Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1602: 【1602】Grudges must be reported on the spot!

Ye Feng knew that the appearance of this taxi driver was not accidental.

He showed off his money-making ability when bidding for the warehouse, and he has been targeted by criminals in the United States.

However, he is very confident in his own strength, knowing what dangers he will encounter next, but he is not in a hurry.

The car drove out of the bustling urban area and went straight to the outskirts of the road.

Only then did Zhuang Xiaoqiao react: "Hey, friend, did you go the wrong way?"

The driver ignored his words and continued to call forward.

"It's not that he went the wrong way, it's that we got on the wrong bus." Ye Feng crossed his hands and put his fingers behind his head.

When Zhuang Xiaoqiao heard this, she immediately understood what was going on, and became a little uneasy.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here for everything." Ye Feng smiled lightly and patted her on the shoulder.

"Besides, this is not the first time we have encountered this."

"Take it easy."

"Just treat it as a little bit of adjustment in ordinary days!"

Zhuang Xiaoqiao had an inexplicable newcomer to Ye Feng, and after being comforted by him, she relaxed a little, but there was still a little vigilance in her eyes.

"Friend, you scared my girlfriend, don't you plan to stop?" Ye Feng asked the black man who was driving.

At this time, the black man had already driven into a deserted beach, and there were still a few cars parked here.

He slammed the direction, stepped on the brake, and the car drifted 180 degrees on the spot, kicking up billowing sand.

The moment he drifted, Ye Feng hugged Zhuang Xiaoqiao, whose face was pale with fright, to prevent her from getting hurt.

Without waiting for the car to get out, the black driver opened the door, pulled out a pistol from his waist, opened the back door and said to Ye Feng: "Hey, friend, tell your little girlfriend, don't be afraid, you can get out of the car now !"

At the same time, a dozen or so men, including blacks and whites, got off from several other cars that had been parked here beforehand.

They were no doubt carrying guns, compared to the small pistol in the black driver's hand.

The weapons of this group of people are a bit outrageous. They even carry automatic rifles and micro-Cs, and there are two large-caliber Remingtons.

Ye Feng grinned, thinking that he was a little overbearing. It was not difficult for the opponent to get out of this battle with his own martial arts, but it was a bit uncomfortable to have Zhuang Xiaoqiao by his side.

At least, it has raised a level of difficulty compared to the easy mode I imagined before!

"My friend, what are you hesitating for? Do you want to bet on whether there are any bullets in my gun?" The black man became a little impatient, and directly put the muzzle of the gun on Ye Feng's temple.

Ye Feng looked at Zhuang Xiaoqiao who was trembling with fright, and said in his mother tongue: "I'll get off the car, you lie down immediately, don't get up, remember!"

"Stop talking nonsense, get out of the car!" The black man roared angrily, and raised the gun in his hand vigorously.

Only then did Ye Feng pretend to raise his hands, and slowly got out of the car,

At this moment, he noticed an Asian man in the crowd, and couldn't help frowning tightly.

This guy is the islander he saw when he was bidding for the warehouse.

The black man was about to urge Zhuang Xiaoqiao to get out of the car too, when Ye Feng kicked the car door shut suddenly, grabbed the gun from his hand, and knocked him unconscious with a knife.

Then, he jumped directly to the main driver, didn't even close the door, stepped on the clutch and put it in gear, then released the clutch, and stepped on the accelerator to the end.

The car made a piercing roar, and the two rear wheels directly rolled up billowing yellow dust.

Everyone thought that he was going to drive away, and they directly fired at him with a gun. The rear headlights burst immediately, and he was beaten with holes.

Fortunately, Zhuang Xiaoqiao kept Ye Feng's advice in mind and lay down on the back seat, so she was unscathed.

Ye Feng slammed in the direction, and suddenly turned around, lying on the steering wheel, and ran straight into the islander who was holding a Remington in his hand.

"Baga!" The island man's face was distorted, and he fired two shots at the front of the car, shattering the glass of the car, but he was also knocked out by the car.

Ye Feng didn't let go of the gas pedal, and ran over the man from the island country, causing a cloud of blood to burst out.

When he put it in reverse gear again, a group of foreigners saw that the Chinese boy was too aggressive, and they immediately scattered and avoided in fright.

Ye Feng turned around and drove towards the city.


"Chasing! Chase! Don't let this **** dog get away!"

The foreigners jumped into their cars and chased after Ye Feng. A group of people poked their heads out from the window of the car and fired their guns.

"Cao Nima's American guy, you've watched too many movies!" Ye Feng glanced at the rearview mirror, saw that these **** wanted to knock off his tires, spit, twisted the steering wheel with both hands, and the car was on the road. Swinging back and forth, one S-curve after another floats out.

Gunshots roared from behind, and the bullets scraped the side of the road and sparked.

Several cars were chasing each other on the road, Ye Feng wanted to step on the gas pedal to get into the fuel tank, the speed was so fast that the car seemed to be floating off the ground.

"Ye Feng, what's wrong with you? You didn't get shot, did you?" Zhuang Xiaoqiao was very worried when she saw bloodstains on the corner of Ye Feng's mouth in the rearview mirror.

"I'm fine!" Ye Feng didn't bother to talk to her at this time, he just kept speeding up, throwing away the cars behind him.

As long as he entered the urban area, he believed that these people would not dare to chase after him.

As for the blood at the corner of the mouth, it was when the islander was killed just now, and the corner of his mouth hit the steering wheel, so it's not a big problem.

Seeing these grandsons chasing after him non-stop, Ye Feng felt a strong killing intent in his heart, and just in time, there was a narrow fork in the road ahead.

Ye Feng suddenly drifted into the fork in the road, jumped off the main driver, and shouted at Zhuang Xiaoqiao: "Drive first!"

"Ye Feng!" Zhuang Xiaoqiao shouted hysterically.

However, when she was worried about Ye Feng, she saw a scene that shocked her, and it was also the most unforgettable scene in her life!

The first bandit car had just chased into the fork in the road, and Ye Feng shot out like a cannonball. Facing the bandit car rushing forward, his feet smashed the windshield directly.

Immediately afterwards, the two doors of the car flew out with a roar as if they were being torn apart. The two thieves in the front seat flew out of the car like rag bags blown up by the wind, and fell to their deaths on the road.

The sudden change filled the hearts of the two gangsters in the back seat with fear, and they shot aimlessly.

But Ye Feng's reaction was too fast, he jumped out of the car before they could shoot, and at this time the car was still driving at a high speed, and it was about to hit the car in front of Zhuang Xiaoqiao.

Ye Feng, whose heart had already been filled with anger and killing intent, was waking up like an ancient behemoth from a deep sleep.

With a stride, he slammed his shoulder directly into the side of the bandit car, and the powerful explosive force directly knocked the car over.

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