"Yes... It's a hospice member! "

"What are he, they're going to do?"

"I rely on... Could it be that the people of the Asylum Society intend to... Planning to contain the Supreme Divinity? "

"Ochet! Don't these madmen understand that doing so will destroy the whole world? "

"It's over! The attack of this supreme divine stag is too terrifying for even the angels to dodge, won't we die faster!" "


Countless people exclaimed and wailed.

【In the light curtain】

Clearly visible to all.

More and more strangely dressed members of the Containment Society came out of the spatial cracks.

"Queen Kesha! The containment meeting is going to get its hands dirty! "

Angel Yan couldn't help but speak, worried.

She had witnessed the scene of the Heavenly Scum Legion being instantly annihilated, and now she was still terrified in her heart.

And according to Queen Kesha.

Even Queen Kesha's half-step fifth-generation angel couldn't dodge the attack of that strange pillar of light at all.

If it is the four generations of angels themselves, including the fallen angel Morgana.

Once rubbed by that pillar of light.

The results speak for themselves!

"The containment will ... It's too reckless, do they still plan to deal with this supreme divinity in a way that accommodates ordinary asylum meetings and divine weirdness? "

The angel frowned coldly.

"Bichi! Kesha! Hikoya! Let's get out of here quickly! This stuff is too dangerous! Shelter the gang of crazy people!! "

The fallen angel Morgana's face was ugly.

Her vibrating black and white wings are ready to take off.

You can't win the fight, and you can't even hide!

Don't you see the Sky Scum Legion that fled before?

Just a breath.

Directly by the second almost two thousand people!

This is no ordinary human being.

It's an elite Heavenly Palace Angel!

Any one is above the second generation, and there is even a second-generation peak quasi-third-generation angel-level existence.

Look at today's times.

One generation of angels is enough to easily crush a nuclear civilization.

Even occupy the planet of a lower civilization like Earth.

Second generation angel.

It can already be regarded as the existence of a little superman in the movie.

But this powerful angel.

In front of the Supreme Divine Stag.

Actually, there is not much difference from paper paste.

"No... Not necessarily. "

Divine Kesha suddenly spoke.

"Not necessarily? Kesha? Shouldn't you be a head showman, right? Do you think that this time the Asylum Society can solve the 12 Supreme Divine Asylum Meeting? Bichi, what's the difference between this and daydreaming? "

The fallen angel Morgana couldn't help but laugh.

She really wants to make friends with the asylum association, and even has been fascinated by Jiang Xuan, the big man behind the scenes, for a long time.

But this is based on the premise that you will not die.

But now.

Not to mention himself, even an angel like Kesha, who has a void doppelgänger quasi-fifth generation, is difficult to protect himself from crossing the river.

Of course she is running for her life!

"Wouldn't containment be so risky, and did you notice the difference in containment this time?"

Divine Kesha suddenly said.


Angel Yan frowned, a little puzzled.

"You mean... These weird masks on their faces? Could it be the ace member of some mobile contingent? "

Morgana wondered.

"They... No one brought weapons, remember? Information from the previous light curtain. "

"The Supreme Divine Stag will not attack targets that are not hostile to it, the Heavenly Scum Legion was attacked, it seems that there is an idea of containing the Supreme Divinity, and the angel was discovered, I am afraid that the stag has the ability to see through the hearts of living beings, similar to our Eye of Insight or even higher."

Divine Kesha said slowly.

Her words also resounded in the angel channel.


All the angel sisters had already fried the pan excitedly.

"yes!! The queen is right, you see, the members of these asylum societies really don't have any weapons!! "

"Wait! Are they all in groups of six? Why do I look a little familiar to them? "

"Familiar? Have you ever met these asylum members? "

"No, don't you feel familiar? This feeling..."


Countless light brushes fell on the light curtain.


Every six members of the congregation form a group, the first group is 60 degrees.

They wear masks of various expressions, representing (happiness, sadness, anger, indifference, fear, stupidity), and perform special rituals that have been arranged.

It's more like a burlesque, with six characters insulting each other.

And ends with a winning riddle game on behalf of a foolish person and claiming to be king!

Then another dice game was played!

This scene made all the human beings on the earth dumbfounded.

"It's not... Can anyone tell me if I'm blind? "

"Lean! Pinch me, I'm definitely dreaming? Recently, it should be that too many containment objects have arrived, causing me to have strange dreams, whimpering... Pain hurts!! "

"My Fak! What is this situation? That bunch of guys from the asylum are putting on comedy for that deer? "

"Funny? Specially, the first time I've seen weirdness is to be sheltered with comedy! "

"Is it possible that ... Is containment confusing each other? "

"Are you afraid you're going to laugh me to death? Who can't understand this kind of mentally retarded game except kindergarten children? This stag will not be fooled if it has a kindergarten diploma!! "


Countless people exclaimed stunned.

Divine Kesha, Fallen Angel Morgana, Angel Yan, Special Combat Team and others were also confused.

Because this scene is so weird!

It's like an awkward dance in Marvel's Star-Lord!


The catastrophe is coming, and you are still dancing here? Performing comedy?

Legion of Angels.

All the young ladies were dumbfounded.

This operates.

So lost!

Legion of Sky Scum.

The only remaining angels of these heavenly scumbags, one by one, their expressions of horror, the surprise of the rest of their lives after the disaster, and so on.

But no one could say a word.

Old Master Hua, Angel Ruoning, and Su Mali also looked at the sky dumbfounded.

"Gollum... My King... What's going on here? "

Sumali swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said in disbelief.

Because after this weird and even laughing drama appeared, the terrifying supreme divine stag actually stopped moving?

This scene is too weird!

It is obviously a supreme divine being.

Now he looked like a silly roe deer, his ears pricked up, and his green eyes stared at the drama performed by the six-member group of the Reception Society in fascination.


The world went quiet.

It feels like a bomb disposal expert depressing to the point of almost freezing before defusing a giant bomb.

Everyone did not dare to breathe.


At least.

For now, this seemingly stupid theatrical performance miraculously dragged down the stag?!

"Obedient... This silly roe deer stopped? "

Super Soldier Chuangzi couldn't help but marvel.

"Isn't this supreme divine stag fond of watching TV? Why do you even like this kind of old-fashioned drama? "

Xinye was dumbfounded.

"I don't understand... But at least don't listen to it, if you can keep jumping like this, it seems safe. "

Glenn scratched his head.

"Wait! The show is over! They changed the show!! "

Du Qiangwei's pretty face changed slightly.

【In the light curtain】

Six people stepped down.

The new six came up.

This time, it was a musical instrument.

They stood in the direction of 120 degrees!

Playing flute, oboe, clarinet, French horn, timpani, bass drum and other musical works.

The performance is accompanied by specific body and sound details that the actor needs to perform in the performance.

"Even buy Ka! Just finished watching the play and now start watching the musical again? "

"How do I feel like I'm on the wrong set? Isn't this the Stag Wars Containment Society? "

"Ochet! And music cells for this thing? "

"Shut your crow mouth! Waterfack! This stag is the supreme divinity, if it hears your insults, don't bother us!! "

"Damn, did the containment club say it was going to give the stag a show?"


Countless people exclaimed.

But surprisingly.

The so-called Supreme Divine Stag.

At this moment, he still stopped in place, his eyes flashing with a strange green light, and he seemed to be watching the music performance with great interest.

A spooky scene appears.

People all over the world are quiet.

Then watch this eerie musical performance through the light curtain.

Old Master Hua was even more dumbfounded.

This thing loves music? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


So those brothers of their own died in vain?



The musical performance ends.

The new sixes came up.

One hundred and eighty degree direction.

They exchanged gifts, each of which seemed inexpensive.

As a matter of fact.

According to the hospice arrangement, the price of each gift cannot exceed 4.28 cents.


After exchanging gifts, they are all performing special ritual recitations and sowing grains in the four corners at the same time.

An incomparably confusing picture.

Two hundred and forty degree direction.

A new sixsome appears.

Another incomprehensible obscure and difficult recitation similar to a mantra.

Even everyone tied their feet with wool and drank half a liter of olive oil

Then in front of everyone, he smashed a stone with a hammer of at least two hundred kilograms!

"Even buy Ka! This...... What is this special doing? "

"How do I feel that I am promoting feudal superstition?"

"! Are these guys' heads flooded!! "

"It's so weird, it looks like a witch mage!"


Everyone has big question marks written on their heads!

Many young ladies in the Angel Legion finally reacted.

Why does it feel familiar!


This is exactly like what those shamanic wizards in those uncivilized barbarian civilizations do!

There is no scientific basis!

There is no theory to speak of!

It's feudal superstition!

But now.

It was this weird thing that pulled the equally weird Supreme Divine Peon!

The murderous silly roe deer was actually slowly kneeling on the ground at this moment, watching the performance curiously.

Its neck also moves with different directions of the performance.

It felt like I was hooked.

Three hundred degree direction.

A prepared D-rank officer, with a sign painted on his stomach by a special platinum solution (the ring surrounds a point, an arrow points at it from a position of ninety degrees), and the officer wears a blue cloak, crown and scepter.


The D-class was tied to a chair and began to recite an inexplicable passage.


An containment specialist came to the stage to manually castrate the D-class and put a cut iron egg into the salt water for a mantra-like recitation ceremony.

"I wipe!!"

"Lean! A bunch of maniacs!! "

"Damn a chicken! The police! I'm going to call the police! I want to call the police!! "

"It's so spicy eyes! What are these guys from the asylum going on!! "

"Hell, this D-rank person is too unlucky, right? Being a D-class person in the containment association simply don't die too quickly!! "

"It's so miserable, this old man is simply miserable!"


Countless people were stunned.

Live cut iron eggs!

This is special... Looking at the whole planet is eye-opening.

At least.

In an age when civilization has not collapsed, human reason tells no one to do so.

Even if he wanted to do it, various live streaming platforms would not allow it.

But now.

The sky screen clearly showed this scene in front of everyone.

It was pitiful, and the D-rank personnel who became father-in-law were pushed down.

0 degree direction.

It also converges into a perfect 360 circle of final direction.

In the eyes of everyone who was horrified, even horrified and angry.

The people of the reception actually began to barbecue children who were less than three months old in public!

Then six people divide the food!

They even recite eerie rituals on their respective stomach stones and then induce themselves to vomit as a sign of the start of the cycle.

This scene instantly caused an uproar on the earth.

"Miscellaneous! These people in the reception are all miscellaneous! "

"Oh my God! It's unreasonable! It is understandable to kill D-level personnel, they are all criminals, but this kid is 040 guilty! It is so cruel, and there is no humanity? Is there any more heavenly reason!! "

"Shut up! Idiot! What is the death of a baby, once this supreme divine stag goes crazy, let alone one baby, 100 million babies are not enough to die!! "

"As long as we can stabilize this thing, we will have a future!!"

"virgin! Didn't you see that this stag just killed those angels? A single thought killed thousands! You say you can wait to escape? "


The crowd instantly boiled and exploded.

It is directly divided into two factions.

Our Lady and Asylum Faction!

Our Lady cursed that the reception would be cruel and punished by heaven.

The people of the asylum faction think that the death of some babies is the least price to obtain temporary peace on earth, which is absolutely cost-effective!

The ceremony continues.

In groups of six, six rituals and one reincarnation.

It's still the same performance.

Nothing has changed, whether it's line props and so on.

The performance is repeated.

Whether it is raw iron eggs or barbecue children, this has made many earthlings feel a little mentally broken.

Attitudes towards the congregation were also mixed.

Legion of Angels.

"I didn't expect... The people of the asylum are so cold-blooded! "

Angel Leng couldn't help but snort.

"Yes, I actually forbeared killing human cubs."

A young angel sister sighed with emotion.

"There is nothing wrong with their choice, if this supreme divinity cannot be limited, not a child will die, hundreds of children are born every second on the earth, in fact, the price paid for a civilization is incalculable."

The angel shook his head and sighed softly.

As a holy right, she understands.

If it's her.

Definitely so chosen.

According to the current rate of human fertility on Earth, it will need to consume a D-class person and a baby every four hours.

Then you can hold back your eyes and gain a short period of peace.

The feeling is unimaginable.

It's like in the last days of zombies, you can eat a full meal and fruit for ten dollars.

Definitely super good deal.

Human beings are weak because more often than not, they prefer to be wrapped up in the consciousness of the masses, losing the ability to judge independently, and thus following the crowd.

But containment will obviously do well.

Their methods can be described as cruel.

But it perfectly dragged the Supreme Divine Stag, controlling human casualties to a very small, or even negligible.

At least.

For the entire human civilization, for the earth and even the solar system.

The death of a baby is indeed as faint as dust.

The continuation of civilization must be considered from the perspective of civilization itself, and sacrifice is always inevitable.

"But this is not the way to continue, no one can guarantee how long this ritual can confuse this stag, and if there is an accident in the middle, I am afraid that this balance will be broken."

The angel murmured in his heart.


Her beautiful eyes lit up.

In the light curtain.

Those members waited for dozens of hours.

Finally a new move!.

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