Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 145 Overage Player

Unlike Shi Wuyin, Mai Zhaocheng never considered not recruiting overage players-if he really led the team to the Olympics.

Because he knew very well that in comparison, the overall strength of the Olympic team in his hands was indeed not as good as the previous one.

What Shi Wuyin has in his hands is almost the "golden generation" of Chinese football.

Most of the players in this Olympic team have now played a major role in Chinese football, not to mention those who have studied abroad, and they are now firmly established as the main players in the Chinese Super League clubs.

Such a high success rate is rare in many previous Olympic teams.

His Olympic team can't be compared with Shi Wuyin, and he naturally doesn't have the confidence of Shi Wuyin, and he doesn't recruit any overage players.

So he does not exclude overage players.

But if you want to recruit people, who should you recruit?

"In view of the outstanding performance of the Olympic team in the last Olympic Games, it has greatly promoted the understanding of Chinese football by European clubs... The Football Association hopes that the Olympic team will continue to play such a role..." Team leader Ran Jiachang said.

Mai Zhaocheng understood, this is the hope that if you want to bring overage players, you should bring some players who have the opportunity to study abroad, not those old players who are completely useless.

It may be cruel to say this, but as Hu Lai and the others gradually gain the popularity of Chinese players in European football, the Football Association now also has the meaning of striking while the iron is hot.

I want more Chinese players to go abroad and play in Europe.

So how can you be favored by European football?

In the past, Chinese football was like an unknown person in a remote place far away from the center of the world to world football.

No one knows, and no one understands.

Unless people from the center of the world take the initiative to turn their attention to Chinese football, they will not know what happened there and what players were born.

To sell commodities, you can hold a trade fair to sell your commodities to the whole world.

So the Olympic Games is like a worldwide trade fair for Chinese football.

Of course, the influence of this exhibition is not as good as that of the World Cup, but it is also a rare stage for Chinese football to show their abilities in front of the whole world.

Didn't Hu Lai and Luo Kai let European football know about it through the Olympics?

If he hadn't participated in the Olympics, maybe Hu Lai hadn't gone abroad to play football so early.

Mai Zhaocheng understood what Ran Jiachang meant, and also knew what the Football Association wanted him to do.

Who else in China is expected to be successfully marketed?

Will all three candidates be used for sales promotion?

Shouldn't the team's performance be considered?

After much deliberation, Mai Zhaocheng gave his answer: "I plan to recruit Lin Zhiyuan as an overage player."

As the main goalkeeper of the Chinese national team, Lin Zhiyuan is actually not yet 22 years old.

It can be said to be quite young.

In fact, it stands to reason that he was a player of the right age in this Olympics.

He was supposed to be in the Los Angeles Olympics.

But because he showed super talent since he was a child, he became the main goalkeeper of the Chinese Olympic team only four years ago when he was 17 or 18 years old. He not only participated in the Olympic qualifiers, but also participated in the Olympic Games. .

According to the rules, as long as a player has participated in the qualifiers, regardless of his age, he cannot participate in the Olympic qualifiers again. Can only participate as an overage player during the Olympic Games.

Therefore, Lin Zhiyuan did not participate in the qualifying stage of this Olympic Games.

Ran Jiachang was not surprised by this choice, he nodded: "OK."

Lin Zhiyuan is currently the most promising player in China to go abroad. He himself played abroad.

If he wanted to go abroad, he would have already done so.

Because of the particularity of the goalkeeper position, he has stayed until now.

If he can perform well in the Olympics and attract the attention of more teams, those European teams may be able to let go of their inherent prejudice and be willing to bet a bigger bet on Lin Zhiyuan's potential.

So choosing Lin Zhiyuan is not surprising, even a must.

However, Mai Zhaocheng's second choice took Ran Jiachang a little by surprise.

"The second person, I want to choose Zhang Qinghuan."

"Zhang Qinghuan? He's already gone out..."

Mai Zhaocheng explained: "We can't choose three overage players who are all playing in China in order to help domestic players go abroad. I think the strength and performance of the team must be guaranteed. Otherwise, if our performance is too bad, others will also be able to play. He won’t take another look at us. In addition, Zhang Qinghuan has never participated in the Olympics, so I think he will definitely be willing to come.”

Ran Jiachang was persuaded.

After all, recruiting overage players is not just about whoever the Olympic team says they want, they must come. This is a two-way choice.

Even if the Olympic team takes a fancy to a certain player, they have to seek their opinion.

The Olympics is not the World Cup, so it is not so attractive to professional players.

Zhang Qinghuan has already participated in the World Cup. If he can participate in the Olympics again, it can be said that he has participated in all the World Series.

It shouldn't be too much against the call.

"What about the third person?" Ran Jiachang asked.

"The third one..." Mai Zhaocheng hesitated, and said, "The third one, I want Hu Lai."

Ran Jiachang took a deep breath: "Old Mai, you are quite ambitious!"

Good guy, this is to move the striker combination of the national team to the Olympic team!

Mai Zhaocheng smiled: "If possible, of course I hope to go as far as possible in the Olympics."

Ran Jiachang shook his head: "I will report the person you want, but I dare not give you a guarantee whether it will work or not."

"Okay." Mai Zhaocheng just nodded and didn't say anything more.

Because he doesn't know whether the future he imagined will come true.

He moved the central axis of the national team to the Olympic team.

If Shi Wuyin hopes to train young people, then Mai Zhaocheng is more inclined to get grades.

In terms of cultivating talents, Mai Zhaocheng is not as good as Shi Wuyin, and he probably has no chance to lead the national team to participate in the World Cup.

He is not the first person to lead a team to participate in the Olympics.

But he still wants to leave his name in the history of Chinese football.

After much deliberation, only the Olympic Games are suitable.

As long as he can lead the team to achieve unprecedented success in the Olympics, he will be able to realize his "ambition".


"Ha, you really deserve to be an elbow!"

Hu Lai couldn't help laughing after seeing Zhou Zijing's controversial goal against the Iranian Olympic team, and complained to his girlfriend Li Qingqing.

"It's really something a person like him can do."

"But it does relieve my anger." Li Qingqing smiled.

As for what the Iranian Olympic team did to the Chinese Olympic team, in China, as long as they play football, there are not many people who don't know about it.

But not everyone can take revenge like Zhou Zijing does not care about the consequences.

After Li Qingqing finished speaking, she saw Hu Lai picked up the phone, lowered her head and was sending a message, with a smile on her face, she leaned over curiously and took a look, wanting to see what Hu Lai was talking about.

As a result, you can see:

"Congratulations Xiaoyu can also participate in the Olympics! Now everyone in our group has participated in the Olympics, ha!"

When Li Qingqing saw this sentence, she immediately pointed out Hu Lai's mistake: "That's not right, there are still Huan brothers in your group who haven't participated in the Olympics..."

As soon as she finished speaking, a message from Chen Xingyi popped up in the group: "Hu Lai, you are confused, and there is Brother Huan! Brother Huan has never participated!"

Hu Lai first raised his head and smiled at Li Qingqing, and then replied in the group: "Ah! Yes! There is also Brother Huan! And Brother Huan has never participated in the Olympics! Hey, why did I forget about this! Huan Brother, I'm sorry, I really didn't expect that you haven't even participated in the Olympics!"

"Okay, you did it on purpose!" Li Qingqing patted Hu Lai on the shoulder from the side.

Just when Hu Lai thought that he would see Brother Huan's famous lines next, Zhang Qinghuan jumped up and laughed meanly and said, "Hey! Master will also go to the Olympics this time!"

Hu Lai was stunned.

He turned his head to look at Li Qingqing, who also stared at him with wide eyes.

Chen Xingyi expressed his doubts in the group for him: "Why did you also participate in the Olympics?"

As soon as he said this, Wang Guangwei answered for him: "Ah, Brother Huan participated in the Olympics as an overage player, right?"

Overage player!

Chen Xingyi also reacted: "Damn, I forgot about the overage players. We didn't have a single overage player in that Olympics..."

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Hu Lai suddenly realized, but he didn't expect to be pretending to be coercive, but he didn't pretend to be.

Just then, his phone rang.

Looking at the number, it was from the Football Association.

So his intuition told him that it should be related to the Olympics.

Sure enough, he answered a phone call asking if he would like to participate in the Olympics as an overage player. The person who called was Ran Jiachang, the leader of the Olympic team.

Hu Lai glanced at Li Qingqing, and said without any hesitation, "I am willing, leader Ran."

Ran Jiachang laughed loudly over there: "Haha! That's great! That's great! This summer, I have to work hard for you, Hu Lai..."

"Leader Ran, what do you mean by what you said? Serving the country is hard work? Isn't this what I should do?"

"Okay, well said! Then we've made a deal. After your league is over, you'll have to come to the Olympics for training..."

"No problem, don't worry, leader Ran."

After hanging up the phone, Li Qingqing happily said to him: "Great, Hu Lai, we can participate in the Olympics together again!"

Although the women's football Olympic qualifiers are not over yet, in Li Qingqing's mind, this ticket has been locked in advance.

So she can indeed participate in an Olympic Games with Hu Lai again.


"Did Hu Lai be frightened stupid? He hasn't spoken since just now."

When everyone in the group was discussing about Zhang Qinghuan's participation in the Olympics, Hu Lai did not participate in it, Chen Xingyu guessed maliciously.

As soon as he finished speaking, Hu Lai flashed out: "Hehe, my brother just answered a call just now."

Wang Guangwei: "What phone number?"

Hu Lai: "Little Xingxing, I'm going to the Olympics too! Biye.jpg"

Chen Xingyi: "???"

Xia Xiaoyu: "Ah? Really?! Brother Hu, are you also an overage player?"

Morikawa Junpei: "Envy!"

Chen Xingyi: "Fuck me? Why can't I... No, Brother Huan and you are only two people, and there are at most three overage players... Maybe I will receive a call in a while! Hey! You wait for Hu Lai, See you at the Olympics!"


"Who called just now, Zhiyuan?"

Looking at Lin Zhiyuan who came back from answering the phone, the manager Qiu Xinrong asked.

"Leader Ran of the Olympic team."

"National Olympic team?" Qiu Xinrong was stunned for a moment.

"Well, Team Leader Ran asked me if I would like to participate in another Olympic Games..."

Qiu Xinrong quickly realized what this meant, and he asked, "Did you agree?"

Lin Zhiyuan nodded: "Yes, I agree."

"Okay!" Qiu Xinrong slapped hard, "Perform well, Zhiyuan. We can go out after we strive for this Olympic Games!"

Lin Zhiyuan smiled at Qiu Xinrong and said, "I think so too, Uncle Qiu."


Hu Lai: "Five minutes have passed, Xiao Xingxing, have you received the call?"

Hu Lai: "Ten minutes have passed, Xiao Xingxing, have you received the call?"

Hu Lai: "Fifteen minutes have passed, Xiao Xingxing, have you received the call?"

Hu Lai: "Twenty minutes have passed, Xiao Xingxing, have you received the call?"

Chen Xingyi: "Damn, Hu Lai, are you bored or not!"

Hu Lai: "So we still don't know whether the little star can go to the Olympics."

Chen Xingyi: "Fuck off!"

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