Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 204 The Time Has Passed

The relegation team is really hard to play. Don't think that the Madrid Pirates won the game at the last moment because they were showing their hips.

Catalan United's performance was not much better, and they did not have the distraction of the Champions League, and they almost overturned in the away game.

Only sixteen minutes into the game, Real Huelva took the lead.

Then he shrunk back and started setting up the bus on his home court.

And the Catalan United bombed indiscriminately for the rest of the time.

The siege lasted for so long, and it was not until 70 minutes later that Catalan United's top scorer, Edmund Paterson, equalized the score for the team.

But if it's just a draw, Cathay-Thailand is completely unacceptable. .

In the case of being eliminated from the Champions League, the Catalan United only have the league and the Copa del Rey to compete for-they have already met the King of Madrid in the Copa del Rey final.

The Copa del Rey is a bit tasteless, the league championship is the most important thing.

In the case of the Madrid Pirates winning, if the Catalan cannot win Real Huelva in the away game, they will be left farther and farther in the standings.

Before this round of the league, the Catalan United were four points behind the Madrid Pirates. The Madrid Pirates have already won this round. If the Catalan United only draw with Real Huelva, the difference between the two teams will be expanded to six points.

This will make the last round of dialogue between their home court and the Madrid Pirates directly meaningless.

Because even if they beat the Madrid Pirates at home, it is impossible to win the championship, and in turn, they may be cheaper to the arch-rival Madrid King - Catalan and Madrid Pirates are not sworn enemies, their only rivals are the Madrid King and Sarria .

In the same way, the sworn enemies of the King of Madrid are the Catalan United and the Madrid Pirates.

Everyone has a team of rivals in the same city.

Unlike Catalan, Real Huelva can accept a draw.

Because none of their direct competitors for relegation won, so even if they draw, they will not fall into the relegation zone.

Although they won the ball, the ranking may be higher, but compared with the risk of being defeated by the Catalan United in order to win the game, it is not unacceptable to draw at home with the Catalan United...

So Royal Velva began to recycle,

Hope to shake hands with Catalan United at home.

But this instead relieved the pressure on Catalan's defense, allowing Catalan to attack with all their strength in the last twenty minutes of the game.

With the offensive strength of Cathay-Thailand United, when they let go of their hands and feet, the threat immediately increases greatly.

The result was that in the 78th minute, Paterson scored twice to help Catalan United turn the tables.

The giants from Barcelona scored three points without any risk.

※※ ※

Of the three teams vying for the league title, only King Madrid has it easy.

They beat the second-to-last Phoenicians in the league 4:0 at home.

Meli started this game and played the whole game. He scored twice and was the main contributor to the team's easy victory.

Twenty-five league goals also allowed him to catch up with Hu Lai in the league scorer list.

There are still five rounds left in the league. Not only will he defeat Hu Lai in the league championship competition, but he will not give up the personal honor of top scorer to Hu Lai!

The gap of six goals, he felt that in his current state, it was not an insurmountable moat.

※※ ※

"Hey, Melly, are you practicing shooting again?"

After the training was over, some teammates asked when they saw Meli still on the court.

"Yes." Melly replied simply.

"But your shooting skills are already very good..." Everyone was half joking. "Leave us a way out! Haha!"

Meili smiled first, then shook her head and said, "Not yet, I'm still far away."

The team's left back Rafael Fonseca yelled strangely: "Twenty-five goals in the league, how far is it?"

He was obviously following the joke just now and continued to joke.

But Meli's response surprised other Madrid King players, including him.

He nodded and said, "I'm not number one on the scorer list yet."

"Huh?" Rafael Fonseca's smile froze on his face. "You... want to compete for the Golden Boot?"

Seeing the expression on the Brazilian left-back, Meli asked, "You think I can't do it, Rafael."

Fonseca was a little unaccustomed to Melli's aggressiveness, he froze for a moment, then shook his head with an embarrassed expression: "No, no. I just... er, hell, Hu has already scored thirty-one goals... ..."

He still didn't say anything:

Did Hu Lai not score a single goal in the remaining five rounds?

Obviously impossible.

Meli said seriously: "Of course I know it's difficult. But anything is worth doing just because it's difficult."

After speaking, he stopped chatting with Fonseca, but turned and walked towards the goal, ready to start his own shooting training.

The conversation between Fonseca and Meli just now made the originally joyful atmosphere on the training ground suddenly cool down.

Everyone didn't know what to say, so they could only leave one after another.

Regarding the fact that Meli wants to compete with Hu Lai for the top scorer, they must all have their own opinions in their hearts, but there is no need to say it out.

※※ ※

Therados was telling her daughter a bedtime story in her bedroom when the cell phone in his pocket rang.

He looked and saw that it was the call from his agent Joseva Olmer, so he refused to answer it first, and then sent a message back: "Wait a minute, I will call you later."

Then he continued to tell the story to his daughter.

After telling the story, he kissed his daughter's forehead: "Good night, baby."

"Good night, Dad." Lying on the bed, the daughter pulled up the quilt, revealing only a pair of bright eyes and a smooth forehead, and replied in a low voice.

Celados got up and turned off the lamp, went out again, and gently closed the bedroom door.

Then he went straight downstairs, walked to the yard, sat down reclined on a recliner, and then took out his mobile phone and dialed his agent's number.

"Jose, what's the matter?"

"I just heard that Francis is going to Dortmund this week."

"Francis? What's the matter?"

"Aren't you aware of the problem, Alexandra? Don't you think your club's image ambassador to Dortmund is just a personal trip? Ruhr Rhein is in Dortmund. Let me remind you one more thing - on During the season, Francis also visited Leeds City Club in a private capacity..."

Hearing what the manager said, Serados fell silent.

No matter how dull he is, he can figure it out.

After Francis went to Leeds City last season, the Madrid King Club began to enthusiastically pursue Hou Lai.

So this time Francis went to Dortmund, it must be to visit the Ruhr Rhine Club again.

What was he doing in the Ruhr Rhine?

The answer is already obvious.

Of course it is for the young center Janus Edman who has gradually gained fame in the Ruhr Rhein in the past two years.

Although the rules prohibit clubs from contacting players with contracts in private, they can always find some way to circumvent the rules. Everyone does this, so he naturally doesn't think his club will be so "law-abiding".

In silence, Olmer continued: "You are willing to cut your salary and renew your contract with the club, but I don't think the club wants to renew your contract, Alexandra. Your contract expires next year, maybe you should seriously consider it It's the future."

Alexandra Celados will be thirty-five at the end of next June.

For former professional players, the age of thirty-five can completely retire-twenty years ago, the age of thirty was considered to be downhill.

But now with the development of sports science, the physical condition can still be maintained at the age of 34, and there are many people who meet the requirements of professional football. Professional players after the age of 30 are the golden age of their careers, with body awareness, rich experience, and a more stable personality.

Many players can play until they are 36 or 7 years old, and some even play until they are 40 years old.

Age is no longer an important factor in whether a player retires, but the motivation to continue playing is.

For Theraldos, that's it.

If he doesn't have the motivation to continue playing, then it's not a bad idea to retire with the King of Madrid after the contract expires. He can even become an extremely rare player who retired from the King of Madrid and become a legend of the King.

But if he still doesn't want to retire, he should consider leaving the Kings and switching to a team that is not that strong, not that high, and not even a wealthy team. But this team can give Serrados a more important tactical position, allowing him to be a scorer again, rather than being a support for others.

This is also what Olmer has been persuading Celados to do.

He is very dissatisfied with the tactical adjustments made by the King of Madrid this season.

Just to praise Meli, let a main scorer who scored 20 goals and assisted seven times in the league last season suddenly hand over the "right to fire" and give Meli a green leaf.

In Olmer's view, this is an insult to Celadus, one of the "Four Heavenly Kings".

This should not be how a giant club treats its own legendary exploits.

But Celados didn't say anything, accepted the club's arrangement, and didn't even let his agent express any opinions on the club's practices in public.

Now that Serrados decided to compromise, Olmer naturally did the same. But in this season, he has been urging Celados to leave the Kings and go to a new team to prove himself again.

During this period, Serados was indeed tempted by Olmer.

From the initial "don't think about it at all" to the later "my bottom line is not to go to the Spanish team", it is a remarkable progress.

Now he specifically disclosed the information he obtained from the inside to Celados, hoping to strike the final blow. Let Celados know that the club has completely abandoned him, arousing his dissatisfaction with the club's practices, so that he is completely determined to leave the team and start a new life.

After a while of silence, Serrados said: "I was willing to cut my salary and renew my contract because I thought I could still be helpful to the team. But now I realize that I may really be of little value to the team. .So I plan to retire directly after fulfilling my contract with the club.”

This answer surprised Olmer, and his voice rose accordingly: "What? Retire? Are you crazy, Alexandra? Don't be hit by your own performance this season. I always think that changing the ball team, you will not only be the main force, but even the core! Your performance in the Madrid Derby proved that it is not because your strength has declined, but because you are not the core of the team's offense now! But the reason why you It's not the core of the king's offense, it has nothing to do with your strength! It's the result of human intervention by the club's top management..."

After Serrados quietly waited for his manager to finish speaking, he said another thing:

"You know what, Jose? I saw Meli shooting again on the training ground today. Fonseca asked him if he still wanted to compete for the top scorer, and he answered 'yes'. Startled by his answer..."

"He's crazy, he's six goals behind Hu!" Olmer snorted. He didn't like the Argentine. Although everyone was impressed by Meli's talent, he just didn't like it.

In Olmer's view, the reason why Meli's performance this season is so good is only because Serrados made way for him.

If Celados was given a fair chance to compete, it would be absolutely impossible for Melly to have the current results.

At least he can't score twenty-five goals in the league.

Those Meli fans acted as if the twenty-five goals were all due to Meli alone, which made Olmer sick.

But Serados didn't care about the strong emotions shown by Olmer, and continued to say in a calm tone:

"Yeah, look, Jose. Us 'old men', when we hear this, our first thought is 'six balls', while Melli thinks 'can't I do it' .Young people these days are scary... Hu is like that too. This is his first season in La Liga and he has already scored 31 goals. And that Edman, he is not yet eighteen , has already scored twenty goals in the Ruhr Rhein..."

"Let's not talk about Hu, but Edman's 20 goals are counted in all his matches in the Ruhr Rhine first team. Two seasons of the league, the German Cup and the Champions League..." Agent Olmer Interrupted Serrados' emotion.

He also doesn't like Edman, because the Kings want to sign him to squeeze out the Cerrados. He sees Edman as a threat to Therados.

"That's also very powerful, at least better than when I was eighteen years old. Every time I see young people like this, I think... When did I realize that it's time for me to quit? It's this time—see When a young man like Mellie stubbornly competes with the whole world for a seemingly impossible goal, I feel..."

Having said that, Serados suddenly fell silent.

And Olmer, who has been irritable since hearing that Serrados was about to retire, opened his mouth, but finally remained silent.

He also fell silent.

Until I heard Celados on the other end of the phone say:

"...Whether we want to admit it or not, our time is over, Jose."

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