"Will grow up! The earthlings you previously admitted have arrived. "

A soft voice suddenly came from the side.

Jiang Xuan was stunned.

It's Iris secretary, she is reminding herself.

"Oh? Well, then let her in. "

Jiang Xuan collected his mind, he had already left the unboxed alien space, this is the shelter in this world.


Two figures, one big and one small, walked in under the leadership of the security personnel.

"Hehe, will grow up! I've successfully completed the task!! Can you eat a bun first? Starving to death! "

The suit thug Thorton sat down with a grin and looked at Jiang Xuan.

Jiang Xuan waved his hand.

Suddenly, a large pile of fragrant buns fell from the void, directly placing this guy Thorton in the bun mountain.

"You... Hello, I, I'm Kirin..."

Qilin looked around nervously.

She was surprised to find that the whole office was quite spacious, and a beautiful and tall female secretary was busy next to her.

There were also two young girls who seemed to be somewhat hostile, waiting to stare at her.

Sensulu loli and death incarnation loli.

"Ahem, welcome to join, you, especially you, Nicole, Ki Lin will henceforth be a member of the Containment Society's task force, don't kill her."

Jiang Xuan glanced at the two loli and ordered.

Death Lori snorted softly and hugged her hands to indicate tacit agreement.

Qilin was sluggish in place.

She looked at Jiang Xuan a little distractedly.

This...... This is the elder of the hospice association?

Good, so young!

And...... Looks so handsome!

Jiang Xuan has the ability to evolve perfectly.

Such a thing as a handsome face... More like a by-product, while his body gradually perfects, his strength will automatically become more perfect and handsome.

As for meeting Qilin in person, one is interest, and the other is to consider the root meme.

Qilin, who can be regarded as a super soldier on the earth, is not unreasonable to call it the god of the earth.

Her life intensity far exceeds that of ordinary earthlings, but she was easily injured by the gluttonous battleship laser.

Coupled with the ability to distort reality, he can reverse Qilin's consciousness in seconds, without worrying about the problem of defection.

"Xie, thank you! Yes, will grow up, may I ask... What do I need to do? "

Qilin looked at Jiang Xuan a little nervously.

She had a faint feeling.

Whether it is Xian Sulu or Death Lori, or even the secretary Yu Jiao, who looks calm and quiet, she feels that she may not be the opponent of the other party.

It looks a little cramped and uneasy.

【Ding! Detected that the host ignited the Believer's Fire, side quests are released, congratulations on getting random spooky templates, and believers can get additional rewards through weird trials】

The system tone suddenly sounded.


Jiang Xuan was stunned, but he was about to release the Supreme Divine Inventory?

530 But now the system has side quests?

Can I get extra rewards?

The reason for issuing the task is actually that he ignited the fire of believers? What is the fire of believers?

Jiang Xuan was surprised to find that a void flame appeared in Qilin's internal world, and he seemed to be able to draw a trace of weak strength from the other party's flame.

The power of faith?

All right.

It is equivalent to the power of incense in the novels I read in my previous life.

But this thing seems to have been sent to the door on its own initiative?


Qilin in front of her is obviously still too weak.

That is, the level of the second-generation low-level super soldier.

However, Qilin is also a super soldier, and her potential is still very good.

"Ahem, I set up the Pumping Task Force, and from today onwards, you are the leader of the Stroking Task Force, Thorton, you as a member of the team!" These are some of the weapons given to you, now go to the dragon and spend some time in this world. "

Jiang Xuan slowly spoke.

Without waiting for Qilin and Thorton to ask questions, they waved their hands.

Suddenly, both of them had disappeared in place.

And then.

The dragon used to flow in this carton time, first come a hundred thousand times!

Jiang Xuan can easily manipulate the time flow rate of the carton.

A few minutes passed.

And Qilin and the two in the cardboard box have experienced nearly half a year of cultivation.

And in the present world.

The light curtain suddenly lit up.

【Ding! Side Trials Strange Arrival]

【Item No.: Weird 307-Carnivorous Ivy】

【Project Level: Keter (Delete)-Redefine (EUC)】

[Trial object: Qilin, the captain of the task force, and Thorton, a member of the team]

[Trial Failure Punishment: Death]



The appearance of the light curtain made the whole world quiet for a while.

All eyes were on the light curtain.

The next instant directly boils and explodes.

"Oschett!! What do I see? There is actually a weirdness for individuals? "

"Waterfack! Is this the reward for joining a shelter society? This is simply sending to death! It's good I wasn't selected before! "

"I grass! The guys in the containment meeting are definitely not people! Isn't this a trick? Join to solve the weirdness? Can't solve it and die? "

"Cannon fodder! Definitely D-class cannon fodder! I swear! Absolutely! "

"What a bad luck! These two unlucky kids! "


Special operations team.

Everyone's faces were instantly ugly.

Before that, everyone was still surprised, happy and excited for Qilin to join the containment meeting. 、

But now.

Like a basin of cold water poured down, from the head to the coccyx of the spine!

"My mother! Shelter this group of guys... Isn't this getting Kilyn to death? "

Chuangzi couldn't help but say.

"I knew I went in the first place, Qilin is a girl, I can at least resist a little if I go!"

Glenn shook his head.

"Resist beating? Xiao Lun, this is to lose your head... Alas, Qilin is now only a second-generation super soldier, to solve the weird alone, and also a former keter-level weird... Even with that Thorton guy, I feel very mysterious! "

Xinye smiled bitterly.

Du Qiangwei, Rena, Mercy Wind and other super soldiers present were speechless.

Legion of Angels.

"Keisha woman... I didn't expect that... The asylum was not well in the first place, and it seems that not joining the asylum is not a loss for us. "

Angel Leng couldn't help but say coldly.

"Keter level, even if it has been downgraded to EUC level now, I am afraid that it may not be something that Qilin and Thorton can deal with, this time they are afraid that they will not look at it."

The angel sighed heartily.

"Carnivorous ivy ... Is it a man-eating grass? If it is a cellular creature, there may be a certain possibility of confrontation, but the attack power of the second-generation super soldiers is indeed lackluster, even if Thorton is not enough to see, there is too little time, they have only passed such a short time... It's totally a food delivery! "

Angel Yan said calmly.

Divine Kesha and Fallen Angel Morgana just looked at the light curtain and were silent.

Legion of Sky Scum.

"Lean! Ruo Ning! It's not bad luck for our special lady, it's good luck! See? Kilyn and Thorton, those two idiots, are going to die! Damn, this group of dogs actually play yin! "

Old Master Hua was a little gloating.

Sumali and others on the side sighed one after another, being selected by the containment association is the beginning of bad luck!



The light curtain has changed.

[Project description: Weird 307 is a climbing plant, similar in appearance to ordinary ivy, with yellow-green rhizomes and purple leaves, a large number of well-developed root systems]

[Weird 307 is carnivorous and shows a certain intelligence, with the presence of warm-blooded animals nearby, it will grow rapidly and sneak up on the target]


Densely packed subtitles appear.

After seeing this, everyone couldn't help but gasp.

And on the light curtain.

The screen appears.

This weird 307-carnivorous ivy actually appeared on a strange planet.


This planet is not Earth, but there are Jurassic era overlords here!


There are flying pterosaurs in the sky, grass-grazing triceratops, plesiosaurs, and Tyrannosaurus rex chasing prey!

And the focus of the picture is a very inconspicuous looking vine.

The vines swayed in the wind.

A small predatory dinosaur passed by, seemingly chasing its own food.

But just a passing moment.

The vine skyrocketed instantly.

Entangled the small predatory dinosaur's feet and tripped it to the ground.

Then those root whiskers quickly surged towards this small dinosaur like a living creature!

In the horrified gaze of countless people.

The root whiskers reached into the dinosaur's mouth, nose and eyes.

Finally, it grows out of the blood vessels of the ears and body.

Just a few short breaths.

A small living dinosaur turned into a dry corpse and stopped moving.

Similar scenes are happening in different places.

"Oh my God! These small dinosaurs were actually instantaneous! If people approached this thing, wouldn't they die faster? "

"Have you noticed that these aefi seem to have become much thicker?"

"! Look, the light curtain gives a bird's eye view, and the whole planet is covered by this eerie vine! "

"Ochet! This spreading speed is terrifying!! "

...... (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The crowd exclaimed.

pictured. 、

Those vines are growing fast.

They have actually begun to hunt super-large Tyrannosaurus rex, plesiosaurs and so on!

Those giant dinosaurs screamed and struggled, but they could only watch as the vines pierced through the scale armor and entered their bodies.

Then quickly absorb the nourishment and become more and more vigorous and amazing!

And right at this moment.

A large armed transport aircraft appeared with the emblem of the Asylum Society.

The hatch opens.

Two burly figures jumped down from the transport plane!


The ground trembles!

In the shocked gaze of everyone.

Two Gundam armors that were nearly ten meters tall and emitted a dark luster fell.

One is slender and full of streamlined beauty, carrying a giant red sniper rifle that exaggerates this, and the other is two curved bladed tomahawks, which look extremely thick and high-defense!

After the two Gundam landed.

Tomahawk Gundam rushed to the front.

That exaggerated tomahawk, which was five or six meters in size, easily cut off a large area of vines with each swing.

The Gundam of the red sniper rifle was directly set up with an alloy sniper mount on the spot.

The light curtain gives the cockpit of the Gundam a close-up!

In the transparent cockpit, you can see a driver wearing black armor with cold eyes!

She's doing the same gun action as a mech!


It's actually Qilin!

Pull the trigger!

Boom -

Terrifying burst of white light.

A path with a scorched black ratio that was 10,000 meters long and tens of meters wide appeared.

The vines along the way were destroyed and turned into coke powder!

"Take Battle Plan No. 1! Thorton cooperate!! "

Qilin's voice came from the mecha.

"Understood! Captain!! "

Thorton's humble voice sounded.

This scene instantly made the whole earth boil.

"Even buy Ka!! Mecha!! Lean, lean on!! I'm definitely not dreaming!! Actually saw the mecha? "

"! Didn't that Dragon Kingdom woman just join the containment society? Could it be that she would have used mecha a long time ago? Damn it! This simply does not envy people to death!! "

"Help! Why didn't I join the Asylum Society? "

"Mecha! Romance for men!! "

"So handsome! The power of this cannon is too exaggerated!! "


Countless people marveled.

Legion of Angels.

"Queen! The power of this mech is too exaggerated! The combat power is definitely comparable to the three generations of fighters! "

Angel Yan's beautiful silver eyes appeared, and the eye of insight had opened.

The bombardment effect of that shot just now.

The energy burst out has not been lost to the stellar energy drive of the third-generation Rena at all.

But now.

Such a terrifying weapon has actually been contained, and it will be easily mastered?


If memory serves, didn't Qilin just join the asylum association?

How does it feel...

Like a real veteran of 100 battles?!

Not only Angel Yan, but also the other angel sisters were also stunned.

As a matter of fact.

Qilin has been practicing hard in this cardboard box for almost half a year!

And there are even fire-breathing dragons in that place that are more terrifying than dinosaurs!

100,000 times the spatial flow rate effect!

Plus...... The House of Dreams was also opened by Jiang Xuan as one of the plans for the members of his training base.

At this time, Qilin was definitely a veteran of mecha control.

"This is the true strength of the containment society... Qilin's own combat power has definitely skyrocketed, and if nothing else, I am afraid that she must have stepped into a certain time container in a short period of time and obtained the blessing of time flow speed. "

Divine Kesha slowly spoke, but there was a twinkle in her golden eyes.

【In the light curtain】

Thorton was in charge of melee combat, wielding his twin axes to slice through the vines that swarmed like snakes.

And Ki Lin used that weird sniper rifle to order six special small instruments at the six highest points of the planet!

Everyone clearly saw those vines several times, and seemed to be about to devour the two mechs directly.

But a circle of high-frequency sound waves exploded from the mecha, and the surrounding area was emptied for more than ten meters in an instant!

"Coordinate setting complete! Request base headquarters support! "

After placing the coordinates, Qilin mecha took off into the air,

The Thorton mech also quickly got up.


The dense colony of carnivorous ivy has completely enveloped the entire planet, and all warm-blooded creatures have been devoured.

One after another hideous vines rose up like flames, as if they wanted to grab Qilin and Thorton in midair.

And the next moment.

A pillar of azure light broke through the void.

Boom -

In a flash.

The coordinates of all Qilin placements lit up.

The whole planet seems to be wrapped in a perfect hexagram.

And then.

In the shocked gaze of countless people.

The entire planet is directly frozen!

Together with the carnivorous ivy inside!

Looking at the red planet from space, it has become like a diamond at this time!!

Brilliant. 、



【Ding!! Congratulations to Qilin and Thorton, members of the Containment Society's task force, for passing the assessment, completing the closed isolation of the weird 307-carnivorous ivy, and automatically returning to the base! 】

Words appeared on the canopy.

Countless viewers who saw this scene had mixed feelings in their hearts.

It's incredibly complex.

This, this!

How long has it been?

This girl of the Dragon Kingdom has become so strong?!


Hell it!

This is the real terrifying strength of the containment society?

Frozen a planet?

Instantly pull up a super combat power?

Those god-making plans before that, those so-called angels and demons are a yarn?!


The angels, demons, and aliens who saw this scene all had mixed feelings and mixed feelings.

Inside the base.

【Ding! Congratulations on your successful popularization of Weird 307-Carnivorous Ivy, which gained a popularity value of 2 billion]

【Ding! Congratulations on your reward】

【Ding! Congratulations on your extra reward】

【Ding! The ten supreme divine inventory is ready to be completed, and the supreme divine inventory can begin.

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