people can enter, but you can't go in anyway." The man's tone was very unfriendly, as if he wanted to do something.

Ye Feng smiled disdainfully, "As long as it is a place I want to enter, there is no place I cannot enter."

"Ah, what you mean, do you still want to force your way in? If you have the guts, try it." The man waved his huge fist, his face full of threats.

Just when the two sides are on the verge of swords and conflicts are on the verge of breaking out.

A familiar voice suddenly came from behind, "Isn't this Young Master Feng? Are you free to visit the black market today?"

Ye Feng looked back and was stunned for a moment, but soon recognized it.

The two people walking across were actually Yu Fengsheng and Lai Zhiqiang.

However, both of them had disguised themselves, obviously not wanting to be recognized.

"It turned out to be Yu Shao and Brother Qiang. I didn't expect to meet here. It's really fate." Ye Feng also imitated Yu Fengsheng's tone and began to put on airs.

Yu Fengsheng came over, took out a black card from his pocket, and waved it in front of the two gatekeepers, "He is my friend, can I take him in?"

When those two people saw the black card, their expressions immediately became serious, "The distinguished guests who hold the black gold card have no problem at all."

Yu Fengsheng nodded in satisfaction, and stepped into the warehouse first, followed by Lai Zhiqiang.

When Ye Feng walked in front of the gatekeeper, he deliberately challenged him: "I just said that as long as it is a place I want to enter, there is no place I cannot enter."

The man's cheeks twitched twice, but in the end he held back and didn't move.

Anyone who can hold a black gold card is their honored guest.

Anyone who dares to be rude to distinguished guests will be severely punished by the above.

Ye Feng didn't embarrass the two watchdogs anymore, and walked into the warehouse.

As soon as he entered the warehouse, he was shocked by the sight in front of him.

This warehouse is very large, at least tens of thousands of square meters.

There are various stalls inside, not only all kinds of antiques, but also controlled items such as spray guns.

The most exaggerated thing is that he also saw a few containers, surrounded by many people.

"I'll go, what the **** is this place?" He turned to Yu Fengsheng for an answer.

"The black market. Here, only you can't imagine, there is nothing you can't buy. As long as you have money, you can buy airplanes and cannons."

"Isn't that a bit exaggerated?"

"You do not believe?"

Yu Fengsheng pointed to a man sitting in a corner. There was nothing around this man, just sitting on a small bench and dozing off.

"Did you see that man? This man is nicknamed Mao San, and he specializes in arms smuggling. As long as you have money, you can get F35."

Ye Feng was speechless.

I didn't expect Jiangzuo to have such a place where dragons and tigers are hidden.

Sure enough, you can't underestimate anyone!

Ye Feng and Yu Fengsheng wandered around the black market for a while, and they found a lot of good things, and none of them could be found on the market.

There are even various guns, grenades, and even various white powders.

This simply opened his eyes.

While the three of them were wandering around, they suddenly saw seven or eight people gathering towards them from all directions.

Ye Feng thought he was here to make trouble, and was secretly on guard.

But he soon realized that he was worrying too much. These people came to Yu Fengsheng with a very respectful attitude.

"How is it? Did you find something?" Yu Fengsheng looked at everyone expectantly.

These people all shook their heads with shame on their faces.

"What do you all eat? I spent so much money to invite you here, and this is how you repay me?" Yu Fengsheng was furious.

"Boss Yu, we have tried our best, but we really didn't find what you want."

"Could it be that your message is wrong? That thing is not here at all."

"Yes, yes, we checked very carefully and didn't miss any booth, but we did not find the thing you mentioned."

Everyone spoke in a hurry.

The more Yu Fengsheng heard it, the more annoyed he became, and he sternly said, "Don't make excuses for your incompetence."

Her voice was a bit loud, and immediately attracted a lot of attention.

A few people who were maintaining order at the scene focused their attention on this side, obviously arousing their suspicion.

Yu Fengsheng had no choice but to suppress the anger in his heart, "Go look for me again, if you can't find those things today, don't blame me for being rude to you."

Those people suddenly walked away with sad faces.

"Who are these people?" Ye Feng waited for these people to leave, and then looked at Yu Fengsheng curiously.

"They are all famous antique appraisers in Jiangzuo." Yu Fengsheng didn't hide it either.

"What did you ask them to help you find?" Seeing that Yu Fengsheng was hesitant, Ye Feng hurriedly added, "If it's not convenient for you to tell me, just pretend I didn't ask."

Yu Fengsheng shook his head and smiled wryly, "Actually, there's nothing inconvenient to say, I'm looking for a notebook."


"Yes. This manuscript is called "The Great Qin Nestorian Three Ways of Meng Duzan". Mr. Ye is a master of antiques, he should have heard of it?" Yu Feng looked at him with a half-smile.

Ye Feng broke out in a cold sweat immediately, he is not worthy of his name as a master of antiques.

But fortunately, he had acquired a lot of knowledge about antiques later on, and he had actually heard of this manuscript of "The Great Qin Nestorian Sanwei Mengduzan", because this manuscript is so famous.

It was originally the treasure of the stone chamber in Mingsha Mountain, Dunhuang, but it was stolen by a bandit scholar in a country where the sun never sets in 1908.

When he saw these materials, he gritted his teeth with hatred.

So I was very impressed with this manuscript.

After hearing his explanation, Yu Fengsheng couldn't help giving a thumbs up, "Mr. Ye really deserves to be a master of antiques, he knows this manuscript better than me."

Ye Feng immediately realized, "You mean, this manuscript is in this black market?"


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