Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 73 Catching Up With His Footsteps

Farrek Quinn was furious. He pointed at Benjamin Torrio who scored the goal and yelled: "You bastard boy, do it again in front of me! See if I don't fucking kill you!"

He was pushed hard by Jay Adams, who kept urging him: "Calm down, Farek, calm down! You'll be in trouble if you get a card! Even a yellow card isn't worth it!"

"Damn, you're too much of a bully!" Quinn cursed while struggling.

He wasn't the only Leeds player so furious.

Junpei Morikawa was the first to rush to find trouble with Torrio. If Pete Williams hadn't caught him quickly, he might have overthrown the Australian to the ground.

But Pete stopped Morikawa Junpei, but not Camara, and the Frenchman rushed up and gave Benjamin Torrio a hard push.

The opponent fell to the ground, causing even greater commotion.

Not only the players in Leeds City are so angry, but also the fans in the stands.

On the north stand of the Flanders Stadium, Levin was pointing his middle finger at the bottom, while roaring: "Australian who killed a thousand knives! You are fucking dead! You are dead!! FUCK! Who do you think you are? ? How dare you do his celebration here?!"

The same goes for David Miller and others.

And those fans in the front row who were closer to the stadium even tried to climb over the billboards, break through the layers of security personnel, and ran to the stadium to physically "get together" with Benjamin Torrio.

Fortunately, the security personnel were dedicated to their duties and did not let this scene happen...

So they kept yelling and screaming at Torrio across the security police, making international friendly gestures.

Everyone knows what Torrio's action means.

This is a naked provocation!

Because of Hu Lai's departure, Leeds City has been very sad recently. Torrio used this celebration to mock Leeds City without Hou Lai, just like a toothless tiger.

This is to reopen the scabbed wound in Leeds City, revealing the bloody flesh and blood inside, and then sprinkle salt into it...

Who can bear this?

And Torrio, who did everything, didn't seem to think it was a big deal.

Even though he was protected by his teammates, he continued to speak provocatively, pointing at Leeds players such as Kamara and Quinn and cursing.

It seems that he is not convinced by the accusations made by Leeds City players and fans.

Tony Clark, who was watching this scene off the court, asked his assistant coach Sam Randyll: "Any old grudges between us and the London Mars?"

Randyll frowned and thought about it carefully: "We won one and one loss against them last season, and we won both games last season... But these are normal games, there is no story."

There is really no story, the book and the London Mars game did not explain much...

"Then what does this kid think?" Clark pointed to Torrio who was protected by his teammates.

"Who knows..." Randall shrugged, "Australians are out of their minds...Maybe, he thinks this can irritate us and make us more impatient..."

"Enrage us?" Clark snorted coldly, and suddenly said to Randyll: "Sam, go and call Zhou back, I need him to play!"

Randyll nodded, turned and ran to the warm-up area.

Clark turned to the fourth official on the sidelines and protested Benjamin Torrio's provocation with open arms.

If this kind of performance is not given a card, it is really unreasonable.


Zhou Zijing was still dumbfounded, he didn't expect a conflict to happen right under his nose, and then he was patted on the shoulder.

Seeing that it was his teammate, he pointed to the side and said to Zhou Zijing, "The assistant coach called you."

Zhou Zijing looked over, and sure enough, he saw assistant coach Sam Landier hooking him: "Zhou! You're back!"

He hurried over.

"Follow me." Randyll didn't say much, just shook his head in Clark's direction.

Zhou Zijing's eyes widened, he didn't expect happiness to come so suddenly!

He already realized what this action meant - he might be replaced!

His Premier, it's the first show in his overseas career...coming soon!


"Torio's celebration is too unfriendly... He should know what it means, he did it on purpose!"

On the TV, the commentator He Feng was criticizing Benjamin Torrio's celebration in a fierce tone.

And on China's Internet, there are countless fierce criticisms by Higa mine.

All the Chinese fans are greeting the family of Benjamin Torrio, a 24-year-old Australian international, and even Torrio's dog has suffered...

Zhou Shenghai in front of the TV was also scolding. He was not because he was a Hu Lai fan, but because Torrio was provoking Leeds City, and his son was a Leeds City player. Of course he wanted to stand on the side of Leeds City. position slightly.

As a result, while cursing and cursing, everything in the rebroadcast screen was cut to Zhou Zijing's body.

I saw him standing beside the head coach Clark!

Zhou Shenghai stopped cursing, but got up from the sofa abruptly and clenched his fists.

He knew that his son... was about to appear!


The conflict on the court finally ended with the intervention of multiple parties.

The referee gave a yellow card to the provocative Torrio, and another yellow card to Kamara who pushed Torrio down.

Of course, this kind of behavior of the top 50 boards cannot be satisfied by the Leeds City fans in the stands.

They booed and cursed.

It is entirely predictable that as long as Torio gets the ball next, boos will be overwhelming waiting for him.

After the conflict ended, Leeds City made substitutions.

On the 18th Zhou Zijing, the No. 9 captain Lorenzo Esposito was replaced.

He Feng's tone lifted, and he put aside the mess just now: "Zhou Zijing is about to play! This is his first Premier League game! It is also his first appearance after studying abroad!"

Yan Kang said from the side: "It's not surprising that Zhou Zijing replaced Lorenzo. The two of them have similar styles, but Zhou Zijing is older. After replacing him, he should be more threatening than Lorenzo..."

When Zhou Zijing ran onto the field, only a few boos greeted him.

Because the anger of most Leeds City fans was attracted by Benjamin Torio.

Instead, he relaxed a lot.


Lorenzo handed the captain's armband to Pete Williams before going off.

The latter put the captain's armband on his arm and shouted to his teammates: "Guys! We must not let the bastards in London do something like that and nothing will happen! Let them know the anger Our end!"

"Let them know how powerful we are!"

The Leeds City players followed suit, glaring at the London Mars players.

From the beginning of the new season to the present, they have not played smoothly and are under tremendous pressure. I've been suffocating for a long time.

But now this fire urgently needs a vent.

London Mars was delivered to the door just at this time.

When Zhou Zijing ran onto the court, the atmosphere was so enthusiastic that it seemed to be burning.

Hearing the shouts in his ears, he felt that his body that had just moved became hot again.

This is the Premier League!

This is a game that Hu Lai has experienced again and again!

And now... I have finally caught up with his footsteps!

Then Zhou Zijing set his sights on the opponent's striker Benjamin Torrio.

Thanks to your hard work, kid, I got the chance to play.

In return, I must give you a good time!


Torrio suddenly felt a very unfriendly gaze towards him. He followed and saw the big Chinese man who had just played.

Seeing myself looking over, the other party even grinned at me.

Torrio was confused.

What a fart you are laughing!

This is crazy, right?


After a few minutes of interruption, the game resumed.

London Mars, who scored the goal, originally wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to pursue the victory. But when the game started, they found that they encountered huge resistance.

As soon as Torrio took the ball in the frontcourt and was about to drive forward with the ball, he was tackled by Morikawa Junpei from the side and rear!

He fell to the ground and naturally lost possession of the ball.

Lying on the ground, Torrio raised his arms and complained to the referee for a foul by Morikawa Junpei.

But the referee didn't say anything.

Instead, there was booing in the stands-this was all given to Torrio by Leeds City fans.

"Beautiful tackle! Very clean! Junpei Morikawa's clean tackle ended this attack by the London Martians!"

Junpei Morikawa quickly got up from the ground, controlled the football, passed it out, and ran forward. He didn't even look at Torrio the whole time.

Torrio slapped the turf angrily, and got up from the ground despite boos all over the sky.

He looked at the backs of the Leeds City players and swore in his heart:

Just wait and see!

I will still score goals in this game, score more goals, and completely defeat you!


After a quick look left and right, Pete Williams handed the ball to Kamara, as he chanted in French: "Direct cross!"

Because the high center forward Lorenzo was the starter in this game, Leeds City's tactics were relatively simple and direct.

Coupled with the fact that everyone is angry now, it is naturally impossible to deal with the opponent slowly. Naturally, he will choose a rougher style of play.

This style of play may not have any technical gold content, but it is very suitable for the current Leeds City!

After Kamara heard Pete's reminder, he directly made a cross.

The football arced and flew straight into the penalty area of ​​London Mars.

There, a figure soared into the air, and flung the football towards the goal before the central defender of the London Martians!


"Oh! Zhou Zijing's header went wide!" He Feng yelled regretfully.

"But it doesn't matter! It's a good thing to play like this and dare to shoot!" Yan Kang praised Zhou Zijing from the side, "You must have such confidence! Although the header was missed, Zhou Zijing grabbed can see it , he really doesn't have stage fright! This is a good thing!"

After landing, Zhou Zijing saw that the football did not fly into the goal, and he put his head in his hands and roared regretfully.

This is the first time he has touched the ball after playing!

In his debut in Leeds City, Hu Lai didn't even score a goal with his first touch!

If I can score this goal, wouldn't I be able to surpass Hu Lai in the first show?



Just when Zhou Zijing regretted that he failed to score a goal, the goalkeeper of London Mars was telling his teammates:

"Don't let that kid hit the ball easily!"

He pointed to Zhou Zijing with his head in his hands.

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