【Ding! Congratulations on your successful popularization of the weird 701-Han King Tragic Song, which is worth 3 billion yuan]

【Ding! Congratulations on successfully hosting the weird 701-Han King Sorrowful Song and getting the feature reward】

【Ding! Congratulations on getting the reward Weird 017 - Shadow Demon, Weird 118 - Nuclear Explosion Protist]

【Ding! Congratulations on getting the feature reward - root meme, detecting that you do not have the root meme ability, automatically fusing for you, fusion completed, attribute update]

The system prompt sounded in Jiang Xuan's mind.

A special cold feeling poured into the limbs.

Jiang Xuan was surprised.

He noticed that his properties panel had an extra row of properties.

Name: Root meme

Level: Divinity

Current number of layers: 11

Effect: Anyone who touches your lifeform will most likely be infected by the meme, and each divine lifeform will gain a layer of divinity for you. The source of infection, once you die, will consume a layer of divinity. Source of infection. All divinity. After the number of layers of infection is gone, you will actually die.

After ordinary beings are infected with this meme, they will continue to spread your legend throughout the universe, and when it spreads enough, you will be revived even if you die

Not too complicated introduction.

But after seeing this information, Jiang Xuan couldn't help but get excited and excited.

Root meme!

What an exaggeration!

I didn't expect that a hanger king sorrowful song would burst out such a superb ability for himself!

It's like hitting a roadside mob and directly bursting the orange suit!

It's a character explosion!

Root meme!

Jiang Xuan heard about it for the first time, but it was absolutely undeniable that this thing was too exaggerated!

Equivalent to the number of undead layers!

There are eleven floors today?

That is to say, knowing oneself, there are eleven divine beings infected with root memes?

Flame Lingji!


Death Lori!


And also...... Seven, seven, eight, there are actually eleven floors.

Is it equivalent to Jiang Xuan having eleven lives at once?


Ordinary lifeforms, as long as they know of Jiang Xuan's existence, will be considered infected with root memes.


Jiang Xuan exists in the mind of any living body, even after he really dies.

You can also recover from these ideas!

I'm afraid that there is a root meme in this thing!

But apparently the spread of the ancient script of the Tragic Song of the Han King is too slow, and it is too unrealistic to revive the Han King.

This completely made Jiang Xuan a monster with a superimposed life!

As long as he comes into contact with divinity, the more layers of his life will be!

It's more insured than a safe!

Super cool crooked!

"Not bad, really a good thing! As long as there is a living being in the universe who remembers itself, it has the opportunity to revive itself from this idea, which is like being born out of a concept! "

Jiang Xuan was amazed.

Having obtained the root meme, he is actually equivalent to true divinity to some extent, even supreme divinity!

"Two more rewards!"

Jiang Xuan glanced at his system space.

The mind moves slightly.

Appeared in his own dedicated unboxing room. 、

Project Name: Weird 118 - Nuclear Explosion Protist

Project level: EUC

Project description: Weird 118 is a marine protist with the ability to assemble a practical spontaneous nuclear bomb using materials from the sea.

The weird 118 nuclear explosion protist is still unknown, so the scientific community has not classified it.

However, its individuals are similar to euglena phylum protists, but their movement speed, nutrient storage capacity and radiation resistance are significantly better than the latter.

The weird 118 nuclear explosion protists will collect iron, silver, copper, carbon, TNT and uranium isotopes, etc., and then pass through the cell membrane through a special pump protein, and larger particles smaller than their cells are ingested through phagocytosis; Larger materials will be broken down into particles by unknown mechanisms, and then after the absorption reaches a threshold, they will automatically be assembled into nuclear bombs...

According to observations, it takes an average of 300 days to assemble a medium-sized nuclear bomb.


There is more information about the weird 118 nuclear explosion protists.

Jiang Xuan directly understood after glancing at it.

Weird 118 is a special algae protist with the ability to bio-nucleate!

It is equivalent to a small nuclear bomb making machine, which can automatically collect raw materials and assemble automatically!

"Gee, I didn't expect this special creature."

Jiang Xuan was a little surprised.

The mind moves slightly.

Dr. Kondraki appeared directly in front of him.

"Oh! Dear elders, if I came over to discuss what to eat for dinner today, then I would definitely be in a very bad mood, and I am now the key time for the experiment~! "

Dr. Kondraki, who had some unkempt hair, complained that this guy looked like he was wearing a welding suit and holding an ultra-high-power welding in his hand and seemed to be busy with something.

As a result, Jiang Xuan was directly and forcibly pulled here.

Perhaps it was the previous few times to witness the strange arrival of the divine.

Dr. Kondraki, a weapon development maniac, decides to upgrade his mech and build the God Slayer mecharm.

Of course, this topic was proposed by himself, and it was more of an idealistic thing.

Dr. Kondraki also bought Dr. Bright with a large pile of snacks.

In his words.

Dr. Bright, this guy has really come into contact with a divine strange existence, and can assess whether his god killer can reach the god destroyer level!

This was something that even Jiang Xuan himself hadn't noticed.

The group of doctors under his command are not fuel-saving lamps.

Jiang Xuan didn't say much, and directly passed the information of Weird 118 to Dr. Kondraki.

"Even buy Ka! Shett! It's incredible that there is such a weirdness!! It's just amazing, it's perfect, it's going to grow up, do you understand what that means? This is a whole new level of life! If you can crack this guy's life source code, you can definitely make ordinary humans superhuman!! Of course, even if it cannot be cracked, this microbial nuclear bomb making machine is definitely a genius idea!! "

Dr. Kondraki blushed with excitement.

Nuclear bomb.

It may not be an absolute threat to divine weirdness.

But in the face of divinity, including keter-level weirdness.

It can still be called a big killer!

Even as long as the quantity is enough.

For example, Xiaonan's billion detonation charms!

Engage in a 10 billion nuclear bombs, and even directly detonate the entire universe!

Very exaggerated.

The point is.

This thing doesn't need Jiang Xuan to worry about, people can make nuclear bombs themselves.

"Look at it, this thing may not be as good as you think."

Jiang Xuan said with a smile.

Snapped his fingers.

The dragon appeared in this cardboard box and then threw some of the weird 118 nuclear explosion protists into it.

Dragon was in this carton, and Jiang Xuan could control the time flow rate.

Normally, a nuclear bomb made in 300 days.

In front of him.

It only takes a few minutes!

Dr. Kondraki's eyes widened as he stared at the strange dragon that had fallen into the ocean in this cardboard box118.

This guy is actually still breeding!!

It's a real creature!


Tiny algae protists, like perfect nanorobots.

Rapidly building a nuclear bomb!


A nuclear bomb is formed!

Jiang Xuan's mind moved slightly.

All the spooky 188 and nuclear bombs are taken out!

"Perfect! This bomb is perfectly made and much smaller than our conventional bomb! The processing accuracy that microorganisms can do is much more perfect than our ordinary human machinery!! "

Dr. Kondraki was amazed.

If these guys can assemble a Gundam for themselves, it's absolutely perfect!

"I'll leave these things to you, Kondraki, and I hope you don't let me down."

Jiang Xuan smiled slightly, he was not very interested in such a thing as weird weaponization.


Dr. Kondraki is actually pretty much the same as Iron Man.

They all belong to the kind of path that compares the body of a mortal to the gods.

Nuclear bombs are no longer enough to fear for a strong man of Jiang Xuan's level.

As a matter of fact.

Even if Thanos comes here now, I am afraid that if he encounters a divine weirdness, he will have to kneel down and call his brother.

These nerve-wracking things are left to smart people like Kondraki to solve.

"Elder, I apply to be able to use the Vientiane Tree and Dragon here in the near future!"

Dr. Kondraki excitedly held the weird 118 nuclear explosion protist given to him by Jiang Xuan, as well as the nuclear bomb that had just been made, and his eyes almost lit up.

"Oh? Are you going to replicate these things? "

Jiang Xuan thought thoughtfully.

"Of course, these guys are super-lifeforms, there are no living cells in the known world that can filter uranium raw materials, and if we can crack the genetic code, I swear, I can definitely create a nuclear explosion superman task force that belongs to us!!"

Dr. Kondraki excited.

"Okay, okay, I will open the corresponding permissions to you, and these things will be handed over to you to deal with, and when these are done, I will give you new tasks."

Jiang Xuan waved his hand and sent Kondraki away.

There is also a bonus.

Item ID: Weird 017 - Shadow Demon

Project level: Keter

Project description: The weird 017 has a humanoid silhouette, 76 cm tall, similar in appearance to a human child, but without any recognizable physical features.

The body of the weird 017 seems to be composed of a blurry smoke screen, without any physical matter, once a shadow is generated and covered on the weird 017, it will immediately package the entire source of the shadow into the smoke screen, and then the smoke screen will change back to its usual size, and the wrapped object will disappear without a trace.


Very simple description.

But it made Jiang Xuan have an inexplicable hair on his spine.

"This guy..." (Read the violent novel, just go on the Feilu novel network!) )

Jiang Xuan's pupils shrank slightly, and his heart was awe-inspiring.

I'm afraid this thing is never as simple as it seems.

The hierarchy of the Asylum Society for the Weird Asylum is divided into three regular levels: safe, EUC, and Keter, which is very dangerous and difficult to contain.

The other levels are not classified as threat levels, but as containment status.

And there are actually many differences in the keter class.

A guy like Yan Demon is also Keter level, and the almost immortal 2 is also Ter level.

This is a phasing division with a high lower limit and a higher ceiling.

But obviously.

This 017 shadow demon in front of you.

It definitely belongs to the existence with an extremely high upper limit in the keter level!


Just now, a strong person of Jiang Xuan's level inexplicably felt a heart palpitation.

For a life being of his level.

This is almost a throbbing of life instinct, an induction of dangerous objects.

The mind moves.

Jiang Xuan directly emptied the entire room of the unpacking secret room.

Then a piercing always-on light was set up on all four sides of the room!

The whole room becomes transparent and bright!

Then release the bonus item.

A wisp of black smoke quickly took shape in the corner of the room.

It seems to be the appearance of a small child.

Some nervousness generally hides in corners, curled up and afraid to move.

"'~ You guys, in the past.'"

Jiang Xuan directly moved the three D-rank personnel into this space, and then modified their will with the reality distortion ability.

Three D-class personnel walked over.

The lights on the walls dimmed.


The shadow of one of the D-level personnel grew longer and fell on the weird 017 shadow demon.

In a flash.

The black shadow child disappeared, and wisps of black smoke condensed around the body of the D-rank person.

He didn't even have time to make a frightened sound.


A D-class officer disappeared cleanly.

As if it had never come.

And Jiang Xuan's thoughts swept the entire earth in an instant.

"Not in this plane!"

Jiang Xuan was surprised in his heart.

He could indeed see the movements of this shadow demon, but that was based on the premise that Jiang Xuan's own ability was super perverted.

Jiang Xuan estimated, ordinary weirdness was probably in the moment when the shadow shrouded.

It will be imprisoned by this black fog, and then dragged into a different space!

"Interesting, you guys go back."

As if thinking of something, Jiang Xuan Mo clenched his chin and sent the remaining two cannon fodder personnel back.

Then deliberately let his shadow fall on the body of the weird 017 shadow demon.


Jiang Xuan sensed that his surroundings became extremely dark and cold.

It was as if a huge hideous shadow rose behind him, and he could vaguely feel the sharp claws and fangs of the other party.

But what surprised Jiang Xuan a little was that.

The weird 017 shadow demon actually stopped moving.

It instinctively wanted to take Jiang Xuan away, but the terrifying aura exuding from the other party, as well as the absolute loyalty effect of the reward blessed by the system, made it extremely struggling.

Emotions such as pain, awe, and horror flickered in the eyes of the black shadow.

"Let me... Go and see the plane you have arrived. "

Jiang Xuan suddenly smiled slightly and said, "Don't be afraid of me. "

The Shadow Demon seems to have finally overcome his fears.

Its trembling black mist shrouded Jiang Xuan.

In a flash.

The world is changing.

Jiang Xuan clearly sensed that he had entered a different dimension.

A huge ancient gate court appears!

From the cracks in the gate court, you can vaguely see that there seems to be something terrifying bound behind the door court (Li Zhao).

Seven chains of various colors, six of which have been broken!

One of them is black!

The strange 017 shadow demon was attached to the black chain, trembling and fearful.

And the bones of the D-class cannon fodder that had been dragged into the disappearance actually appeared under that court.

Look around.

Jiang Xuan was shocked to find that this court seemed to be built on a corpse mountain and a sea of blood, countless white bones were accumulated, and blood flowed like a river!

And his appearance seems to have touched the monster behind the door.


A terrifying roar came, and there was a loud noise from the remaining chain.

Jiang Xuan felt as if his head was about to explode.

[You're dead! 】

[Root meme brings you back to life, layer number -1, current layer number 10]

【Ding! You have come into contact with the Supreme Divinity, your Supreme Divinity has been promoted, the current 10%, you have awakened the ability mechanical canopy)]

A system prompt sounds.

When Jiang Xuan opened his eyes again.

He found himself in the unboxing room.

It's just that at this time, his mood is extremely complicated, and his face is a little ugly.

"Seconds? Depend on! "

Jiang Xuan complained in his heart.

I didn't expect to be as strong as myself was directly seconds?

But...... His own Mechanical Lord Supreme Divinity actually skyrocketed to 10%?

This...... One life in exchange for 9% arousal?

Also awakened the ability of a mechanical canopy?

Name: Mechanical Sky Screen

Level: Supreme Divinity

Effect: Release your own supreme divine body, can be imprisoned to high-level lifeforms, the specific effect is determined by the strength of your own lifeforms, the strength of divine power, can withstand almost all divine-level attacks, is the strongest defense and the strongest sealing way of the mechanical lord

Note: The former master of machinery, Fuxi McCann, used this to imprison the flesh and blood dragon mother Abig Bos Nuwa

"Uh... This, this can be regarded as a big move to get Fuxi Ju? "

Jiang Xuan was crying and laughing for a while, then he was earning blood this time?

But patrolling.

Can you kill yourself in seconds?

Do you say.

What I just saw was the weird 001 Crimson King?!。

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