Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 112: Killing

Li Qingqing stared at the TV nervously, and the voice of the commentator came from the TV: "...Ke Yan's straight pass! It was destroyed by Yan Yan! But Huitang Middle School controlled the second landing point, and they can continue to move forward Dongchuan Middle School launched an attack..."

She has turned on her voice again. After all, there is no commentary at all, and it still feels weird to watch the game.

Anyway, as long as the commentator doesn't brag about Luo Kai, she can still accept it.

After Hu Lai scored a goal, Huitang Middle School stepped up its defense against him, so during this period of the game, Hu Lai did not have any outstanding performances...

While watching the game, she always frowned, hoping that Hu Lai would explode again.

Don't let Luo Kai steal the limelight this time...

Of course, the premise is that Dongchuan Middle School can withstand the attack of Huitang Middle School during this period of time. If they lose the ball at the last moment, it will be useless to say anything.


"From the looks of it now, Huitang Middle School should have slowed down its pace just now, recovering its strength, and then prepared to use its strength at the last moment of the game to beat Dongchuan Middle School..."

The players of Jiaxiang High School are also expressing their opinions on the game.

"Dongchuan Middle School is a bit dangerous...the last ten minutes, hold on to the penalty kick!"

"That's right, if you hit a penalty kick, you still have a chance to eliminate Huitang Middle School!"

"Also, speaking of it, the fourth place in the last session, playing against a team that participated in the national competition for the first time, was dragged into a penalty shoot-out. This is a failure for Huitang Middle they Did you suddenly launch a fierce attack at the end of the game?"

"Dongchuan Middle School, come on!"

At this moment, the players of Jiaxiang High School are all cheering for their provincial team.


The players of Jiaxiang High School analyzed that there was nothing wrong with it. As the fourth place in the last national competition, their strength was stronger than that of Dongchuan Middle School, but in the end they were forced to play a penalty shootout.

This kind of thing is absolutely unacceptable to Huitang Middle School.

Putting face aside, if Dongchuan Middle School is really dragged into a penalty shootout, the outcome will be hard to say.

At this time, from the standpoint of Dongchuan Middle School, it seems that they should hope that the game will go to a penalty kick.

But Li Ziqiang didn't think so.

Because when Huitang Middle School pressed forward and wanted to quickly resolve the battle, the space behind them was naturally exposed.

At this time, there is only one counterattack...

Although he prepared a penalty kick before the game, it does not mean that he hopes that the team will actually take a penalty kick.

Why go to penalties if the fight can be resolved within eighty minutes?

Therefore, his latest instruction to the team is not to shrink and defend until the end of the game, but to ask the team not to forget to counterattack while defending.

Yes, facing the fourth place in the country in the last competition, Dongchuan Middle School still wanted to be able to overwhelm the opponent in 80 minutes.

And in fact, they have the capital to think so.

After all, they have Rocky.

Luo Kai's current position is very low, because Huitang Middle School is very high, and it will be difficult for him to receive the ball if he stays in the front.

Although retreating will increase the distance between him and Huitang Middle School's goal, but with his skills and speed, this distance is not an insurmountable moat.

When the time is right...

Of course, Huitang Middle School is not stupid. They have already suffered a counterattack from Luo Kai, so how could they still ignore Dongchuan Middle School's counterattack?

Therefore, their defensive strategy has also been adjusted. After losing the ball, instead of rushing forward immediately after losing the ball and launching a siege in the frontcourt, they quickly retreated, returned to their own half, and then blocked Dongchuan. Secondary offense.


At the seventy-fifth minute, Dongchuan Middle School got a chance to attack.

The players from Huitang Middle School quickly retreated to their second half.

When Dongchuan Middle School advanced through the midfield, Huitang Middle School's defense became significantly tougher.

Dongchuan Middle School can only cross the pass,

If you want to pass the ball forward, you will be oppressed by Huitang Middle School.

"Steady, pass back if you can't. At this time, if you pass the ball forward and miss the ball, you will be counterattacked by the opponent, which is dangerous." The players of Jiaxiang High School watched the live broadcast of the game and said worriedly.

At this time, I would rather wait until the end of the regular game and then hit a penalty kick.

This is the safest and safest.

Of course, different teams have different styles and temperaments. For the players of Jiaxiang High School, the matter of hitting penalty kicks is simply commonplace, and there is nothing wrong with it.

But if you switch to other teams, you may feel that they are too timid and not young enough... They would rather die standing up than living on their knees.


Chu Yifan caught the ball several times, but he couldn't pass the football forward. He and his teammates passed each other again and again. Facing the defensive pressure of Huitang Middle School, he even had to pass it back.

Seeing this scene, Luo Kai didn't continue to stay in front, but ran back.

He took the initiative to ask Chu Yifan for the ball.

However, his act of running back also attracted the attention of other players from Huitang Middle School, so someone ran over with Luo Kai.

Chu Yifan originally wanted to pass the football to Luo Kai, but after seeing the situation, it was difficult to play the ball.

Even if he passed the football, it would be difficult for Luo Kai, who had his back to the attacking direction, to turn around, and nine times out of ten he would still pass the football back to him.

What's the point of such a pass?

He looked up and looked elsewhere, to see if there were other passing targets.

Then he saw a gap in front of him because Luo Kai brought out a defensive player.

And Hu Lai happened to appear in this gap!

So Chu Yifan passed the football there without hesitation.

Sure enough, Hou Lai received the ball without marking.

He can even adjust and turn around very calmly.

It's just that after turning around, he was a little dumbfounded - now he is a little far away from the goal, about 30 meters away, he is not good at long-range shots, if he is asked to shoot directly from this place, I am afraid that he will not even reach the goal frame. I can't even touch it...

Carry the ball like Rocky?

To be honest, he was very envious in his heart, but he knew he couldn't do it. With his physical coordination ability, if he dribbled the ball, he might only advance one meter and lose the ball.

At this moment, he heard Luo Kai shouting at him: "Give me the ball!"

He turned his head and saw Luo Kai chasing up from behind, looking for him for the ball.

But Hu Lai glanced at the two players from Huitang Middle School who were following Luo Kai, snorted, and passed the football to Chu Yifan on the other side.

In this situation, you still ask me for the ball, and you yell so loudly, as if you are afraid that others will not know that you want to catch the ball... I still pass the ball to you? Am I an idiot or are you an idiot?

After passing the ball, Hu Lai ran away.

Seeing this, Luo Kai made an emergency stop and changed direction, going diagonally to the middle.

Seeing that his back was no longer facing the attacking direction, Chu Yifan passed the football over.

Luo Kai ran diagonally to the middle, while preparing to catch the ball.

At the same time, two players from Huitang Middle School who followed him also posted up. One was stuck on the inside of him, and the other was outflanking from the outside, intending to double-team Luo Kai when he got the ball.

Unexpectedly, the moment Luo Kai caught the ball, he gently knocked the football behind him with his heel, and at the same time stopped and turned around!

The whole person escaped from the double-teaming of two Huitang middle schools!

"Beautiful escape! Luo Kai! A genius performance!" The narrator seemed to have become a fan of Luo Kai, full of praise for Luo Kai's performance.

Of course, the huge cheers that suddenly sounded in the stands also proved that the commentator had expressed the thoughts of the fans.

This sudden jerk off is indeed beautiful.

Luo Kai, who got rid of it, quickly adjusted his football, and he was now facing the goal of Huitang Middle School!

"Dongchuan Middle School has a chance!"

Seeing this, the right center back of Huitang Middle School rushed forward and blocked Luo Kai head-on.


After passing the football to Chu Yifan, Hu Lai moved on his own, and he just ran to the right center back of Huitang Middle School.

As a result, Luo Kai got rid of it beautifully and attracted the central defender out. Now there is a strip of blank space behind him all the way to the middle.

In the distance, the left center back of Huitang Middle School is still guarding Tang Yuan...

This is an excellent space!

As long as Luo Kai kicks through, he can receive the ball in the middle and appear behind Huitang Middle School's No. 4 without offside!

Excited, Hu Lai quickly ran to this space.


After Luo Kai adjusted, he raised his head and glanced ahead. The opponent's central defender had already pounced on him. His gaze passed the central defender and cast towards the goal behind him.

There is a huge space around the centre-back, a space that goes straight to the goal.

Luo Kai didn't think about it anymore, he flicked the football forward, then swung his arm outwards and swung his right leg.

Bow and shoot big eagles!


He hit the football on the turf hard with the instep of his right foot.

After a muffled sound, the football roared and flew towards the goal.

And the No. 4 central defender of Huitang Middle School who rushed forward had no time to block the shot. He could only watch the football fly past him...

After completing the shot, Luo Kai suddenly had an intuition in his heart - he had a strong premonition that the goal was going to be scored, because he felt very good when the football was shot, it was an indescribable feeling, like a three-pointer The pitcher, just as the ball was thrown, clenched his fists, knowing that the ball would definitely go in.

He is going to kill Huitang Middle School!

But just when a faint smile appeared on Luo Kai's face, he saw an unexpected figure appear from the left within his field of vision!

It's Hu Lai!

And he happened to appear on the flight path of the football!

What is this bastard running around? !

The bastard in Luo Kai's eyes also seemed to notice something strange, he turned his head and looked over, his eyes widened...


As soon as Hu Lai ran out from behind the No. 4 central defender of Huitang Middle School, he suddenly felt something was wrong, as if a wind was blowing towards his face...

He turned his head to look reflexively, and then saw a huge round black shadow appearing in front of his eyes!

This is... what the hell? !

Hu Lai didn't have time to make any noise, and the black shadow was on his face.


Before he understood what happened, he fell into a brief dizziness, and there was a buzzing in his ears, the only sound in the whole world...


"Rokai shoots!!"

The commentator shouted, this is a very high-quality shot, if the ball is scored, he is ready to be called "World Wave" again, goosebumps have already appeared on his arm in advance...

But then his emotions were interrupted, because he found that Luo Kai's shot hit the face of another Dongchuan Middle School player who suddenly appeared on the football line!

It's really unexpected, Luo Kai's beautiful shot, dodged the open and dark arrows of Huitang Middle School players, but did not avoid the faces of his own people...

If this lore ball is blocked by one of his own people, how much hate would it be?

I'm afraid this teammate will bear huge infamy and pressure...

Thoughts in the narrator's mind are spinning very fast, but in reality, it may only be a blink of an eye.

The soccer ball, which was originally flying towards the near corner, hit the face of the Dongchuan Middle School player, produced a redirection, and flew towards the far corner of the goal...

The goalkeeper of Huitang Middle School, who was originally pounced towards the near corner, saw the football fly in the completely opposite direction. He could do nothing but turn his head to look at the football in the air in despair.

On and off the pitch, in front of any mobile phones, tablets and TVs that receive TV broadcast signals, everyone just watched Luo Kai's shot hit the face of his teammates, and then refracted and flew to the far corner of the goal.

Before everyone had time to react, the football flew into the goal of Huitang Middle School from the far corner...


PS, there will be an Easter Egg Chapter in the back, which is the animation of Hu Lai's lore ball that I made with the app "Football Coach Tactic Board". Because of the frame rate, although it looks smooth in the app, the actual output is The video is very stuck.

There is no way to do this, everyone can only blink to make up the frame, anyway, it is just to show everyone the meaning and understand the importance of spirit...

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