Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 142 Storm


The indiscriminate bombing of Dongchuan Middle School lasted for almost seven minutes, and the score was still not rewritten further.

Feng Yuanchang also breathed a sigh of relief. According to his prediction, if Dongchuan Middle School's attack failed, they would slow down and take a breather.

After that, Jiaxiang High School can regain the initiative and drag the game to the rhythm they are familiar with...

At this moment, Tang Yuan made a breakthrough on the wing and was tripped by Jiaxiang High School's defensive players.

The referee whistled for a foul by a player from Jiaxiang High School.

There were boos from the stands for the penalty.

But in fact, there is no problem with this penalty. Tang Yuan was indeed tripped to the ground by the opponent's player after wading the football away.

Wang Guangwei couldn't help frowning when he heard such boos: "This is not right."

Dai Zetao laughed and said, "Oh, let me understand the feelings of the fans a little bit. The team is behind and will definitely be emotional..."

"But if they do this, they will pass on their impatience to the players." Wang Guangwei was talking, when he saw the Jiaxiang High School player who had fouled go up to argue with the referee, as if the referee wanted to play him a card.

Seeing this scene, the boos in the stands grew louder.

Fortunately, Wu Yue quickly ran over at this time and pulled his teammates away. Although this cannot change the fact that he received a yellow card, at least it can prevent him from receiving another yellow card in a short period of time, and then two yellow cards turn into one red, and he goes off the field directly.

Seeing this, Wang Guangwei was slightly relieved.

Wu Yue remained calm, he was considered a qualified captain.

In fact, from Wang Guangwei's point of view, this yellow card is a matter of course. Everyone has passed the football, and there is no one in front. If you come up from the side and sweep the opponent down, this action should not be taken. Yellow card?

If he is still on the court, not only to pull the opponent away, but also to point out his mistakes very seriously to this teammate who has never seen him before.

Keep him from getting emotionally out of control.

As a defender, keeping calm is a must-have quality.

can't do it

You can't be a good defensive player.

Thinking of this, Wang Guangwei cast his eyes on the coaching bench of Jiaxiang High School, and he saw Feng Zhi roaring loudly while pointing his finger at his temple - the meaning of this action could not be more obvious, it is to remind the players to keep calm and not go up .

Seeing that Feng Zhi also realized the problem, Wang Guangwei was slightly relieved.


When Wu Yue ran to persuade his teammates, Hu Lai found Xia Xiaoyu, who should take the free kick.

"You will watch my gestures for a while, Xiaoyu."

"How?" Xia Xiaoyu asked.

"You see me raising my arm to ask you for the ball, so you pass the football forward," Hu Lai said.

"Okay, no problem, Deputy Hu." Xia Xiaoyu nodded and answered very simply.

"Remember, it's the forward pass, don't care where I am at that time, you just pass the football forward." Hu Lai emphasized again.

Although Xia Xiaoyu was a little puzzled by the vice captain's so-called "don't care where I am then", he still nodded: "Okay, pass it on."

He didn't ask what if I passed it on and you didn't get there?

If you don't run, you don't run. How could every attack be successful?

Hu Lai then ran to the penalty area of ​​Jiaxiang High School, where players from both sides gathered, making the gate of Jiaxiang High School look overcrowded and a bit crowded.

After Wu Yue persuaded his teammates, he returned to the restricted area, saw Hu Lai coming up, and posted it.

Before the ball came out, the players on both sides had already started wrestling. Every defensive player is on top of the offensive player they are responsible for, some with shoulders and some with direct hands.

Hu Lai and Wu Yue are also one of them, and they are entangled in the middle.

Hu Lai circled around, trying to get in front of Wu Yue, but Wu Yue tried his best to block him, and even stretched out his hand to grab Hu Lai's hand. But Hu Lai twisted his body and at the same time raised his hand to knock off Wu Yue's hand.

In the end, the bodies of the two finally came together.

Wu Yue managed to get stuck in the inside line, preventing Hu Lai from advancing.

At the same time, he could also feel that Hu Lai was trying to squeeze in.

But how could I let him squeeze in?

Thinking of that lost ball, he increased his strength a little.

At this moment, he saw Hu Lai raised his arm, obviously asking for the ball from his teammates.

It's all like this, but let Xia Xiaoyu pass the football over?

What is this kid thinking?

Did he think that under his close marking, with his small body and size, he could still reach the ball and score the football into the goal?

Wu Yue couldn't figure it out.


After Xia Xiaoyu set up the football, he saw Hu Lai's arms raised high.

But at this time, Hu Lai was not at the front, not even going forward, but in the middle of the road, he was entangled with Wu Yue, the captain of Jiaxiang High School.

Does this also have to pass football to the front?

There is indeed space for the previous point...

He didn't hesitate for too long, but immediately made a decision - listen to Deputy Hu and pass the football to the front point.

Although he himself didn't know why Deputy Hu asked him to do this, he thought that Deputy Hu must have a reason, and he was only responsible for passing the football.

So after the referee blew his whistle, indicating that he could take a free kick, he ran up and kicked the ball.

Use the arch of the foot to rub the football into an arc that is not very obvious, so that the ball does not go around the back point, but goes straight to the front point.

And just before Xia Xiaoyu kicked the football out, Hu Lai, who had been watching closely, pushed his head forward again, making a posture that he must break through Wu Yue's defense from here, and then grab a shot in the middle.

Wu Yue felt the pressure, how could he allow Hu Lai to score from here again? So he increased his strength and pushed back.

But just as he was doing this, he felt that the force against him suddenly disappeared!

This made him miss nothing, leaning forward, staggering!

Only then did he see that Hu Lai had already retreated and ran to the front!

Jump forward again!

Soccer has arrived!

The height of the ball was a little low, and Hu Lai in the air leaned down, his body was almost folded, and he threw his head towards the football while throwing it back!

The football was hit by his forehead, changed its line slightly, and flew towards the front of the goal!

Zhou Yang, the goalkeeper of Jiaxiang High School who stood in the middle to guard against Dongchuan Middle School's attack, had no choice but to face the sudden shot. He didn't even make a save. He just raised his arm, and the football was already flying against the front post Scored the goal...

But when the football flew into the goal, Wu Yue was only halfway there, still on the way, unable to stop Hu Lai at all.

He could only watch the ball fly into the goal of Jiaxiang High School for the second time in this game...

Didn't we agree to decide the outcome in the middle lane?

Why did you suddenly drop me and run to the front?

Wu Yue stood blankly on the line of the small penalty area, watching Hu Lai, who landed on the ground, spread his arms and ran to the sidelines, then jumped high, made his signature celebration, and showed the number on his back to The students of Jiaxiang High School in the stands.

When he landed, it was like dropping a bomb on the field of Jiaxiang High School. With a bang, it was like a spiritual storm, and many people who were hit were shaken deep in their hearts.

Feng Yuanchang was the one who felt the pain in this storm.

He originally thought that his team was about to overcome the offensive storm of Dongchuan Middle School, and then the rhythm of the game could be brought back on track.

The dawn is just around the corner, as long as Dongchuan Middle School doesn't make any mistakes in this set-piece attack...

As a result, Yao Mozi appeared like this!

Jiaxiang High School fell behind at home!

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