"Luo Kai made a... cross! He passed the football to the goal... the back! This is... Dongchuan Middle School's chance!! Hu Lai shot! The goal is scored!!"

The commentator on the TV shouted, and Li Qingqing, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, jumped up and almost hit the lamp on the ceiling with his hand.

She shrank her neck, fell back on the bed, and clapped her hands happily: "That's great!!"

Then she stared at the TV screen. In the live broadcast, Hu Lai, who scored the goal, turned around and ran to the corner flag area, and wanted to do his strange celebration again.

But this time, before he jumped up, he was caught by Chu Yifan who ran up. He ran all the way from the counterattack, but the speed is not what he is good at. When he ran, he just caught up with the celebration goal...

"Great job! Hu Lai! Great job!" Team Chu yelled desperately in his ear.

Hu Lai twisted his body vigorously, trying to break free from the captain, but he soon discovered that the captain's two arms were like big pliers, holding him tightly.

My celebration... I want to be cool!

He could only howl in his heart.

More teammates rushed up, hugged him, and overwhelmed him with cheers, praises, and roars.

The camera of the TV broadcast quickly cut to Luo Kai on the other side. The commentator said on this scene: "The biggest contributor to this goal is Luo Kai. His ability in this quick counterattack is impressive. Profound! This national competition is linked with professional football clubs, and all professional football clubs will send people to observe. I think with Luo Kai’s performance, it may not be long before we can see him in professional teams It's..."

When Li Qingqing heard the commentator say this, the smile on his face disappeared, and instead he frowned and complained: "What are you talking about! It was obviously Hu Lai who scored the goal, so why praise Luo Kai?!"

She was very dissatisfied with the narrator's practice of favoring one another and naked buttocks.

Generally speaking, the scorer is the focus of everyone's attention, and you should praise the scorer if you want to praise it. She originally wanted to hear how the commentator would praise Hu Lai - after Hu Lai scored a goal in the last game, the commentator quickly shifted the topic to Luo Kai.

Unexpectedly, this time it was even more extreme, and he simply said that Luo Kai was the biggest contributor to the goal, and never mentioned Hu Lai who scored the goal.

Yes, she admits that Luo Kai's series of performances from receiving the ball to breaking through with the ball are very good, but if no one finally hits the ball in the goal, then all his previous excellent performances are equal to zero.

In her opinion, Hu Lai is the key figure in this goal. If he hadn't run to the most appropriate position, there would be no goal!

Li Qingqing picked up the remote control and pressed the mute button, and the room suddenly became quiet, and she no longer had to listen to that ignorant commentator flattering Luo Kai...


After seeing Hu Lai's goal, Lin Jin stood up excitedly.

But because she got up too fast, her eyes went dark, her body swayed, and she almost fell, if it wasn't for the railing behind her that just caught her...

Grasping the railing with her backhand, she continued to wave her fist happily after the color in front of her eyes gradually recovered.


When the teammates went to Hu Lai to celebrate the goal, Luo Kai did not go up, but was on the periphery. After everyone celebrated with Hu Lai, they turned around and hugged him to celebrate. After all, Luo Kai's previous breakthrough was so beautiful and crucial.

Without Luo Kai's beautiful catch and breakthrough, this offense may not be able to play at all.

After Luo Kai and his teammates finished celebrating, they ran back to their own half, and Hu Lai had already stood near the middle circle one step ahead of him.

Luo Kai who ran back came to Hu Lai and said to him, "Now we are even again."

Hu Lai looked confused: "What did you say?"

"Didn't you say that I still owe you one in the last game?" Luo Kai asked.

Hu Lai was still a little dazed.

Seeing his expression, Luo Kai asked, "Did you forget?"

Hu Lai shook his head quickly: "I haven't forgotten, I haven't forgotten,

That's right, you still owe me one! "

"You really forgot."

"Who said that! I didn't forget, it was the penalty kick, right? That's right, you still owe me one..." Hu Lai said repeatedly.

"No more debts now." Luo Kai interrupted him, and then moved to his own position - the intersection of the center circle and the center line.

Hu Lai made a grimace behind him, why is this man so fussy! Look at how generous I am, I forget what others owe me... Sigh, the pattern is not good!


After Hu Lai equalized the score for Dongchuan Middle School, the game continued, but the situation on the field has undergone subtle changes.

I don't know if Huitang Middle School was hit by this conceded goal, or if their insistence on the small, fast, and aggressive siege tactics requires too much physical fitness, which has caused their physical strength to decline now.

In short, Huitang Middle School behaved a little flustered in the game after losing the ball, not like a semi-final team with many battles.

However, Li Ziqiang took the opportunity to make adjustments. Since Huitang Middle School's advantage is in the midfield, Dongchuan Middle School simply gave up the midfield and did not entangle the opponent in the midfield. bit.

Dongchuan Middle School shrank deeper when defending, sticking to the penalty area.

At the same time, Luo Kai and Tang Yuan's speed advantage was used to try to counterattack directly with a long pass.

In this way, there is no need to pass through the midfield, which avoids entanglement with Huitang Middle School in the midfield.

However, this kind of direct long pass from the backcourt to attack is not Dongchuan Middle School's best style of play after all, and the success rate of long pass is already lower.

Therefore, the offense of Dongchuan Middle School did not improve much.

The game was so deadlocked.

It seems that both sides have a chance, but neither of them has a good chance, and it is difficult to break the deadlock.

Time passed quickly in this back-and-forth stalemate, and soon came the last ten minutes of the game.

The game time for middle school students is 80 minutes, there is no overtime, and if the score is tied, a penalty kick will be played directly.

Dongchuan Middle School also specially practiced penalty kicks before this game, just to put themselves in the position of the weak, thinking that it is already very good to keep a draw, and after a draw, it is natural to take a penalty kick, so Prepare for the penalty shootout in advance.

There was no Hu Lai on the list of penalty shooters before the national competition.

But now that Li Ziqiang has put Hu Lai's name in, of course it's still not on the list of the top five penalties...

Li Ziqiang found that this kid has a very strong psychological quality. When he was looked down upon by others and targeted by him before, he could not be affected and still go his own way. This psychological quality is a good shooter for penalty kicks.

Playing a penalty kick does not require so much skill, just a strong mental quality is enough.


As the game time passed, Huitang Middle School seemed unwilling to play penalties with Dongchuan Middle School.

After the game entered the final ten minutes, they suddenly picked up the tempo. I don't know if it's because I adjusted the rhythm before and my physical fitness has recovered.

Wang Chaolin and Ke Yan led Huitang Middle School to attack Dongchuan Middle School's goal.

This time their offensive threat is completely different from the previous ten minutes of the game.

At the beginning, they caught Dongchuan Middle School by surprise, and made them look embarrassed in defense. They almost lost the ball a few times...

Lin Jin, who was squatting in the car watching the game, couldn't help but tremble slightly nervously.

If the goal is lost in the last ten minutes, it will be difficult to get it back, because the loss will be a very, very heavy blow to the morale of the team.

Judging from the previous five national competitions, there are only a handful of teams that can get back after losing the ball in the last ten minutes, and very few. And none of the teams conceded a goal in the last five minutes and got it back.

"But you must hold on, you can hit a penalty if you hold on..." Lin Jin murmured, staring at the phone on the cushion.

Given the strength gap between Dongchuan Middle School and Huitang Middle School, it is not easy for Dongchuan Middle School to equalize the score when they are two goals behind. When it comes to penalty kicks, the chances of Dongchuan Middle School beating Huitang Middle School will be greater than they are now.

This is the best plan that Lin Jin can think of for Dongchuan Middle School to eliminate Huitang Middle School.

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