Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 144 What is Unsportsmanlike?

"...In the U23 third and fourth finals that ended this afternoon, the Chinese Olympic team defeated the Iranian Olympic team 3:1 at the Tokyo National Stadium and won the third place in the U23 Asian Cup. And thus qualified to participate in the Olympic Games held in Los Angeles, USA this summer...

"At the last moment of the game, Zhou Zijing scored a goal to seal the victory for the Olympic team. But this goal also caused chaos on the field... The players of the Iranian Olympic team thought that Zhou Zijing's way of scoring was not polite...In the end During the conflict, the goalkeeper of the Iranian Olympic team was sent off with a red card...

"With a few minutes left in the game, the Iranian Olympic team lost one player and fell behind by two goals. It has completely lost hope of winning the game... After the game, Zhou Zijing was very happy that he was able to help the team enter the Olympics. As for his controversial goal, he didn't mention it at all...But on the social network, Zhou Zijing posted a Weibo with only four words: 'Retribution is not good'..."

In the news screen, Zhou Zi dribbled the ball into the penalty area after passing the goalkeeper of the Iranian Olympic team, but did not shoot directly. Instead, go all the way to the goal line, put the football on the goal line, and turn around with your back to the goal.

Under the watchful eyes of the Iranian Olympic team players, he gently knocked the football into the goal with his heel.

This action angered the players of the Iranian Olympic team, and they rushed forward to trouble Zhou Zijing.

Zhou Zijing was not afraid at all, he just stood there and challenged the opponent.

Until the goalkeeper of the Iranian Olympic team rushed up, grabbed Zhou Zijing's neck, and pushed him to the ground...

The Chinese Olympic team players who ran up to celebrate the goal and the Iranian Olympic team shoved each other, and the scene was chaotic...

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"Zhou Zijing, Zhou Zijing! Let me tell you what's good about you!"

Ran Jiachang of the Olympic team pointed at Zhou Zijing angrily.

"Honestly kick that ball in and it's over, what are you doing with those?!"

Zhou Zijing poked his neck and said, "I'm just so angry. They treated us like this back then, and I'm going to pay it back!"

What Zhou Zijing said was an old story.

Twelve years ago, 2016 was also the U23 Asian Cup. It was the first U23 Asian Cup, and it was also an Olympic qualifier. The Chinese Olympic team met the Iranian Olympic team in a key match in the group stage.

The Chinese Olympic team must defeat the Iranian Olympic team in order to qualify for the U23 Asian Cup knockout round and compete for Olympic tickets.

But at that time, the strength of the Chinese Olympic team and the Iranian Olympic team was very different.

Even though the Chinese Olympic team tried their best, they still lost 1:3.

In the end, he missed the knockout round and missed the Olympics.

If that's the case, it's just an ordinary failure that was not uncommon in Chinese football at that time.

It seems that there is nothing to say about losing to a team stronger than yourself.

There is no shortage of such failures in Chinese football.

But this game still left a deep impression on all Chinese fans.

Because it is so humiliating...

The Iranian Olympic team not only won the game, but also humiliated Chinese players in a special way.

That was also the third goal of the Iranian Olympic team in that game.

At that time, the striker of the Iranian Olympic team also passed the goalkeeper of the Chinese Olympic team and faced an empty goal.

But he did not choose to shoot directly, but brought the football to the goal line, and then made a gesture of calling friends, and called the surrounding Iranian Olympic team players to form a circle. On the one hand, he was defending the Chinese Olympic team. The goalkeeper came back to save the ball, and on the other hand, it was also a celebration.

Then he got down again and headed the ball into the goal that was close at hand.

To score such a very special header...

This way of scoring a goal can be said to be extremely humiliating to the Chinese Olympic team. When Zhou Zijing, who was only 12 years old at the time, saw this goal, his blood pressure soared, and countless grass mud horses rushed past him.

What made him burst even more was that in the face of such an insulting goal, the players of the Chinese Olympic team were indifferent.

They may have been numb by the loss, or they may have been confused by the actions of the Iranian Olympic team.

In short, what has been shown is that when the Iranian Olympic team players humiliated them in this way, none of the Chinese Olympic team players stood up and expressed their anger and dissatisfaction.

They just put their heads in their hands, or lay down on the ground, making the best backdrop for the cheering and celebrating Iranian players.

This scene was deeply imprinted in the young Zhou Zijing's heart.

He didn't know what he could do, the only thing he could do was to keep this event, this scene firmly in his heart.

But now, when he faced the Iranian Olympic team again, that unforgettable scene appeared before his eyes again.

When he tricked the goalkeeper of the Iranian Olympic team, he realized that he could finally vent the anger he had accumulated for twelve years!

So he took a huge risk and parked the football on the goal line of the Iranian Olympic team. Looking at their terrified, desperate and angry expressions, he gently knocked the ball into the goal behind him.

Hearing Zhou Zijing's words, Ran Jiachang collapsed even more: "That happened twelve years ago, what does it have to do with this Iranian Olympic team?!"

Zhou Zijing curled his lips: "Then Koichi Sato took away our Asian Cup championship with handball, what does it have to do with the Japanese team later?"

"You!" Ran Jiachang didn't expect Zhou Zijing to be so bold.

His hand pointing at Zhou Zijing even trembled, but he couldn't speak.

Because there is nothing wrong with what Zhou Zijing said...

At the beginning, Koichi Sato scored with his hands in the Asian Cup final, which completely defeated the morale of the Chinese team, leading to the final Japanese team winning the Asian Cup in China.

This incident has become a permanent pain in Chinese football. Every time the Chinese and Japanese teams meet in the future, they will be brought up and said, reminding Chinese players not to forget this incident.

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To revenge.

In the U23 Asian Cup four years ago, when Hu Lai helped the Chinese Olympic team defeat the Japanese Olympic team to win the U23 Asian Cup championship, countless fans and media were shouting that this Olympic team was the big brother of the national team revenge.

So how can it be argued that the current Iranian Olympic team did not do that to the Chinese Olympic team?

The head coach of the Olympic team, Mai Zhaocheng, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly stared at Zhou Zijing and shouted: "Zhou Zijing, you have played football abroad, so you are fucking promising! How did you talk to the team leader? Get out of here! Write a profound Leave the review to me, and if I am not satisfied, you will not be allowed to leave the room! When will you write it down until I am satisfied? Then go out! Get lost!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Zijing turned around neatly and went out the door.

Ran Jiachang looked at the closed door, then at Mai Zhaocheng: "I'm in a hurry."

"Don't be in a hurry, Lao Ran. Let me tell you that this brat needs to be cleaned up. He really swelled up after going abroad to play football. If I don't worry about it, it will be too late when he goes to the Olympics and causes big troubles. Already!"

Ran Jiachang sneered: "I mean you are too eager to protect the calf."

Mai Zhaocheng was stunned for a moment, then laughed again: "I really asked him to write the inspection, and I really intend not to let him go out unless the inspection he wrote satisfies me."

"Forget it..." Ran Jiachang sighed, "You're right, if he doesn't get rid of his temper, he will really cause a lot of trouble at that time... Both of us can't bear it and walk around. Fortunately, there is no such thing this time." What a big problem..."

Mai Zhaocheng chuckled: "Isn't it because the Iranians made their own mistakes first?"

Iran is indeed in the wrong, so it can't make trouble.

What Zhou Zijing did also caused an uproar in public opinion on the Internet. The Iranian media was naturally very dissatisfied with his actions, criticizing Zhou Zijing's actions as "unsportsmanlike and unsportsmanlike".

But immediately the Chinese media fought back, digging out the bad incident twelve years ago, throwing it in the face of the Iranian media, asking them to translate and translate, what the fuck is called "unsportsmanlike, no sports demeanor"!

Oh, what your Iranian Olympic team did back then, our Chinese Olympic team can’t do it now?

When you were doing it for the Iranian Olympic team, why didn’t your own media come out to kill relatives righteously?

What face do you have to accuse our players now?

Without the "cause" you planted back then, where would the "fruit" you are bearing now come from? !

So the fierce artillery fire used by the Iranian media to criticize Zhou Zijing finally fell on themselves.

On China's Internet, countless fans praised Zhou Zijing as a "national hero".

Of course, it's not that the second devil said that he wanted to "repay grievances with virtue". Even if they treated us so badly back then, we shouldn't take revenge like this. If a dog bites a person, is it necessary to bite back if the person is difficult to take away?

However, these two devils' remarks were quickly overwhelmed by the turbulent public opinion, and they were completely submerged in the tide. They did not cause any waves, nor did they affect everyone's overall evaluation of Zhou Zijing.

On the Internet, there are also many people who are watching the jokes about the Iranian Olympic team - there are always people who know the grievances between the Iranian Olympic team and the Chinese Olympic team.

Ran Jiachang could see that Mai Zhaocheng was determined to protect Zhou Zijing, so he couldn't say anything more, after all, this matter really came to the team's review stage.

In the end, Zhou Zijing is the hero of the Olympic team's ability to enter the Olympic Games this time, and he helped the Chinese fans out. Now that he is very popular among the Chinese fans, it is impossible to really punish Zhou Zijing, otherwise he will only I'm afraid it will cause some big public opinion incident...

He took a deep breath, calmed down his emotions, and changed the topic: "Now that we have entered the Olympics, there is a question that you should seriously consider, Old Mai."

"What's the problem?" Mai Zhaocheng asked.

"The problem of overage players." Ran Jiachang said, "In the last Olympics, Shi Wuyin insisted on not using overage players. Apart from the fact that he wanted to train those young players, it was also because there were really no strong players among the overage players. It can enhance the strength of the Olympic team. But the situation is different now. Doesn’t our Olympic team need an overage player?”

Mai Zhaocheng frowned, but did not answer Ran Jiachang immediately.

This is indeed a question that requires careful consideration.

Should overage players be used, and if so, which three overage players should be selected?

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