Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 72 Where did your Hu Lai go?

"Pirates of Madrid's counterattack...Whoah! He saved the ball back! He picked it over Bowman's head! He...barbed?! He barbed shot! God! Goal! Goal! Absolutely Unbelievable! Hu scored a goal with an upside-down golden hook from such a long distance!!"

Highlights of the wonderful goals of this round of the Champions League group stage are being broadcast on TV.

The hoarse commentary comes from British commentator Matthew Cox.

In the "White Rose" bar, everyone looked up at the goal screen on the TV.

Someone said with emotion: "I don't know if it's my illusion. I always feel that after Hu went to Madrid, he became a European phenomenal player. We can always see his news and news in the media every now and then..."

Someone refuted him: "It was just because he was in Leeds before, and we could see his news every day, so we didn't think there was anything. If you think about the fans of the Pirates now, they can also see his news every day."

"But no matter what, Hu is indeed more famous than before. After all, pirates are the real rich..."

"I don't care what the pirates are, I really miss Hu..."

Everyone was emotionally affected by such a sentence, and they all let out a sigh.

In another UEFA Champions League group match held at the same time yesterday, Leeds City in the same group challenged Kyiv away, but were tied 0:0 by their opponents.

Failed to score and failed to take all three points.

In fact, since the start of the new season, Leeds City has encountered trouble.

Hu Lai's departure has a huge impact on the team.

Leeds City's tactics are mainly offensive. All their achievements before have been based on scoring goals.

It is precisely because they have the ability to score goals that they can threaten their opponents and gain the initiative in the game.

But if they can't score, the threat level will plummet.

The opponent will think: since you can't threaten my goal, then your offensive football is just to leave the back field empty for us to counterattack.

So Leeds City's original advantage has become its current disadvantage.

When the offensive football is no longer fierce, their shortcomings of poor defense will be infinitely magnified.

In the four rounds of the Premier League in the new season, Leeds City has two draws and two losses, and has not won a game.

Ranked seventeenth with only two points, the situation is not good.

Scored four goals and conceded eleven.

Such a performance naturally did not satisfy the fans, and everyone missed Hu Lai even more because of this.

In fact, this season Leeds City still pays more attention to defense than before. They also invited coaches who are good at defense to train and tune the team's defensive ability.

But the transformation of tactics did not happen overnight. The players got used to the previous offensive football, and it is not easy to adapt to the new football in the post-Hulai era.

After watching Hou Lai leave Leeds City, he went to Madrid Pirates and scored in every game. Nine goals in five games combined is simply unstoppable.

Leeds City fans are so sour...

Sour and unpleasant.


The sour and unpleasant ones also include Zhou Zijing.

At this moment, he is doing simple warm-up activities in the warm-up area beside the Flanders Stadium.

But that doesn't mean he's going to play for the team.

As a substitute, it is impossible to wait until the time to play before being called to warm up. After all, not every substitution will give you a few minutes first, allowing you to fully warm up before playing.

Sometimes it is due to unexpected circumstances such as player injuries, or it may be that the head coach suddenly decides to make a substitution. At that time, there is not enough time to wait for you to warm up slowly, but you need to come when you are called, and you can fight when you come.

Therefore, in order to ensure that the bodies of the substitute players are always ready to play, the players on the bench are often called to the sidelines to warm up in batches.

At this moment, Zhou Zijing and some of his teammates were warming up on the sidelines.

Just a routine warm-up does not mean he will be sent to the field.

After warming up for a while, it is normal to go back to the bench and sit down to watch the game.

In fact, being able to warm up on the sidelines is already a good treatment for Zhou Zijing.

You must know that throughout August, he couldn't even make the squad in Leeds City, and he didn't even qualify to come to the sidelines to warm up!

Now at least he can watch the game from the closest distance, which is even more VIP than the VIP box upstairs.

But Zhou Zijing doesn't want this VIP treatment!

He wants to go further!

It has been two months since he came to Leeds City in mid-July. Although he played in some insignificant warm-up matches, he didn't play for Leeds City for a minute in the official game.

After playing the national team, perhaps because he scored goals in the national team, he was finally selected for the squad.

But whether it was the last round of the away game against the Highlanders in the Premier League, or the last away game against Kyiv in the Champions League.

Although he was selected for the big list, he stayed on the bench for 90 minutes and was not able to play.

In these two games, Leeds City first shook hands with the Highlanders 1:1, and then drew with Kyiv 0:0.

As a center, Zhou Zijing can only be a spectator off the court, but he can't help the team score goals on the court. He is very aggrieved.

In terms of this performance, what can you talk about to make Leeds City fans forget Hu Lai?

Leeds City fans miss Hu Lai very much now!

Because the invincible Leeds City encountered "weak front". Valley

In previous games, coach Clark tried a variety of striker combinations.

But no matter what combination, the effect is not very understandable.

Laski's performance last season was not bad, but also because of the fact that Hu Lai was around him. With Hou Lai helping him attract a lot of defensive firepower, he has much less pressure.

Now that Houlay is gone, the Pole is alone with most of the attention from the opposition defense.

The Poles have not yet been able to seize every rare offensive opportunity and turn it into a goal like Hu Lai. This has caused Leeds City to often face the danger of being unable to attack and then being counterattacked by the opponent.

Now in this Leeds game against London Mars at home, Clarke chose to let Lorenzo start and partner with Laski.

He wanted to use the header ability of the high center forward Lorenzo to create opportunities for Lasky.

However, the Italian high center, who has come to the last season of his career, has obviously declined in physical fitness and ability. Although he is still conscientious in training, he still cannot make up for his age gap.

He can't take advantage of the defenders of the London Martians.

In the first half, Leeds City still maintained a certain advantage amidst the cheers of the home fans.

But when they failed to score a goal in the first half, Leeds City's offensive was somewhat exhausted.

After the start of the second half, London Mars' counterattack became more and more fierce, and now it was Leeds' turn to be in danger.

And all of this, Zhou Zijing could only watch from the sidelines.

Let Leeds City fans forget Hu Lai?

Now it seems like an "impossible mission".

Just a few minutes earlier, Leeds City fans sang "Hu Song" in the stands.

This song was supposed to be sung after Hu Lai scored a goal. But with Hu Lai's transfer and departure, Leeds City fans seem to have lost the opportunity to sing this song.

Today, it suddenly sang in this game. Everyone knows what it means.

Leeds City fans are missing Hou Lai.

Especially under such circumstances, his team's offense was weak, but Hu Lai scored twice in the previous Champions League group stage, and the second goal was a wonderful ultra-long-range barb goal...

All of Europe is discussing Hu Lai's goal, and all of Europe is praising that goal.

Compared with such a person, he is a nobody who has never even played in Leeds City.

He thought he was the only one living in the shadow of Holly, but now he finds out that the whole city of Leeds is actually under the shadow of Holly...

But he still clamored to defeat him?

Zhou Zijing thought it was a bit ridiculous.

Not to mention Hu Lai, he can't even compare to Luo Kai.

Ren Luokai has started to play in Tramed now anyway, even though he came off the bench...but that is also a good sign.

What about yourself?

He didn't even open his head!

It's simply that people are more popular than people!

When will the era that belongs to me Zhou Zijing come!

Or... can it still come?


Just when Zhou Zijing was upset, the situation on the field changed suddenly.

The London Martians, who had been dominant before, broke through Leeds' defense through a quick counterattack, and finally their young Australian striker Benjamin Torrio scored!

Leeds City are behind at home!

While the Leeds City fans were still regretting and suffering from losing the ball, London Mars goal scorer Benjamin Torrio made an unexpected move...

He ran towards the corner flag, jumped up, turned 180 degrees in the air, and landed with his arms back!

Although it's not very standard, everyone can see that this is Hu Lai's signature celebration!

Scored the Leeds City goal at Leeds City's home court, and then made the iconic celebration of the Leeds City legend...

What does it mean?

It's not over yet. After scoring the goal, Torio made a gesture of looking at the stands of Leeds City:

Where did your Holly go?

The Flanders Stadium exploded directly.

The booing storm took shape in an instant!

The Leeds City players on the field were still annoyed about losing the ball, holding their heads in their hands and looking pained. After seeing Torrio's celebration, his complexion changed instantly, and they all ran to find trouble with the other party.

The other players of the London Mars rushed to protect their teammates.

The two sides pushed and shoved together like this!

The boos in the stands were also mixed with the shouts and curses of the Leeds City fans.

Hearing the boos all over the sky and watching the scene where the players from both sides were yelling at each other, Zhou Zijing was dumbfounded.

Fuck, what's going on? !

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