Standing on the rostrum of the football field, Chen Xingyi faced his classmates and teachers who were looking up at him. With one hand on the flagpole, he said loudly: "... our Shuguang High School football team will definitely live up to it. Entrusted by the teachers and students of the whole school, win glory for the school! Win glory for Tangdu! Win glory for Nanhe!"

There was a camera below the stage, and it was taken from the perspective of the students. Over the edge of the rostrum, Chen Xingyi's handsome face was clearly visible.

When he said these words, the expression on his face was very serious, not the usual indifference and carelessness.

This made Sun Yonggang, who had been observing by the side, laugh.

Just 20 minutes ago, he and a cameraman faced Chen Xingyi alone, and asked him if he knew what he was going to say when he came on stage, and if he was prepared.

Chen Xingyi didn't care that he was facing the camera at all, every word and action would be recorded, he pouted and said: "Isn't that the same thing, I can recite it all by heart, so I need to prepare?"

At that time, he was just indifferent and careless.

Later, the photographer secretly asked Sun Yonggang if it would be good to record these words. Sun Yonggang waved his hand and told the other party that there was no problem at all. Since Chen Xingyi himself didn't think it was a big deal to say this in front of the camera, then why did these recorders make decisions for the parties themselves?

Now looking at Chen Xingyi as if he was a different person, he stood on the rostrum to make an impassioned speech, and finally waved the flag vigorously, showing everyone the image of a qualified captain.

Sun Yonggang felt that Chen Xingyi was really a wonderful person.

When most high school students face the camera, they are either too nervous to know what to do and cannot open their mouths;

On the contrary, Chen Xingyi didn't care about these at all, and showed his true self to his heart's content.

Yes, it is the real him who complains in front of the camera in private, and it is the real him who knows the general situation and speaks official language in front of so many people in public.

Human beings are inherently complex creatures, and it is impossible to be characterized by just putting a label on them.

In the online society, it may be popular to label and create people.

But in reality, no one is established by one person.

Regarding Chen Xingyi, there are actually some controversies because his fans are too fanatical.

They tried their best to create various labels for their idols on the Internet, as if they didn't make their idols into perfect people, even if they were fans, they failed.

Sun Yonggang even felt that Chen Xingyi sometimes deliberately showed a shocking side in front of the camera lens, in order to silence the fans.

After all, he doesn't have a team of managers, and it's impossible for him to go online every day to guide and manage his fans. As a star in the eyes of others, fighting against fans in everything may be the only resistance he, an "idol" who has been erected, can do.

When the documentary is broadcast, there will naturally be people who will use the documentary to refute those fans and show them what the "real Chen Xingyi" is.

However, based on Sun Yonggang's understanding of the Internet fandom culture, there may be remarks like "Chen Xingyi is just a football player, what does he know about our stars?"


After Chen Xingyi finished his oath for the expedition, the cheer dance club of Shuguang High School performed live cheer exercises to cheer for the team. The youthful and beautiful girls and their fit dances ignited the atmosphere of the scene.

Then the headmaster came to speak.

The last is seeing off.

All the teachers and students of the school lined up from the stadium to the front of the bus at the school gate, and all the players of the football team passed through the crowd, receiving the cheers and attention of the teachers and students of the school.

Then at the bus gate, I shook hands with the school leaders and said goodbye before boarding the bus and leaving.

"It's really grand..." Sun Yonggang, who was in the same car with the Shuguang High School players, looked back at the car coming out, and kept waving goodbye to the leaders of Shuguang High School and the students behind them.

"It's just this time, maybe it's because you guys are here, maybe it's because this is a good opportunity for us to win three consecutive championships." Chen Xingyi, who was sitting next to him, curled his lips and said that he didn't seem to be impressed by the school's enthusiasm.

Although Sun Yonggang was already aware of Chen Xingyi's temper, he couldn't help but glance in the direction of the camera lens.

Then he asked: "Xing Yi, by the way, are you not afraid that your fans will be sad after this image of yourself is broadcast?"

"What's wrong with this image? Don't they shout all day long, 'My family's stars are not artificial, they live real'?" Chen Xingyi spread his hands and imitated the tone of fans and said, "Then I will give you my real and unaffected self. Let them see. Is it possible that they all love dragons? Anyway, I will not live the way they see me, the way they want me to be."

Sun Yonggang laughed, the Chen Xingyi in front of him was simply a treasure boy...

"Hey, I said, the camera is on, aren't you afraid of offending fans by saying this?"

"If you offend me, you will offend me. They came to follow me, and I didn't go to the pole to ask them to follow me." Chen Xingyi hummed. "Besides, Brother Sun, I'm a football player. It's my legs that determine my success, not my number of Weibo followers, right?"

Sun Yonggang couldn't help giving Chen Xingyi a thumbs up: "Transparent! If you kick the ball well, you have everything. If you don't kick the ball well, it's useless."

"Brother Sun, this camera is still on." Chen Xingyi pointed to the photographer opposite him.

"It's okay, I will cut this sentence out." Sun Yonggang said with a smile.

He had only met Chen Xingyi through a few interviews before, but he didn't have any more contact with him other than interviews. And this time with the documentary film crew to follow up at Shuguang High School, he had many opportunities to get along with Chen Xingyi.

It also made him more and more aware of the strongest person in today's high school football.

How many high school students in his position can still maintain such calmness and sobriety?

Otherwise, how could he be the strongest high school student and not someone else?

Luo Kai performed so well in the national competition back then, and he seemed to be trying to steal the limelight from Chen Xing, and the fans of the two families quarreled violently.

The results of it?

After Luo Kai's delay in getting started in the professional echelon, his popularity has declined a lot.

Now looking back at Chen Xingyi's decision to insist on finishing the three-year high school national competition before considering going to a professional team, it seems much calmer and more rational.


This is a word that many experts will use when describing Chen Xingyu's performance on the field.

As a striker, he was too calm in front of goal.

When many people face opportunities, it is inevitable that they will think too much and become overwhelmed, or they will be overwhelmed with emotion.

However, when Chen Xingyi faced the opportunity, he calmly made people think that this kid was not a high school student. He seemed to have only one thought in his mind, and that was to score goals.

Sun Yonggang still remembers how Chen Xingyi, the editor-in-chief of "Goal" at that time, commented on Chen Xingyi after he led the team to two consecutive national championships and won the top scorer of the national competition twice in a row. : "Chen Xingyi is a level above all other high school players, especially in his football awareness."

Who is Tang Hao?

He has been reporting on Chinese professional football for 30 years, and he has a very deep understanding of Chinese football. Now he is the editor-in-chief of "Goal" and is mainly responsible for the reporting of professional football. I usually pay attention to professional players, and I also chat and laugh with the stars of Chinese professional football.

He was able to give Chen Xingyi such an evaluation, which can be said to be very high.

After all, physical fitness and technical ability can be practiced in football, but football awareness determines the upper limit of a player. Players with good consciousness have a high upper limit, and people with poor consciousness may be like that for a lifetime. With hard work, they may be able to become a first-line player, but it is very difficult to become a top player...


When the Shuguang High School football team thousands of miles away, accompanied by the film crew, rushed to Lingnan City, Nanling Province, where the national competition was held, at Dongchuan Middle School, the team also held an oath meeting before the team set off.

Of course, neither Principal Zhai nor captain Yan Yan uttered such unrealistic rhetoric as "winning the championship".

Yan Yan just assured the teachers and students of the school that the team will go all out and strive to achieve better results than the last national competition.

But if you think about it carefully, in the last national competition, Dongchuan Middle School had already achieved the top eight results. To be better than the last competition, wouldn't it be the lowest starting four? We're all in the semi-finals, if we take one more step, wouldn't we be in the finals?

It's just that under the atmosphere at that time, no one thought much about it.

After the swearing-in meeting, the players from Dongchuan Middle School boarded the bus and went to Jincheng to fly to Lingnan City.

The national competition belonging to this group of football teenagers is about to begin.

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