Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 308 Before the match with Navigator

Milos Vukovic opened his eyes.

I was lying on the bed in the Aurora hotel room.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

It really is a dream...

In the dream just now, he was going through a torment.

Pablo Becker, the core midfielder of the Voyagers, led the Voyagers team to continuously attack his defense zone.

Before the end of the first half, the Madrid Pirates fell behind by three goals.

The last scene in his dream was that he fell to the ground, watched Becker's back in a slanted view, and drove the ball towards the penalty area...

Then he woke up.

After waking up, he felt that something was wrong-Pablo Becker, like him, is a midfielder, but Becker is not good at dribbling the ball, and he doesn't like to do it. After he swayed the defenders more often,

Will pass the football on. Rarely can dribble the ball past several people and go straight to Huanglong...

So this must be Mengwukovic needing this thing to prove that everything he experienced just now was just a dream, indicating that he was really frightened.

Now recalling everything he suffered in the dream, feelings of powerlessness and despair still spread in his heart.

There seemed to be faint boos from the home fans in the ears.

Listening carefully, it turned out to be the low-frequency hum of the exhaust fan in the bathroom.

He breathed a sigh of relief, but instead of continuing to lie on the bed, he sat up in one go.

"It's too unlucky..." Vukovic pouted.

On the day of the game against the Seville Navigators, I had such a dream.

Does this indicate that he will perform poorly in the game?

But such a dream is not groundless.

The so-called thinking day by day and dreaming at night, the reason why he has such a dream is related to the problems he encountered recently.

Not counting warm-up matches, he has played five games with the team, including four league games and one Champions League game.

As a result, his performance can't be said to be unsatisfactory, but it can only be said to be mediocre. In fact, mediocrity is considered a compliment.

Vukovic knows exactly how he is performing.

In the game against the King of Madrid, Danny Drew was ridiculed on the Internet because he failed to guard Meli. But in fact, Vukovic knows very well that Drew can't just blame him for not guarding Meli, and he is also responsible for a large part of it.

Because he lost position frequently in the defense, Meli can always face Drew directly.

As a result, Drew was the most criticized because of the "famous scene" in which he raised his hands and was passed in the confrontation with Meli.

In comparison, he relied on Drew's blessing and attracted much less firepower.

But Vukovic himself had to be clear that next time he might not be so lucky to have someone help him attract firepower.

Maybe you don't have to wait until the next time, just today, in the home game against the Sevilla Navigators.

Maybe it wasn't some illogical dream, but some kind of prophecy?

Vukovic sighed.

He thought that the pirates who came to Madrid could keep sending shells to Hu Lai behind him. While making Hu Lai the top scorer, he also became the "king of assists".

As a midfielder, what a blessing it is to be able to cooperate with a striker who rarely spits out cakes?

After the result came, the head coach told him to move back and play as a central midfielder.

Not only to attack, but also to take into account the defense. Even the offense and defense are 50-50. He admits that as a midfielder, his physical fitness is quite good. Playing in the Bundesliga also made his confrontation ability not inferior. So what the head coach said to himself may have some truth, otherwise why would he agree to the head coach's arrangement?

But obviously from a player who only plays the midfielder,

Becoming a central midfielder is not as simple as talking about it. Now Vukovic even feels that with his previous performance, he may be taken out of the starting lineup by the head coach and give way to the team in the game against the Sevilla Navigator. The third captain Joaquin Bella.

Because he played against the Phoenicians, he was replaced by Bella, and after Bella played, the team also held a one-goal lead and won a victory with difficulty.

Comparing the two, I and Bella have completely different effects on the team after playing, and the judgment is judged.

I don't know when it will be when I get another chance.

If he can't start the Navigator game, then in the Champions League group match against the Turin Bulls in the middle of next week, he won't be able to start in all likelihood.

What about the league game against Valentia on the weekend?

It's hard to say.

Because he couldn't start for purely technical reasons, Vukovic was a little frustrated.

But he still got up from the bed, simply put on his clothes, went to the bathroom to wash up,

always have to face.

From a familiar place to a completely unfamiliar environment, the coach's completely different tactics require positioning. This is the risk of transfer.

How can there be so many people who kill the Quartet as soon as they come and adapt seamlessly?

If you think about it this way, Hu Lai is really amazing!

Vukovic slapped the cold water on his face, then raised his head to look at himself in the mirror, the water slid down his cheeks, dripping, looking a bit embarrassed.


"Let's go, elementary school student, let's eat!"

Holly knocked on the door of Danny Drew's room.

Drew put on his coat and closed the door very simply: "Go!"

Hu Lai didn't lie to his friends. When he called Drew that, the other party was really not angry.

But he is the only one in the team who dares to call Drew that, and the others still don't have the guts, or don't have the cheek to expose people's scars...

Besides, the relationship between Drew and Hu Lai is obviously good. People can allow Hu Lai to call him that, but they may not be willing to be called that by others.

When the two walked out of the hotel gate, they saw the pirate fans who had already gathered on the side of the road outside.

Drew is used to this scene. He knew that this was a tradition of the Madrid Pirates Club, and he also knew that when he came back after breakfast, he would have to sign autographs for the fans here one by one and meet their requirements for group photos.

This is an experience that he has never had at Athletic Amsterdam. The first time he participated in this event was the morning of the Madrid Pirates away game against the King of Madrid.

At that time, he was surrounded by many fans of the Madrid Pirates, and they had high hopes for him.

He ended up disappointing the fans.

Thinking of this, Drew was a little embarrassed.

Although it wasn't his fault that he didn't guard Melly.

After that game, when Drew participated in the handshake signing ceremony again, the crowd around him was significantly less.

Pirates fans showed their attitude with their actual actions.

In this regard, Drew didn't think it was because the Pirates fans were ungrateful, because his performance was indeed not good enough, and he let the Pirates fans down first.

If you want to enjoy the treatment of stars holding the moon again, you can only perform well in the game.

The world of football is as simple as that. If you perform well, you will be sung by everyone. Behaving badly, just not asking for your autograph, that would be so merciful...

※米※Han Shuyu was standing in the crowd with her camera in her hand. She came to the outside of the Aurora Hotel again, waiting to meet and say hello to Hu Lai, and asked him for a few autographs—these autographs would eventually become benefits for her fans. Pulled out by her.

Although she has already worked as a part-time reporter, Han Shuyu still has not forgotten her original intention, and still insists on being her UP master.

Hu Lai and Han Shuyu are already very familiar with each other, and sometimes they will write on postcards at Han Shuyu's request

"Don't forget the one-click three-in-one" words.

But today, apart from asking Hu Lai for fan benefits, she also wanted to observe and interview the fans of the Madrid Pirates to see what they think of the team's recent performance, how they comment on the new players, and what they think of Hu Lai. view.

To her relief, during the interview, she found that the Madrid Pirates fans were quite tolerant of Hou Lai. Although Hu Lai's current number of goals is not as good as Melido's, the fans did not complain. Some people even took the initiative to defend Hu Lai, and the reasons they gave made Chinese fans feel ashamed after hearing it-we don’t love our football heroes more than these Spaniards!

But apart from Hu Lai, others did not have such good reviews.

Especially the two new aids Drew and Vukovic, although not everyone scolded, but many people also made direct and merciless criticism.

After all, their performance did not meet expectations...

"...I think Parrotti should remove Vukovic from the starting lineup in this game." Some pirate fans said so.

His words were immediately echoed by the surrounding fans:

“I agree. That lad Joaquin played well and has to give way to Vukovic. It’s not fair!”

"I think we can give the new aid some tolerance and patience, but it shouldn't be in the game between us and the Voyagers.

i don't want to see voyager fans showing off at our stadium

"Yes, Vukovic should be replaced! He always misses people and places in midfield."

"And Drew! Didn't he block Meli in the World Cup? Why did he become Meli's background in the same city derby? We spent nearly 100 million euros for a central defender. Is it really worth it?"

Facing the microphone that Han Shuyu stretched out, everyone had a strong desire to talk, and they all opened up their chatterboxes and complained to the camera.

So Han Shuyu could feel that the Madrid Pirates fans were really dissatisfied with the team's previous performance.

I am also very concerned about the next game against Voyager.

If the Pirates lose at home in this game, it might really cause a tsunami...

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