Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 205 One step closer to Hu Lai

Remember [New] in a second! "The opponents are also relegation teams. The 17th-ranked Royal Steele is much more difficult to deal with than the 19th-ranked Phoenicians. Of course, this is also related to the semi-finals of the Champions League next Tuesday. The king did not use their main force in this game. But unexpectedly, Meli started in this game. You must know that before the away game against Blue and White Munich, Roy Wei directly excluded Meli in order to preserve his strength. outside the big list

"Although Meli started this game, his performance was also struggling. He was not in the same state as he scored twice against the Phoenicians at home in the last round. Roy Wei is looking at his watch. He should consider changing Merry's off"

In the TV broadcast, the coach of the King of Madrid Roy Wei did raise his wrist and looked down at his watch.

In the picture, assistant coach Fernando Gonzalez came up and appeared in the camera while covering his mouth with his hands, probably talking to Roy Wei.

"Meli is a little anxious, it won't work like this. He should be replaced..."

This is what Gonzalez came up to and said to Roy Wei.

Royvi stopped looking at his watch, but raised his hand to cover his mouth and said, "Let Kalashnikov warm up."

Gonzalez nodded, turned and took the order.

Roy Wei was left alone standing on the sidelines with his hands in his pockets, watching the field silently.

As he watched, Merry was raising his hand for the ball.

In order to shake off the Royal Steel defenders, he has basically dropped back to the halfway line.

But Royal Steele's forward turned into a midfielder at this time, leaning over to stick to him, preventing him from easily taking the ball.

Seeing this scene, Roy Wei remembered that before the game, Melly came to find him in private.

"You said you hope I don't replace you?"

Luo Yiwei frowned slightly and looked at Melibanega standing in front of him.

The latter nodded: "Yes, sir, I hope I can start the game against Steele the day after tomorrow."

"Why? You should know why I rotate. Because we will play the Champions League semi-final against the Pirates next Tuesday."

"I know, sir. But I think my physical fitness is enough to deal with two-line combat." Meli said to Roy Wei solemnly. "It's also multi-line combat. Hu has never missed a game in the league this season. Whether he is a starter or a substitute, he has a record of playing. I think I can do it too. I guarantee that I will not miss a game because of the weekend Playing in the league, which affects the performance of the Champions League”

It is really as he said,

Hu Lai this season may be the season with the highest attendance rate after he studied abroad-the half season when he just joined Leeds City was not counted because he played too few games-this season Hu Lai except in two King's Cup games Except for not entering the squad and not playing, he has participated in all other club competitions.

Even in the first club game after participating in the national team game, he played.

Naturally, there are reasons why Maxikeli was injured and the Pirates lacked strikers, so he couldn't just take turns.

But such a high attendance rate shows that Hu Lai's physical fitness is not a problem, otherwise Parrotti would not dare to let Hu Lai start and play consecutively.

Roywei really didn't expect Meli to be so persistent. He remembered the last round of the league, found Meli himself, and told him that in order to better prepare for the Champions League quarter-finals away against Blue and White Munich, he needed to play against Sebastia's league rotation.

At that time, it could be seen that Mellie was a little unhappy, but in the end he still didn't express his true inner thoughts, but chose to accept it.

So now are you regretting that you didn't reject my arrangement a little bit harder?

Thinking of this, Roy Wei tentatively said, "Is it because of the game we lost to Sebastia that I let you rest?"

Melly shook his head: "No, sir. I just want to compete with Hu for the league golden boot, so I don't want to miss all the next five league rounds."

Roy Wei's eyes widened: "Compete with Hu for the League Golden Boot? He has 31 goals now! There are five goals between you, and you can't stop him from scoring goals."

Roy Wei was really intimidated by the reason given by Meli. He thought that maybe Meli should change it to "he felt that the last time he was given a rotation, the result was that the team lost the away game, so this time he decided to come by himself." This reason is more acceptable to myself.

But he finally agreed to Meli and let him start the game, although he also said that he would be replaced in 60 minutes at most

Royvi still remembers Meli answering himself in this way, he said:

"So I have to do my own things first."

Roy Wei also remembered what Melly looked like when he said this——

The young man's eyes were as sharp as a knife.

Standing on the sidelines now, Roy Wei recalled that scene again.

He really believed in Meli's words for a moment at that time, believing that he could really complete an incredible comeback on the scorer list and beat Hu Lai.

But now it seems that the ideal is an ideal, and the blood belongs to the blood, but it is still no match for the cruel reality.

The reality is that the gap of six goals is not so easy to bridge? How can it be so simple to score a goal?

Alas, why did I follow this kid impulsively?

Meli noticed that assistant coach Gonzalez ran to the bench and called Andrei Kalashnikov.

Then he glanced at the time on the big screen, fifty-three minutes into the game.

There were still seven minutes before the deadline he had agreed with the head coach.

So Kalashnikov should be replaced by himself, and it is very likely that the head coach, Mr. Rowi, will wait less than 60 minutes.

He was a little anxious and a little frustrated.

The big talk was released, but in the end the first game was about to fail. What's the difference between this and a dog gnawing shit when you just started?

Just then, someone patted him.

He looked back and saw the serious face of the captain Serrados, and he said to himself: "Don't retreat, just ahead, closer to the goal. Your sprinting back and forth is too inefficient!"

After speaking, he pushed Melly forward.

Mei Li was a little confused, but her body still ran forward reflexively.

Then he looked back and saw Celados standing near the center circle, clapping his hands before gesturing to pass the ball to him.

Kalashnikov finished warming up and was called back by assistant coach Gonzalez.

He's about to be substituted.

Standing in front of the head coach Mr. Roywe, he looked seriously at the tablet in the hands of the assistant coach Mr. Gonzalez, which contained information about his arrangements after he played.

He has to remember it, and he must never forget it.

As a substitute player, Kalashnikov knew very well that his chances would not be too many. So every time he gets an opportunity, he has to seize it as much as possible, and then show his best performance.

At the very least, try your best to complete the tasks assigned by the coach.

Otherwise, there will not be many opportunities for him in the future.

"Andre, you should try to use the width of the field as much as possible to open up the opponent's formation, especially to open up the space between their left back and left center back."

Gonzalez runs his fingers across the tablet screen while looking back and forth between his tablet and Andrei Kalashnikov, making sure that the other person really listens to what he has to say.

He also asked: "Did you hear clearly?"

Kalashnikov nodded quickly when he heard the words: "Listen"

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by sudden boos.

He looked at the court reflexively, and the assistant coach Gonzalez, who had his back to the court, also turned his head and looked over.

I saw a Royal Steele player fall to the ground, but the referee did not stop the game. Instead, he pointed his hands in the direction of Steele's goal and ran forward at the same time—the offense was favorable, and the game continued!

It seems that the players of Royal Steele wanted to foul Celados who was holding the ball, but they failed, and instead gave Celados a chance to get rid of the defense!

In the past few minutes of the game, Meli has always listened to the words of the captain Serrados, and stood at the front, like a center forward.

But in fact, he knows that this is not suitable for him. If he is asked to fight hand-to-hand with the opponent's central defender, he really can't do it.

He couldn't help but want to withdraw to get the ball. He still had to control the football under his feet to feel safe.

Just as he was hesitating whether to continue to listen to the captain's words and stay in front, he saw Serados suddenly step forward.

His heart beat violently as he watched the captain fend off a Royal Steele player's foul before dribbling the ball up the middle.

He realized that this might be an opportunity!

"Celados goes forward with the ball, and the Royal Steele players are going up to surround him! He passed the ball!"

Celados did not pass the football directly to Meli in front, but passed it to his midfield teammate Gomez Buitrago who came up to meet him.

The 22-year-old young midfielder started this game as part of the rotation.

After passing the ball, Celados did not stop, but pulled away slightly diagonally, and at the same time gestured for Buitrago to pass the ball back.

Facing the request of the team captain and big brother, the teenager Buitrago dared not refuse to listen, and quickly passed the football sideways to Serrados who opened the angle.

That is to say, when Buitrago passed the football across to Serrados, Meli, who was originally on the front, quietly took advantage of the fact that the Royal Steele players around him were focusing on Serrados. The space and angles are opened up horizontally, and at the same time, the preparations for the start are made sideways.

Celados swung his foot, as if he wanted to shoot directly without stopping the ball.

But when the football rolled to his feet, he flicked the outer instep of his right foot lightly, and the football bounced to his right front.

That's exactly where Mellie was!

Meli saw Celados pass the ball over and activated, blasting away from a Royal Steele lay-off.

Received the pass from Serrados with none of Steele's defenders next to him, great opportunity!

In terms of technical statistics, Celados has just completed a "chance creation".

"Celados good shot! Beautiful! Melly—!"

The narrator roared with a drawn-out voice.

Amidst his roar, Meli turned the football over and shot with his right foot!

After being impatient for nearly 60 minutes, he suddenly settled down when he was shooting. He aimed at the back corner of the goal, kept his ankle stable, and used the outer instep of his right foot to slice the football towards the back corner of the goal!

The Royal Steele goalkeeper fell to the side, tried to stop the football with his hand, but was a little too late

The football crossed the goal line and went into the goal before he could reach it!


cross out


He is one step closer to Hu Lai!

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