Although Zhou Zijing did not complete the achievement of scoring the goal with the first touch of the ball in his debut, Leeds City's offense gained momentum in his attempted header this time.

Originally, the players in Leeds City were all suffocating, like eleven powder kegs, which exploded at one point, which was extremely dangerous.

But Zhou Zijing's outstanding performance gave them the best vent.

It was like flowing magma clashing underground, trying to find the weakest place.

Once they are found, the ultra-high temperature magma will erupt and become a volcanic eruption that is enough to destroy the world!

Now the Flanders Stadium is like the crater of a volcano, and the players of Leeds City are hot magma.

Now that Zhou Zijing has proved his ability to stay in the air with the header just now, the rest is very simple - throw the football on his head!

Zhou Zijing is 1.88 meters tall, which is definitely not low, plus his weight of 87 kilograms. Even in the Premier League, his physical confrontation ability is not weak at all.

When the central defenders of London Mars looked down on Zhou Zijing just because he was a Chinese player, they found that this Chinese player was as strong as a bull!

"Huh? That kid's performance is better than we thought at first?" In the north stand, the fans of "White Rose" were surprised by Zhou Zijing's performance.

"No matter how good your performance is, you can't compare to Hu!" David Miller snorted unconvinced. "How dare you say something to make us forget about Hu? Who does he think he is?!"

"But Dad..." My son Matthew retorted, "We don't need to compare him to Hubby... How many people in this world are better than Hu? As long as he can help us improve our offense, wouldn't it be all right? "

David Miller glared at his son, but ignored him.

It's just that when I look at the stadium again, I can indeed see that Leeds City's offensive is more threatening than before.

After a powerful center forward came up, Leeds City's offense had a direction on the one hand, and on the other hand, it was able to control the ball in the frontcourt. Don't worry about losing the ball easily in the frontcourt like before. In this way, the two full-backs of Leeds City dared to press on with confidence.

Because they dared to invest more troops in the offense, the offensive threat of Leeds City was naturally greater than before.


When Farrek Quinn took the ball from the left, because of Zhou Zijing's forward pressure, the London Mars' back line was pressed into the penalty area, and their frontier of the penalty area was relatively open.

So Quinn did not pass the football directly to the goal, but crossed it to Jay Adams in the middle, and the latter completed a long shot without defense.

Although the football was saved by the goalkeeper of London Mars, it still inspired the Leeds City fans in the stands. They cheered loudly and cheered for the team.

Leeds City win a corner.

The players of London Mars returned to their penalty area to participate in the defense.

Forward Benjamin Torrio, who is 1.86 meters tall, is also among them.

As a striker, his header ability is very good, but his speed is not fast, so in corner kick defense, it is just used to help defend against high-altitude balls, instead of staying in front to counterattack.

When he stood in the restricted area, he saw the Chinese man smiling at him.

Torrio laughed so hard that he couldn't understand why he was laughing.

He ignored the madness and concentrated on standing in his own position - a place slightly outside the small penalty area line.

In front of him are the two central defenders of London Mars, who are tangling with the two central defenders of Leeds City.

Torrio was responsible for defending at the back, and beside him was another Leeds striker, Dominique Laski.

The two stood close to each other. Torio opened his hands and closed them in a circle. While stopping Lasky, he also signaled to the referee that he did not touch the opponent.

There are dense players on both sides in the penalty area. Basically, there is me in you and you in me.

Zhou Zijing did not rush to the door,

There are people around him too.

After both sides were ready, Leeds City took a corner kick.

Pete Williams did not kick the football directly from the corner flag area to the goal, but flicked it to the side and gave it to Kamara who was waiting here.

Tactical corner.

After the Frenchman stopped, he pretended to break through directly, tricking the two London Mars defenders in front of him to retreat back, opened up the passing space and sent a cross!

And just as Kamara kicked the ball out.

Zhou Zijing also started.

He first made a gesture to go forward obliquely, tricked the London Mars players who defended him to go around and get stuck, and then suddenly stopped and retreated and turned to the back point!

In the chaotic restricted zone, the opponent had lost track of Zhou Zijing, and when he turned around, he could only watch Zhou Zijing leap forward from behind!

Torrio was competing with Laski, Laski turned around and wanted to run back, but was blocked by Torrio with his body.

The football is already rushing to the back point, as long as Laski is not allowed to run to the point and jump up, his defense will be considered a success...

Just when Torrio was thinking this way, a figure suddenly appeared in the corner of his eyes...

When he saw clearly who this figure was, he was shocked!

It is the Chinese!

He has already jumped over to where he is!

Torrio hastily ignored Laski, and quickly took off on the spot, trying to compete for the top.


He had just taken off, but Zhou Zijing was already flying in the air, his murderous intent was like an angry bull crashing into his arms!

Zhou Zijing hit the ball on his head almost at the same time as he collided with Torrio.

He blinked almost reflexively, and the feeling of touching the ball on his forehead disappeared.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw a football wrapped in a net in the goal directly in front of him, spinning by itself...

And beside him, or under him, Benjamin Torrio lost his center of gravity, his body could no longer support him, and he was tilting downward. At the same time, he raised his head and stared dumbfoundedly at Zhou Zijing who was aloof!

He never expected that he would be scored on the head by this big stupid Chinese man!


"Zhou...Zhou Zijing!!" He Feng stammered, he didn't expect Zhou Zijing to score in his first show abroad!

"Good goal! Headed goal! Zhou Zijing also scored his first goal after joining Leeds City! This goal came too timely!"

"Zhou! Oh! Zhou! He scored! The first goal in the first show! Aha! This really...reminds me of another Chinese player!" Matthew Cox mentioned "another The first Chinese player" is naturally Hu Lai!

When Hou Lai made his first appearance for Leeds City, he also scored in his debut.

As a result, Zhou Zijing has gone the same way as Hu Lai now. He also came off the bench in his first show, was ordered in the face of danger, and then...scored the goal!

I don't know if this is a pure coincidence, or some kind of fate...

But Matthew Cox still feels embarrassed.

The fans of Leeds City lost Hu Lai, but now God sent them another Chinese player who scored in his debut. Is this a kind of... compensation?


"Go...a goal?!" In the north stand, the fans of "White Rose" were dumbfounded. They didn't expect Zhou Zijing, who they didn't like, to score a goal.

Levin turned his head to look at the boss, David Miller: "Hello, David?"

"This..." David Miller didn't know how to answer for a moment.

But the cheers around him answered for him.

The son beside him couldn't wait to cheer.

So David Miller sighed and raised his arms: "Why are you still standing there? We scored a goal! Let the London bastards know, this is the end of angering us!"

More cheers sounded from the North Stand, and then spread to the audience. The fire that the Leeds City fans had accumulated in their hearts since Torio's goal just now vented out in one breath.

As for the new aid they didn't like before...

Well, although it is definitely not as good as Hu, but... the young man is still a little bit capable!


I scored? !

I rely on!

I really scored!

Zhou Zijing, who landed on the ground, turned around and ran, but his mind was blank and he had no idea what to do to celebrate.

Fortunately, his teammates rescued him - he was hugged by excited teammates halfway through the run, and then dragged him to the ground and pressed him down!

He doesn't have to think about how to celebrate anymore...

His teammates roared in his ears, making noises he couldn't understand.

Although I can't understand it, I can fully feel everyone's joy.

For the first time, Zhou Zijing felt that he had really begun to integrate into this strange team...

Sure enough, sure enough, it still depends on scoring goals!

As long as I can score goals, there will always be a place for me in this team!


The celebration was finally over, and the players of Leeds City ran back to their own half.

And the players of London Mars have already stood in their respective positions, waiting for the kick-off.

Although it was a little uncomfortable to be equalized, there were still 30 minutes left in the game, and now it was only a draw, so there might not be no chance...

Yes, calm down and steady your mind!

Benjamin Torrio stands right in the center circle with a football at his feet, ready for kick-off.

The players of Leeds City are running towards the halfway line, and they are also preparing to return to their own half.

Seeing those Leeds City players talking and laughing, Torrio couldn't help but snorted coldly.

The great displeasure just showed on his face.

He is not afraid of being seen by the players of Leeds City, he even deliberately wants to show them to the players of Leeds City.

He feels that he is in full shape today and has the confidence to score again.

How could it be possible to admit defeat in front of the Leeds City players at this time?

At this moment, Zhou Zijing, who was originally surrounded by other players in Leeds City, suddenly left the team, turned a corner, and ran to the middle circle, heading for Torrio!

"Hey..." Laski was a little surprised, and reflexively wanted to stop Zhou Zijing, but was stopped by Pete Williams and Jay Adams at the same time.

"It's okay, Dominic. Just watch." Adams, who stopped him, said to Laski with a smile.

Then, everyone turned their attention to it.

Zhou Zijing ran to Torrio's side, and under the suspicious eyes of the other party, he put up a pergola with his hands and made a "far-seeing" posture.

It was a real "overlook", because Torrio was right in front of him, but he looked up into the distance, treating the other party as air, turning a blind eye!

Torrio's pale face instantly turned red!

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