[Weird - The most common offensive transformation method used by the 2845 stag is a cylindrical area with a diameter of 7 meters and a height of 60 to 80 meters, or a horizontal conical area with a length of 100 to 150 meters and a maximum width of 10 to 30 meters. 】

[Weird-2845 has been observed to attack a single target at a distance of up to 10 kilometers. 】

[Weird-2845 Stag usually ignores non-combatants and focuses on counterattacking attackers]


[Weird-2845-1 refers to humans transformed by weird-2845 stagware]

[Weird-2845-1 individual is a 2.4-tall hexagonal tower-like with yellow-green skin with a rubber luster]

[Weird-2845-1 individuals do not have any external sensory organs, and autopsies indicate that they also lack internal organs, except for the brain, which occupies the entire interior, which has the mass of other reconstructed organs and some additional external substances]


[Weird-2845-1's neuroimaging shows that the brain is in a state of continuous high activity, and we suspect that there is a long-range communication between them acting in dreams]

[We also found a movable variant of weird-2845-1, but failed to capture it]


Lines of text appear.

Everyone was a little shocked to watch.

This weird - the ability of the 2845 stag is simply illogical!

There is also the weird-2845-1 transformed by its attack.

Thinking that if you are affected, you will become a tower?

Everyone inexplicably felt a pang of hair down their backs.

"Ochet! I swear, I can die, but never become some shit tower! It's even worse than becoming Shrek! "

"Even buy Ka! Even buy ka! What kind of ability is this? "

"! This thing is simply too dangerous, definitely don't come close! "

"I lean! Is there such a monster in the world? "


The crowd was buzzing.

And the light curtain is still changing.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of Qi "027" brushing and gasping for air.

"Shhhhhh That thing is starting to come!! "

Someone exclaimed.


Almost all eyes looked at the light curtain in unison.

【In the light curtain】

You can clearly see the area where the weird - 2845 stag descends is gradually becoming clearer.

"Gollum... Me, how do I feel that this picture is somewhat similar? "

"I grass - lean on!! Day, it's us!! "

"There!! Appeared!! Oh my day!! "



In a flash.

The crowd exploded directly.

Countless people exclaimed.

At this time, the weird-2845 stag actually descended on the earth.


Or in front of many earthlings.


It's in front of the Heavenly Scum Legion!

Before capturing the Sorrowful Song of the Han King, Divine Kesha, the fallen angel Morgana and others had gone directly to Ferezer.

No way.

Heavenly scumbag Wang Hua's master is a good man who does not fight with women, and he feels that one person cannot win three fourth-generation angels, especially Kesha's almost five-generation archangel.

So choose to stay on Earth.

This does not!

Good luck on your door?

"Gollum... My King! This, this thing is the supreme divinity?! "

A Sky Scum Angel swallowed a mouthful of saliva wildly, and his voice was a little nervous.

"The Supreme Divinity... Judging by the information we have obtained, this thing is definitely much stronger than that shit Han King Sorrowful Song, what Yu King does not die! Beyond the weirdness of divinity! "

"Yes, my king, and I see that this deer seems to have some unpleasant appearance, like a silly roe deer, or we..."

"Wouldn't you? You mean we kidnapped this weird-2845 stag? "

"There is a saying on earth called starving to the timid, supporting the bold! My king, that Kesha's cousin is now bent on holding the containment will be big. legs, and the containment club has saved Angel Yan before! Those guys all prides themselves on justice, and they will never take us! "

"Instead of suffering here, why don't we take the initiative to master these weirdness, isn't it good to be a king ourselves?!"


The many Heavenly Scum Angels present tensed up, and their voices trembled a little.

These days.

On Earth.

They've had enough.

In the past, everyone was an elite warrior of the Angelic Civilization.

Overlooking the universe, despising the sky.

But now.

On this low-civilization earth, it is simply a life of no one and no ghost.

And worry every day!

Tianjia Wang Hua's mood was also extremely complicated at this time.

If you can control the weirdness in front of you in one fell swoop-2845 stag, this supreme divinity!

Isn't that super Dafa?

"You! In the past, see if you can communicate with this guy and tell him that we are the best masters in the universe! "

Old Master Tianjia Wang Hua gritted his teeth a little and looked at a lucky Tianjia angel.

The lucky man who was named suddenly turned pale.

"My king... I? "

His voice trembled a little.

"Nonsense, it's not you, is it my king?! As an angel, even if it is for my king to die in battle, it is an honor!! You are an angel of the Heavenly Palace civilization!! "

Sumali stood up and said with an icy look in his eyes.

"Yes... I'll go! "

Lucky swallowed a mouthful of saliva and finally walked trembling towards the stag.


Countless eyes swept over in unison.

"Those angels... They, what are they going to do? "

"Maniac! Lunatic! They are ready to strike at the Supreme Divinity! "

"Ochet! Get out of here quickly! "

"! Are those idiots with heads growing in farts. Where did the stock go? Shett!! "


Countless people cried out and wailed.

They were completely afraid.

Those damn weird, especially divine weirdness, can achieve a large-scale indiscriminate second kill without understanding.

If you are affected by the pond fish, it is blood mold!


Spooky - 2845 in front of the stag.

The lucky angel turned pale and trembled as he moved his feet.

"That... That, hello, I am the Angel of Tiangong Civilization, on behalf of my Master Wang Hua to you..."

Lucky spoke nervously.

When he finished introducing himself, he found that the weird - 2845 stag in front of him actually did not move.

The so-called supreme divinity?

So easy to get along with?

"There is a play! My King!! "

Sumali was also excited.

Tianjia Wang Hua's heart suddenly mentioned his throat eyes.

This feeling is like stepping on a mountain of gold, asking for one. The premonition of getting rich in the night!



Numerous angels and super soldiers led by Divine Kesha have directly chosen the speed of light to return.

"Bichi! Master Hua, this guy actually wants to capture the Supreme Divinity!! Hurry up! Hurry up again!! Kesha! Bichi, we were absolutely finished after being captured by that guy!! "

The fallen angel Morgana roared and cursed.

"Queen Kesha!!"

Angel Yan was also anxious.

Divine Keisha frowned, and a cold light flashed in her beautiful eyes, she must not let the supreme divinity fall into the hands of Old Master Hua.

That would absolutely turn the entire universe upside down!

The other super soldiers present also had complicated expressions and wonderful expressions.

"Abominable! Master Hua, that guy actually wants to seduce the supreme divinity!! "

Xinye couldn't help but grit his teeth.

"We must stop him, otherwise the world will never be peaceful in the future!!"

Glenn said furiously.

Just as everyone was ready to leave.

Divine Kesha suddenly stopped.

Morgana was about to speak, but when she looked up and saw the light curtain, she was also stunned.

All eyes looked at the light curtain in unison.

【In the light curtain】

On Earth.

The lucky ones are gushing about the weird-2845 stag.

But the words were not finished.


A circular pillar of light appeared at the foot of the angel.

Envelope it in an instant!

And then in the shocked and astonished gaze of everyone.

The light slowly dissipated.

I was surprised to see that the previous lucky angel had disappeared.

In its place is a hexagonal tower nearly three meters tall with a rubbery yellow-green skin on the outside!



The scene was quiet.


The drop of needles can be heard.

I was afraid that the air would suddenly be quiet.

Everyone stared blankly at the tower-like object in front of them.

"Gollum... My King... That...... That..."

"Dead? Is it dead? "

"! How did that thing attack just now?! "


The Heavenly Scum Angels present all felt a furrow in their backs, and their expressions were extremely frightened.

Because the attack of the weird-2845 stag is simply unreasonable.

Strange - 2845 stag still stands dumbfounded.

It suddenly slowly twisted its head.

The head with exaggerated antlers suddenly turned towards the Heavenly Scum Legion.

The dark green deer's eyes flickered.


Almost instantaneously.

Heavenly Scumbag Wang Hua was alarmed, and as soon as he grabbed the angel Ruoning, he frantically fled. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Sumali also changed his face wildly, turned around and fled madly.

The next moment.



I saw a light coming out of the position of the Heavenly Scum Legion just now.

A pillar of light with a diameter of ten meters!

Instantly shrouded the five Heavenly Scum Angels!

Attack at the speed of light!

Almost the moment you see the pillar of light, the attack is over.

And then.

There are five more hexagonal towers on the ground!

Six elite angels died on the spot!


Strange-2845 The stag suddenly roared up to the sky.

It flipped its hooves and quickly rushed towards the Sky Scum Angel!



"My king! Save me!! "

"This guy can only attack in one direction, everyone scatters and flee!!s"

"Run away!!"


Many Sky Scum Angels exclaimed.

Like birds and beasts scattered, they scattered in all directions.

The next instant.


Weird - 2845 The stag stopped in place.

The entire space seems to have turned into a leaking sieve.

Pillars of light rose from the ground!

Each one was precisely aimed at these scum angels.

Just one attack .0

Directly led to the death of thousands of angels!

There are thousands of strange rubber-colored hexahedral towers on the ground!


"! What the hell is this!! "

"The angel was killed in seconds!!"

"! Just now there was an angel next to me, then it was hit by a white light, and then it turned into a tower! "

"Help! Don't come near me! "


Countless earthlings wailed and exclaimed.

But they were surprised to find out.

These pillars of light appear to have a locking function.

All of them hit were those Sky Scum Angels who scattered and fled!

A face!

The few remaining Heavenly Scum Legions were directly dropped by a third in seconds!

Old Master Hua, who was already on the way to escape, was about to have a heart attack when he saw this scene.

He couldn't help but gasp.

"Damn it! That damn thing... Actually attacked so fast!! Can't resist at all? The second-generation angels didn't even have time to react! "

Old Master Hua was afraid.

"My King!! We obviously have no malice, why would that thing attack us? "

Sumali was also shocked.

"That thing... The Supreme Divinity may have abilities that we cannot understand, or rather... Can it read minds? "

Angel Ruo Ning hesitated.

"Mind reading?"

Old Master Hua was stunned, and his face changed suddenly.


Mind reading?

And if that's really the case?

Then it is very likely that this weird-2845 stag learned the situation through his own subordinates!

And then directly attacked!

Damn it!

Why don't you think about this yourself?

But worried... This is a second-generation angel!

Can second-generation angels also read minds?

Damn it.

So what now?


What's the attack range of this Supreme Divine Being?

The whole planet?

Or half a universe?

Old Master Hua now wants to cry without tears.


In a flash.

The white light is on again!

Those scum angels who fled before.

A white circle of light appeared again on the soles of the feet.

It is inevitable on the ground, in the sky or even in the rocks.


"My king! Save me—"


Countless Heavenly Scum Angels screamed in horror.

They incited the wings to desperately try to escape.

But their speed in front of the aperture is simply as slow as a snail.

One by one, their eyes widened, and the rapidly lit aperture was reflected in their frightened dilated pupils!

Pillars of light bloom from the aperture!

Again a thousand pillars of light!

After the light dissipated.

There are thousands more hexahedral towers on the field!

Each one is a scum angel transformed into a weird -2845-1.

Master Wang Hua, who witnessed this scene, was terrified.

At this time, he only had one thought in his mind.


The farther you run, the better!

Never come back!


Divine Kesha and the others who witnessed this scene were already dumbfounded.

Divine Kesha: "..."

Morgana: "..."

Angel Yan: "..."

Numerous special combat team super soldiers: "..."

"Gollum... Bichi, 1.0 This, this thing is so dangerous? Huaye's unlucky child actually died all of a sudden? That attack speed... I'm afraid that even the queen and my fallen angel wings can't escape! "

Coming to her senses, Morgana couldn't help but wipe her sweat.

"The speed of light... The attacks of those pillars of light have reached the speed of light, as long as they are locked, there is basically no possibility of escape, the fourth generation of angels can't do it, the queen... The words of the five generations of angels..."

Angel Yan couldn't help but look at his main heart, Queen Kesha.

Divine Kesha smiled wryly and shook her head.

"Even the five generations of angels... It is also impossible to move at the speed of light, above the fifth generation I don't know, but the fifth generation of angels ... Can't escape the attack of that aperture..."

Queen Kesha smiled wryly.

Morgana, Angel Yan, and Du Rose, Glenn and others present all had extremely ugly faces.

What an exaggeration!

This weird - 2845 stag attack method.

It's just a flat push!

Or the map is pushed flat, and a faction is directly killed by the wave, transforming into a weird 845-1!

"That... Is that!! "

Glenn suddenly pointed to the sky and spoke.

Everyone looked at it in unison.

Impressive and clear to see.

A huge crack appeared on the earth.


Familiar signs.

Members of the reception came out.

There are more than ever!!

Broken spatial cracks.

A strangely dressed and strange member of the asylum walked out.

Old Master Hua, who was being chased by the weird-2845 stag, was also stunned.

He slowly stopped.

"My king!!"

Su Mali was still frightened and looked at Old Master Hua in amazement.

Old Master Hua pointed behind him.

In the space cracks.

More and more members of the reception came out of it.


The whole world is quiet.

Sit back and wait for the containment to be destroyed!.

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