Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1601: 【1601】This is what I have built for you!

"So, did we really find the treasure this time?" Zhuang Xiaoqiao's eyes lit up.

"It's unnecessary for you to ask."

Ye Feng clutched his forehead, feeling that he was talking to this girl in vain, but he still held his temper: "Let me tell you, there are too few genuine Ru kiln handed down from generation to generation, just this one in my hand, at least it can be auctioned off." The price is 10 million. Like the Statue of Liberty just now, it is mainly expensive on the material."

"If it's made of iron, it's definitely not worth as much."

Zhuang Xiaoqiao's happiness blossomed, and she admired Ye Feng even more, and she was about to throw herself into the ground.

Ye Feng was also very happy at the moment, thinking that this time when he came out with Zhuang Xiaoqiao, it could be regarded as coming, and he really found a treasure.

Leaving aside the small profit of one hundred million in the Seattle mall, just this wave of gambling on warehouses alone is another nine-figure net profit.

"Look quickly, are the rest of them genuine?" Zhuang Xiaoqiao's eyes lit up, like a hungry wolf that has been falling into a flock of sheep.

Seeing the girl's appearance of being a money fan, Ye Feng couldn't help laughing, thinking that you have a prominent family background, and you don't lack this little money!

I am from a poor family, and I am not as excited as you!

"Look at this porcelain vase, the carcass is thicker, the azure glaze is slightly pink, and the glaze surface has large grains. This is due to the different expansion coefficients of the carcass and glaze after heating."

"Porcelain has no glaze on the foot, and it is iron black after firing. The glaze on the mouth is thin, and the fetal bone is slightly visible. This is the most prominent feature of official kiln porcelain 'purple mouth and iron foot'."

"Look at this piece of white porcelain again. The porcelain is delicate, thin and shiny, and the glaze is as moist as jade. This is Ding Kiln porcelain, also from the Song Dynasty."

There are many porcelains in the warehouse, and Ye Feng introduced them to Zhuang Xiaoqiao one by one.

At first, Zhuang Xiaoqiao's attention was focused on these porcelains, and she was very concerned about the value of these porcelains.

But later, she no longer cared about these porcelains, but became more curious about Ye Feng.

Ye Feng is very familiar with every piece of porcelain here, no matter its origin or value, he has made it clear.

Of course, Ye Feng would not tell her that these are actually the results of system identification. What he was more curious about at the moment was the person who rented this warehouse before.

There are more than 100 pieces of porcelain here, and they are all genuine products. Among them, there are more than 30 pieces of Ru Kiln porcelain. It is conservatively estimated that the value of these Ru Kiln porcelain is more than 300 million.

To be able to collect so many porcelains from the five famous kilns, that person must not be an ordinary person, and these things must not have been forgotten by him. It is very likely that he encountered an accident, and these porcelains became ownerless.

When he came back to his senses, Ye Feng saw Zhuang Xiaoqiao staring at him obsessively. Knowing that the girl had suffered from **** again, he pointed to the porcelain in the warehouse and said, "My dear concubine, look, this is what I laid down for you." Jiangshan!"

"What about over there?" Zhuang Xiaoqiao stretched out her hand and pointed out.

"My dear concubine, don't make trouble, it hasn't been shot yet!" Ye Feng straightened Zhuang Xiaoqiao's head.

This girl was quite jumping, pointing to the direction of the White House.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao covered her mouth and chuckled.

Ye Feng directly dialed the number of the world's largest auction house, the US branch of Sotheby's Auction House, and told the other party directly that he had the posthumous work of Gaul artist Robert Cochet in his hand, a golden Statue of Liberty as high as 50 centimeters.

As for those porcelains, he didn't plan to auction them in the United States. The reason is also very simple. These things originally flowed from the motherland, and he had to bring them back to the country. He must not let them wander in foreign countries, otherwise he would be a member of the nation.

On the other end of the phone, when the staff of Sotheby's Auction Company just received a call from Ye Feng, they thought that there was a big business coming, and asked politely, "Hello, canlhelpyou (Hello, how can I help you? Is it, but when he heard Ye Feng's nonsense, his face immediately darkened, and he said "Fu*ck" directly, and hung up the phone.

"Hey, Carl, please don't be so rude, you know, the customer is God! I have warned you many times!" The director of the auction company reprimanded immediately.

"Boss, do you know?"

"There was a mentally handicapped guy just now, and he said he had Robbie Cochet's posthumous work, a large golden Statue of Liberty!"

"Damn it, I've grown up and it's the first time I've heard of Robert making big things, and it's the Statue of Liberty."

"This idiot's head should be a door clamp, otherwise he couldn't possibly not know that the designer of the Statue of Liberty is Bartholdi!"

The staff member named Carl burst out laughing.

"It seems that that stupid pig's head was indeed caught by the door!"

The supervisor patted Carl on the shoulder: "You did the right thing, Carl!"

Soon, the fact that someone wanted to auction off Robbie's golden Statue of Liberty spread like a joke in the Seattle branch of Sotheby's auction company.

Ye Feng who was hung up on the phone was very annoyed. The arrogance in the bones of Americans is indeed very American.

But thinking about it carefully, Ye Feng still thinks it is better to bring this thing back to China for shooting. Robbing a bank with a gun.

The golden Statue of Liberty is too eye-catching, it is better to take it back to China for photography.

As long as I let the wind out in advance after I return to China, I'm not afraid that those wealthy artists abroad who are chasing Robert will not be greedy. Maybe they will all come to Huaguo and fight for the golden Statue of Liberty.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng called Chen Qiushan directly.

Although the Seattle branch of Sotheby's Auction Company did not believe him, Chen Qiushan, as the person in charge of Sotheby's Auction Company's Nanyue branch, also had a wide network of contacts in the United States, so he asked him to contact a freight company for him, and directly Help yourself to consign the gold Statue of Liberty and those china back home.

"Brother, do you think it's noon?" Chen Qiushan on the phone sounded a little tired.

"Isn't it? I'm almost dripping with sweat!"

"No... Did you forget that you are always in West Fifth District, and I am in East Eighth District. There is a thirteen time zone difference between us!"

Everyone in Chen Qiushan was about to scold him, thinking that this elder brother is very good at making troubles.

Ye Feng was a little embarrassed, he was a little too excited, but he forgot about it.

After seeing his purpose, Ye Feng hung up the phone.

The day was full of harvest, and Ye Feng felt very comfortable.

The two left the warehouse area and directly hailed a taxi to return to the hotel.

After the taxi drove for a certain distance, Ye Feng sensed that something was wrong. Although he was very unfamiliar with the country of America, he still remembered the road he had traveled very clearly. There was obviously something wrong with this road. The taxi driver seemed to deliberately take them to a remote place pull.

Ye Feng turned his head and glanced at Zhuang Xiaoqiao, seeing that she didn't realize the danger was approaching at all. Can't help feeling for her.

This girl really has a big heart!

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