Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 153 The troubles of star players

Lin Jin was holding a sign that said "Dongchuan Middle School" and stood at the exit of the pick-up passage, waiting for the people she wanted to pick up to show up.

But now she is not as nervous as she was a year ago.

Today she is still wearing decent formal work clothes, but she is very relaxed.

There is the joy of seeing old friends soon.

She looked down at the mobile phone in her hand. In the WeChat group, the players from Dongchuan Middle School had already told her that they were waiting to pick up their luggage.

After parting in the capital, Lin Jin really did not expect to see each other again.

Since October last year, after the opening of the Anton Cup, she began to pay attention to this event and Dongchuan Middle School.

At that time, she didn't hold the hope that Dongchuan Middle School could still qualify for the national competition, but just paid attention to them out of her affection for the team.

After that, she saw that Dongchuan Middle School was in full swing in the Andong Cup.

In the first game, he won a big victory over his opponent, and the sweet-mouthed teenager Hu Lai even completed a hat-trick.

After the Anton Cup finals, she also received a work arrangement from the superior, and assigned her to continue to be in charge of the reception and logistics of Dongchuan Middle School.

Although she created a wechat group very early and added players from Dongchuan Middle School to the group, she and these lively teenagers have chatted for a long time in the group, and they are very familiar with each other. But she still looks forward to the real meeting.

Then she wants to give these teenagers a warm hug and congratulate them on reaching the national competition again.

Just when Lin Jin was looking forward to the scene where the two sides would meet, there was a sudden commotion in a place a little further away.

She saw a large group of girls, holding lights, posters, and banners, rushing towards Exit 4 where she was.

The dense footsteps sounded like horseshoes, and these delicate and beautiful girls seemed to be cavalry charging for a group, scaring everyone in their path to dodge in a hurry, and some people were frightened for a while Confused, he turned around and ran away, looking like a heartless man being chased by so many girls...

Seeing this situation, Lin Jin guessed who was coming, and she had a headache—why did Dongchuan Middle School and Shuguang High School come to Lingnan City at the same time?

This time the pick-up work is not so smooth...

Thinking of this,

She put down the sign, dug out the phone's address book, found a colleague who was in charge of connecting with Shuguang High School, and called her: "Uncle Li, Shuguang High School is about to come out, where are you?"

"I'm behind you, Xiaolin..." A helpless voice came from the phone receiver and behind him at the same time. Lin Jin was startled, put down the phone and turned around, and sure enough, he saw Li Zheng and Uncle Li with a wry smile on his face.

This Uncle Li looked at the black and noisy crowd opposite, shook his head and sighed: "Today is difficult..."

"Dawn High School's itinerary information has been leaked?" Lin Jin also frowned and looked at the girls who had already started chanting slogans.

"It wasn't a secret at all, but it was said that there happened to be a big leader of Chen Xingyi's fan group in Lingnan City, and he was very organized, so he made such a move, saying that it was to open Chen Xingyi's three-in-a-row battle. A good start, with a strong reputation..." Li Zheng sighed.

When she first came to work, Lin Jin knew that Uncle Li was in charge of connecting with Shuguang High School, and she was a little envious. After all, he was the champion of the national competition. But later, after seeing too many things like today, she began to sympathize with Uncle Li.

After all, dealing with such a group of fanatical fans of Chen Xingyi is indeed something worthy of sympathy.

If you don't pay attention, you may be blasted by fans on the Internet, and then you will have a taste of online violence. Those fans scolded people very ruthlessly.

Perhaps it was also for this reason that the organizing committee arranged for Uncle Li, a well-known good-tempered person, to be the matchmaker of Shuguang High School. After all, if it was someone else, it might be a mess... If the incident broke out, wouldn't it be the image of the national competition that would be damaged in the end?

Looking at the excited girls, Lin Jin thought that luckily Luo Kai went to a professional team after last year's competition, otherwise if he also came to participate in this year's national competition, the fans on both sides would have to fight at the airport today... …

Then she stepped on her feet and looked in, hoping that the players from Dongchuan Middle School would show up before Shuguang High School came out, and then she would naturally pick up the children from Dongchuan Middle School and leave straight away. Those fans of Chen Xingyi thought it was don't care about them.

Although she sympathizes with Uncle Li, she can only leave Uncle Li here alone. After all, she is not a superman and can solve the situation in front of her.

But if Dongchuan Middle School came out behind Shuguang High School, it would be troublesome...


"Wow, cheers!"

"I heard girls screaming! All girls!"

"Is this the national competition? There are even female fans coming to pick you up?!"

"I'll go, Xiaoyu, do you have female fans all over the country?"

"The treatment of the top eight in the country is different..."

When the senior one members of the Dongchuan Middle School team were excited by the cheers of the girls and talked a lot, the senior members poured cold water on them.

"Wake up!" Meng Xi snorted, "Those people are not here to welcome us."

"Isn't it welcome? Then who else is welcome?" Chen Rui felt strange.

"Of course they are welcome..." Meng Xi pointed to the distance, a group of people in red and white sports coats were pushing luggage carts and dragging boxes towards this side.

"Fuck, Dawn High School?!" Some sharp-eyed people have already recognized the origins of these people.

"To be precise, the girls outside are not here to welcome Shuguang High School, but to welcome Chen Xingyi." Mao Xiao stood up and gave everyone a science introduction.

"Chen Xingyi? Where is it?" Someone cast their eyes curiously. Everyone has heard about this star player who won the top scorer in the national competition for two consecutive years. At this moment, they all want to see the demeanor of this big star. .

The players of Dongchuan Middle School looked at the group of people, and found that there were actually two photographers with cameras following on both sides of the team, interspersed to take pictures.

"Damn, you still have to follow the team? The salary is so high?"

"Why don't we?"


"If we can win the national competition for two consecutive years, then maybe we can also have this kind of treatment-I heard online that "Goal" seems to be shooting a documentary, and we need to use the camera to witness and record the unprecedented national competition. The road to winning the three consecutive championships of Shuguang High School." Mao Xiao shook his head and said. "It seems to be a solid hammer."

Then he frowned suddenly: "Oh, not here..."

"What's not there?" Chen Rui asked curiously from the side.

"Chen Xingyi is not here." Mao Xiao shook his head.

"No way? Chen Xingyi is their captain, can the captain not be in the team?" Xia Xiaoyu was also very surprised.

"It's really not here." Mao Xiao looked again.

"It's really not there..." Meng Xi, who was tall and burly, looked from afar and confirmed Mao Xiao's judgment.

"The captain is not here? Did you go to the bathroom?"

"What the hell is he doing? Luggage is here!" Someone yelled, and everyone turned their heads, only to see their luggage conveyor started, and suitcases began to be sent out by the conveyor belt.

A group of people immediately left the majestic Shuguang High School, turned around and ran to the conveyor belt, waiting for their luggage.


When the players of Shuguang High School finally walked to the exit, the girls who had been waiting here screamed, although due to the efforts of the airport staff to stop them, they couldn't directly jump in front of the team.

But they also shouted Chen Xingyi's name loudly through the railings, and at the same time raised the lights and posters in their hands, tore apart the eye-catching banners, and held them up high.

There were even girls holding flowers, wanting to go up and offer flowers to Chen Xingyi.

But to their surprise, their family's "star" was not found in the team of Shuguang High School.

A group of girls who had been screaming and cheering before looked at each other, a little at a loss.


After hearing the shouting outside much quieter, even close to none, Sun Yonggang asked Chen Xingyi next to him: "Okay, can we go now?"

In a little distance away, a camera was facing Chen Xingyi.

He shook his head in the camera: "No, they just didn't see me, so they were a little overwhelmed, but they didn't break up. So if you go out now, you will still be bumped by them."

"Then what should we do? We can't hide here all the time, can we?" Sun Yonggang also frowned.

After Chen Xingyi got the luggage, he heard the movement outside and decided to separate from the team temporarily, so as to ensure that the order of the airport would not be disturbed.

But the big troops have successfully escaped, how will he leave?

You can't always hide inside and be more patient with the fans outside, right?

After the Shuguang High School team went out, they had to wait for him before they could go to the accommodation arranged by the competition organizing committee.

"Take another exit." Chen Xingyi turned and walked in another direction.

And Sun Yonggang and the photographer also hurriedly followed.

But after a while they came back here again, Chen Xingyi was still frowning.

The fans seemed to have guessed what Chen Xingyi was thinking, and at several other exits, his fan clubs were waiting with lights and posters...

Looking at Chen Xingyi, Sun Yonggang didn't speak any more, and just watched him think of a way out of the camera.

He suddenly felt that this documentary captured a lot of interesting content.

It's not the kind of documentary that is made out of bureaucratic articles. It's smooth and smooth, and you can guess what the end is after seeing the beginning.

The sudden appearance of the fan group and Chen Xingyi's temporary decision to separate from the main force were all unexpected.

Under such circumstances, it is obviously very interesting to observe how Chen Xingyi will solve the problem.

I saw Chen Xingyi looking around, and then his eyes locked on the group of uniformly dressed teenagers standing beside the No. 26 luggage conveyor belt.

Both the photographer's lens and Sun Yonggang followed.

I saw the players from Dongchuan Middle School who were collecting luggage around the conveyor belt.

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