Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 141 Sliding and Kneeling


When Hu Lai turned and ran towards the penalty area, boos from the stands rang out, even though Hou Lai hadn't got the ball at that time. The fans at Jiaxiang High School just saw that their team could be in danger.

But thinking about it now, they are like prophets, knowing that the person they hate the most will become the key figure who dominates this offense, so they will boo and fear in advance.

The boos reached their peak when Hou Lai shot.

Then when the football flew into the goal, it suddenly fell from the highest peak, and the decibel curve turned around and plunged into the abyss.

The boos from the stands disappeared without a trace at this moment.

It was as if the mute button had been slammed on the entire stadium.

It wasn't until the substitute players from Dongchuan Middle School roared loudly on the bench that the decibel curve rose again, and the huge boos returned to everyone's ears.

After Hu Lai saw the football rolling into the goal, he supported his hands hard, his waist and abdomen hard, kicked his legs, rolled backwards, and turned directly from the ground to stand up.

Then turned and ran to the corner flag area.

Looking at the lush green natural turf, he can finally put into practice the idea that has always been in his mind!

Slip and kneel!

After sprinting, he jumped out with his whole body, his legs dragged behind, his knees softened, and his legs knelt on the turf, and then, under the action of inertia, he slid forward!

When skating and kneeling, the image that emerged in Hu Lai's mind was the domineering back of the famous Arsenal star Thierry Henry when skating and kneeling. He hoped to present himself like this in the eyes of others.

But the reality is that not long after he slid and knelt out, he stopped because of the huge resistance on the turf. At the same time, his body was still under the influence of inertia, and he rushed forward. In the end, he could only choose the posture of throwing himself on the turf, ending this short slide rail celebration... Of course, this is also better than his hands and feet. And use the land to crawl on the ground to look better.

Damn, why didn't you put some more water in the turf during the intermission!

Hu Lai, whose face was buried in the turf, cursed in his heart.

Compared with the first half, after dozens of minutes of games and sun exposure,

The field conditions have been much drier than in the first half.

The ground is not so slippery, which is a good thing for Dongchuan Middle School, but for Hu Lai, the perfect kneeling he dreamed of failed...

But no one knows Hu Lai's inner drama.

His teammates rushed over, laughing and cheering, and pressed Hu Lai to the bottom before he got up!

Li Ziqiang turned around and swung his fist slightly. Behind him were the players from Dongchuan Middle School who were stacking arhats.

The hero of the goal is almost invisible, only one hand is still struggling outside, trying to grab something.


In order to interfere with Hu Lai's shot, Wu Yue threw his center of gravity out, so he couldn't maintain his balance in the end and fell to the ground.

Looking at the football in goal now, he knows his defense has failed.

But how could it fail?

It doesn't make sense, that kid shouldn't be able to withstand my impact... Could it be that I was a little slow and waited for him to shoot the football before leaning on it?

That's not right, I could see clearly that I bumped into his body before he shot...

Wu Yue stared at the football in the goal in a daze.


"Wu Yue is still slow..." Dai Zetao sighed in the silent stands. "If it could be posted earlier, Hu Lai would definitely not score this goal."

But Wang Guangwei shook his head: "No, Brother Tao. Wu Yue performed well enough, and he was not too late. He did lean in when Hu Lai shot, but he failed to interfere with the opponent's shot."

"How could it be? Now that you've got close, you can knock Hu Lai away with a little force..."

"But he didn't break away, or at the moment Hu Lai shot, he failed to break away."

Dai Zetao looked at Wu Yue who was sitting on the ground with surprised eyes, how could he not be able to knock the weak Hu Lai away?

"He underestimated the enemy?" He asked suspiciously.

Wang Guangwei didn't answer him, because he didn't know the answer in his heart.

Maybe it's because of the fear of fouling?

Maybe Hu Lai resisted it?

But no matter what the reason was, Hu Lai scored and Dongchuan Middle School tied the score. What he was worried about happened.

He turned his attention to Dongchuan Middle School, which was celebrating a goal on the field. Hu Lai, who was originally at the bottom, had been pulled up from the ground by them. His hair and jersey are all wrinkled, and the color of his knees has changed because of his knees, and he doesn't know whether it is stained or worn out.

But these embarrassments couldn't hide the smug smile on the boy's face.

Wang Guangwei sighed lightly.

Shibie will treat each other with admiration for three days, this kid is much more powerful than a year ago.

Moreover, his teammates are more willing to pass him more actively.

This team and this person seem to have finally found the right tacit rhythm and are organically combined.


When Dongchuan Middle School finished celebrating and the game resumed, as long as Dongchuan Middle School players got the ball, the boos in the stands would be louder than before.

Shen Yulin raised his head and looked around the stands. Since there was no separation between the runway and the distance between the stadium and the stands, he could even see the expressions and mouth movements of the fans in the first few rows. Although in a noisy environment, he couldn't hear what everyone said, but looking at their expressions and mouth shapes, he could guess with his knees that the words that came out of those mouths must not be good words.

But Shen Yulin will no longer be disturbed by these voices, no matter how loud the booing is, it will not make his heart beat faster, his mouth dry, and his whole body weak...

Because these are all compliments and compliments to them!

Turning to look at Hu Lai's back, Shen Yulin grinned happily.

With his head held high, he proudly and candidly accepted all the praise from the Jiaxiang High School fans.

Thank you for booing, let me know how afraid you are of us.


Dongchuan Middle School, which equalized the score, fought more and more courageously, and they formed a siege on the goal of Jiaxiang High School.

Although shrinking defense has always been one of Jiaxiang High School's best tactics. But the shrinking defense in front of him is very different from the defensive tactics that the team is usually proud of.

At least the usual Jiaxiang high school players are not in such a mess...

They were really overwhelmed by Dongchuan Middle School's offense, instead of shrinking their defense to lure the enemy deep, and at the same time preparing to fight back.

The main reason for this difference is that the morale of the players in Jiaxiang High School was hit hard and they were unable to perform at a normal level.

After all, no matter how good the tactics are, they need specific players to implement them.

High school football tactics are relatively simple, but also because student players are prone to emotional ups and downs due to issues such as age, ability, experience, and experience, and it is difficult to execute tactics stably.

It is already remarkable that Jiaxiang High School has been able to faithfully implement the head coach's tactics and play a fixed football style for so many years.

But after losing to Dongchuan Middle School in the final last year, everyone's mentality has also changed.

Perhaps in last year's final, Hu Lai messed up not only Wang Guangwei's hair, but also Wang Guangwei's heart, and the hearts of all Dongchuan Middle School players.

It makes it easy for them to lose their cool heads when they face Dongchuan Middle School and Hu Lai.

As the head coach of Jiaxiang High School, Feng Yuanchang stood on the sidelines with an anxious expression.

He is very clear that now is a critical moment, and he must withstand the indiscriminate bombing of Dongchuan Middle School. As long as they get through it, the next game will be back on track, because Dongchuan Middle School can't keep this rhythm to finish the game, they don't have the physical fitness.

With him watching, Hou Lai found another chance in the penalty area, and his shot ended up wide.

But this time, there were no boos from the stands, but exclamations.

Feng Yuanchang could feel his heart beating fast, but what he couldn't feel was that his body was bent because of tension, which made the old man look even older...

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