Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 307 What is this pressure?

"Merry! Oh! Merry! Beautiful!"

Accompanied by the passionate roar of the commentator, Meli suddenly flicked the football to the outside with the toe of his right foot while dribbling the ball, while others accelerated to the inside.

The first reaction of Danny Drew, who was defending him head-on, was to pounce on Melly, trying to stop him. But Meli, who was running without the ball, was nimble like a loach, and Drew didn't stop him with both hands and feet.

After Meli squeezed into the penalty area, he blocked Drew behind him, and after catching up with the ball he picked up, Drew threw a mouse trick. He could only raise his hands high behind him and the picture was frozen, and the subtitles appeared:

“Drew: Well, I surrender to Mellie!”

Chen Xingyi gritted his teeth when he saw the text on the video: The fans are really ruthless...

Athletic Amsterdam was eliminated by the Madrid Pirates in the Champions League last season, and Drew has not been treated like this again.

Chen Xingyi suddenly became worried about Drew's state of mind.

But it was not easy for him to ask Drew directly, so he ran to save the country and circled Hu Lai in the group: "Hu Lai, I want to ask you something."

Hu Lai quickly appeared: "What's the matter?"

"Well, how's Drew doing?"

"How? That's it, everything is normal."


"Yes, it's normal. We should eat and drink, and he's still joking with us." Hu Lai knew why Chen Xingyi asked this.

Because of the team's poor performance recently, there is pressure on the whole team, and he has it, not to mention Danny Drew. After all, the team's defense has been criticized a lot recently.

"This Drew's mentality is really good," Wang Guangwei jumped out and said with emotion. "I see that many fans on the Internet have already referred to him as a primary school student."

Like Drew, he is a central defender, and he knows how much pressure a central defender has to bear when encountering such a thing.

It is impossible to say that there is no pressure in my heart to say that I have not performed at the expected level after coming with such a high social status.

Hu Lai agreed with Wang Guangwei's words: "It is true that he has a good attitude. He is not angry at all when I call him a 'primary student'!"

Wang Guangwei: "...

Chen Xingyi: "...

Zhang Qinghuan, Xia Xiaoyu, Morikawa Junping: "...

Hu Lai: "Damn it, are you all diving?"

Chen Xingyi: "Hu Lai, you are a real dog..."

Zhang Qinghuan asked: "Did Hu Lai pass on the nickname 'Primary School Student' from you?"

"That's not it." Hu Lai denied it, "How can I be so boring!"

Wang Guangwei: "You are really boring!"

Zhang Qinghuan: "Hu Lai, you will fight the Navigator in the next round, are you panicking?"

Hu Lai: "What's there to panic about? Famous people come home...

"Go back home, your home game!"

Wang Guangwei: "Hu Lai, I think your mentality is quite good."

Hu Lai: "What else? Crying, making trouble, and hanged yourself. The season has just started, so why panic?"

Xia Xiaoyu: "Brother Hu, you don't have any pressure?"

"Of course there is pressure, but I don't think there is as much pressure as we have in the national team."

Zhang Qinghuan: "How to say?"

"Now, please close your eyes and imagine - if we do not qualify for the 2030 World Cup, how will we face the 1.4 billion Chinese people?"

Wang Guangwei: "...

Zhang Qinghuan: "Fuck!"

Chen Xingyi: "Damn, blood pressure is up"

Xia Xiaoyu: "[cover face]"

Junpei Morikawa: "Fortunately, there are only more than 100 million people in Japan...

Hu Lai is proud: "So compared with the expectations of 1.4 billion people,

The pressure in the club now is a fart! Comrades, this is the unique innate advantage of our Chinese players! "

Zhang Qinghuan: "Fuck, let you say this, why do you feel that Chinese football is quite proud of being scolded for a long time?!"

Chen Xingyi held the phone in his hand and laughed, laughing for a long time and suddenly came to his senses - why the hell did I find Hu Lai?

Oh, I am concerned about Danny's situation!

Oh yes, how is Danny?

Chen Xingyi looked through the chat records on the Internet in the group, only to see Hu Lai saying that Danny Drew should eat and drink, everything is as usual, and he even joked with them.

Now that you can joke, it must be no problem.

That's right, it doesn't seem easy to get depressed when you're with a bitch like Hu Lai...

Didn't even he himself forget why he was looking for Hu Lai in the group?

While Holly was joking around with his friends in the group, Pirates head coach Parotti was having an emergency meeting with his coaching staff.

This meeting discusses and resolves the problems the team is currently encountering.

"Next is the match against the Sevilla Voyagers. The opponent will definitely make a fuss about our current situation. The good news is that the atmosphere within the team seems to be okay?" Parotti turned to look at the assistant coach Valentin.

The latter nodded: "Anyway, I think Drew, who was scolded the most, has a pretty good mentality."

"Drew is a very calm guy. I talked to him and he behaved normally." Nick Kitt, the team medical team leader, said that he is Dutch and can communicate with Drew in Dutch. "And he also told me that Hu helped him a lot."

"Oh, Hu is really good. He is one of the few people on the team who can communicate with Drew without any obstacles. I have also seen him joking with Drew. He should be trying to find a way to reduce Drew Press. After all, Kyrie can't do it," assistant coach Valentine said. "I think an important reason for the good atmosphere in the team so far is Hu. He can always make everyone relax unconsciously..."

"That's right. Hu's psychological quality is very good, he has a big heart...

Others in the coaching group also expressed their support and echo for this point of view.

Parotti raised his hand: "Okay, let's stop praising Hu. This is not the topic of today's meeting. Let's talk about the team."

The second assistant coach Enzo Naher said: "The game against the Navigator, or we will return to the midfield configuration of last season and let Ramirez and Bella partner?"

After the poor performance in the first few games, public opinion has a lot of criticism of Vukovic, and they can also see the problem of Vukovic. So there is a voice that thinks that the Pirates should continue the partnership of Joaquin Bella and Ramirez, let Vukovic be a substitute, and only send him to play when they need to strengthen their offense.

Although Joaquin Bella's abilities are relatively mediocre in all aspects, he has no problem with his defensive attitude, is very active, and works hard.

In the last game, the Madrid Pirates defeated the Fat Nikki 1-0. The team replaced Vukovic with Joaquin Bella in the second half.

In the end the team won.

Although it cannot be simply said that the Pirates finally defended the one-goal lead, it was all thanks to Joaquin Bella, but after he played, he did relieve Danny Drew's burden.

Now that the team is facing a strong enemy navigator, it seems reasonable and even the only choice to choose a more secure solution.

But after Naher put forward this suggestion, it was rejected by the head coach Parotti very simply: "No, let Vukovic start the next game. He can do what we ask of him, but we have to give him another time and opportunity."

Everyone looked at each other.

As expected of "good guy" Parotti...

It's time like this, and I'm still thinking about the players.

He should be worried that if Vukovic is replaced from the starting position, it may damage Vukovic's confidence and morale...

But the next three games are not easy to play. If no adjustments are made, if they lose, Parrotti may be dismissed from get out of class.

After all, the club spent more than 200 million euros this summer, the investment has increased, and the patience has also deteriorated.

Parotti read their thoughts from everyone's eyes, and explained: "I'm not trying to be a bad guy." Because of the next three tough battles, we have to fully activate Vukovic, otherwise everything They will go back to the old way. Since we are going to go the old way, why should we introduce Vukovic? Isn’t it good to save tens of millions?”

When he said this, everyone's expressions became obviously serious.

"It's not difficult for us to let Vukovic defend. He has the ability to do this. I always think that he is not the strongest in Wisedov, and he can evolve. It is not just a front of the opponent's penalty area. Instead of being a cruising midfielder, he takes on more tasks because he has all-round qualities and good running ability.

As an attacking midfielder, his defensive ability is also very good. If you only move around the opponent's restricted area,

What a waste of his abilities and talents. "

Since signing Vukovic, Parotti has been working on transforming the Serbian international.

He didn't buy it simply to be a "Kerry spare tire".

That would be a waste.

He hopes that Vukovic can retreat from the front midfielder to play the central midfielder, taking into account both offense and defense.

This puts higher demands on Vukovic's ability, especially defense. He needs to keep returning to the back line but helps Ramirez protect the back line.

However, due to the habit of playing football in the past, it is still difficult for Vukovic to adapt to the new position and new requirements. Therefore, in the game, he often has situations where he should have protected the defense line in his own position, but in the end he rushed directly to try to press. , but exposed the back line behind him to the opponent's offensive firepower.

In addition, when he needs to return to defense, his speed of returning to defense is not fast enough-it's not that he can't run fast, but his forward speed is not slow at all when attacking. In fact, it's just that he hasn't changed his mind yet, and he is still slow like a front midfielder when returning to defense.

Because when he was against the King of Madrid, Meli suddenly became the background board, so the outside world criticized Danny Drew as a "billion-dollar central defender", but in fact the key to the problem lies in Vukovic.

Parotti firmly believes that as long as Vukovic gets used to playing a central midfielder who can go up and down, the Madrid Pirates' midfield control ability will rise to a higher level.

At the same time, Vukovic himself will have a brighter future, and he will truly grow into a world-class midfielder.

The first assistant coach Valentin smiled: "That's what it says, Ettore. But we have to take huge risks.

Parotti shrugged: "Compared with greater benefits, it is necessary to take risks now. And... I have an opinion, although it doesn't make sense, it should be a little superstition of my own. I think the risks are actually not that great."

"Why? After the start of the Voyager League, they have four wins and one draw, and remain unbeaten. They are gaining momentum now, and they are not easy to deal with."

"Precisely because the opponent is a navigator, I am actually not that worried. I even think that meeting a navigator at this time is the best arrangement."

Then, under everyone's puzzled eyes, Parotti revealed the answer with a smile:

"Have you all forgotten? The grievances between Hu and the navigator. He is the 'famous' of the navigator!"

A group of people were stunned at first, then suddenly realized, and finally laughed together, and the room was filled with a happy and relaxed atmosphere.

Valentine said with emotion after laughing: "Hu Zhen is an amazing guy, he not only improved the atmosphere in the team,

Also improved the atmosphere in the coaching staff! "

"Who says no?" Parotti nodded.

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