Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 154: Scumbag

When the players of Dongchuan Middle School were watching their luggage closely around the conveyor belt, Chen Xingyi stepped forward.

"Ha, what a coincidence, I didn't expect to arrive at the airport at the same time." He suddenly spoke behind everyone in Dongchuan Middle School, startling some Dongchuan Middle School players.

When everyone turned around and saw him, they were taken aback again: "Chen Xingyi?"

"Hi, everyone. I'm Chen Xingyi from Shuguang High School." Chen Xingyi raised his hand to greet the players of Dongchuan Middle School, with a kind smile on his face.

"Your team just left." Some people thought that Chen Xingyi couldn't find his team, so they kindly pointed to exit No. 4.

Chen Xingyi smiled awkwardly, then looked around in the middle of the crowd.

While he was looking around, someone from the Dongchuan Middle School team was also looking at him curiously, as well as the photographer not far behind him...

They don't quite understand what's going on, is it necessary for shooting?

Others are eager to try it out, thinking that they, too, may be on TV.

Chen Xingyi was looking for someone he could talk to.

Although he had a relationship with Dongchuan Middle School once, he didn't know anyone he was familiar with, which made him not know how to speak if he wanted to speak.

At this moment, he saw Hu Lai who was dragging down the suitcase beside the conveyor belt, so his eyes lit up and he walked straight over.

As soon as Hu Lai dragged the suitcase off the conveyor belt, he turned around and saw Chen Xingyi standing next to him. He glanced at him and said, "What? I couldn't find the big troops when I went to the toilet? They left early. You This top scorer is not very good, your team doesn't even say to wait for you, it seems that your kid is not popular in the team..."

Facing Hu Lai's complaints, Chen Xingyi said something that surprised the Dongchuan Middle School players next to him with a smile: "Well, Hu Lai, can you help me?"


"That kid Chen Xingyi hasn't come out yet?"

After all the players put their suitcases into the belly of the bus, Liang Yuanhao, the head coach of the Suguang High School football team, sighed.

Li Zheng, who was in charge of picking them up, had already turned back, hoping to pick up Chen Xingyi smoothly.

There is such a star player on the team,

It's really a headache...

"I don't know what Team Chen is struggling with... Isn't it great to be welcomed by so many fans? What a spectacular scene!"

"That's right, if I can have so many female fans to pick me up, I'm so happy that I can't sleep at night, and Team Chen even wants to hide..."

"I really want to tell Team Chen, if he doesn't want it, can he give us some fans..."

The players of Shuguang High School were sitting on the bus, blowing on the air conditioner, teasing their captain, and laughing out loud as they talked.


"You mean you want us to cover you and let you go out from here?" Yan Yan, the captain of the football team of Dongchuan Middle School, asked Chen Xingyi back.

Chen Xingyi nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, that's almost what it means..."

"How do we know that you didn't mean to show off how many fans you have in front of us?" Before Yan Yan could speak, Hu Lai suddenly said beside him.

Chen Xingyi's face became embarrassed: "How is it possible? I'm not so boring, okay!"

"Ahem. Well, that's it." Yan Yan coughed to stop Hu Lai who was still talking, and agreed on behalf of the Dongchuan Middle School football team.

Seeing him nodding, Chen Xingyi breathed a sigh of relief, with a bright smile on his face: "Then, Captain Yan, can I borrow your coat to wear?"

Yan Yan sized up Chen Xingyi's figure, then waved to Xia Xiaoyu: "Xiaoyu, take off your coat and give it to him."

Xia Xiaoyu took off the sportswear with "Dongchuan Middle School" printed on the back and handed it to Chen Xingyi.

"Hey, thank you, thank you..." Chen Xingyi thanked, took the clothes, and put them on himself very quickly.

Then, he asked for a peaked cap from the photographer, put the cap on his head, pressed down the brim of the cap, and turned up the collar of his sportswear.

This basically blocks most of the face.

If he lowered his head on purpose, under the cover of the crowd, he might not be able to recognize Chen Xingyi at a glance.

After Chen Xingyi finished dressing up, he stood beside Hu Lai, planning to go out with the players from Dongchuan Middle School.

"Thank you." He thanked Hu Lai.

After all, Hu Lai is the only one he is familiar with in this team, and he has spoken anyway.

When he asked Hu Lai for help, Hu Lai didn't refuse. Of course I would like to express my thanks at this time.

"Thank you sincerely?" Unexpectedly, Hu Lai asked in return.

"..." Chen Xingyi almost choked, then nodded, "Of course it's sincere!"

"Okay, push the cart for me." Hu Lai pushed the luggage cart in front of Chen Xingyi unceremoniously as he spoke.

"Okay..." Chen Xingyi supported the handle of the cart with both hands.

Hu Lai put his hands behind his back and walked beside Chen Xingyi with a leadership attitude.

Sun Yonggang, who was far behind, saw all this scene in his eyes, and asked the photographer in a low voice: "Has it been filmed?"

The photographer made an "OK" gesture.

Only then did Sun Yonggang smile and cast his eyes again, watching Chen Xingyi, who was caught in the Dongchuan Middle School football team, walking towards Exit 4.


When all members of the Dongchuan Middle School football team walked to Exit No. 4, they saw the source of the cheers and screams just now.

A group of girls stood behind the railing on the side of the exit, almost blocking that area.

When they saw the Dongchuan Middle School football team coming out, some people in the crowd reflexively cheered, but before they could shout out all the cheers, they stopped abruptly—because they realized that it wasn’t Chen Xingyi who came, It's a team they don't remember or know.

Naturally, Chen Xingyi's fans lost interest when they saw this, but looked forward to it one by one, looking past the Dongchuan Middle School players and looking inside, hoping to see Chen Xingyi.

It's just that no one thought that the target they were waiting for was mixed with the players of Dongchuan Middle School at this time, and walked out without saying a word to the luggage cart without even looking there.

On the contrary, the players from Dongchuan Middle School couldn't help casting their curious eyes on those female fans.

"Hey, I said you can't do this." Hu Lai, who was walking beside him, suddenly said to Chen Xingyi.

Chen Xingyi ignored him.

"You see, our people are all looking at those fans curiously, and you are the only one who is ignoring those fans. Isn't it very prominent and strange?" Hu Lai said looking at those female fans.

Chen Xingyi resisted the idea of ​​listening to Hu Lai, he didn't want to pretend to be calm and turned his head to look at it, but was recognized by the fan leader at a glance, then all his disguises failed...

Seeing that Chen Xingyi hadn't moved, Hu Lai changed his tone and said: "He came to welcome you so warmly, but you still try to hide from him, come on, you look up and look at the disappointed faces of those female fans. Don't you feel ashamed of the sad expression? It's so heartless! A heartless man! A scumbag!"

Chen Xingyi heard Hu Lai keep scolding him, but he couldn't answer back, so he could only hold back. It is even more impossible for him to raise his head to care about the feelings of the fans as Hu Lai said... It is obvious that they came to pick up the plane on their own initiative, which made him so embarrassed, how could he care about their feelings?

He felt that Hu Lai must have no good intentions, he wanted to expose himself actively, and then make fun of his own jokes.

I absolutely cannot let him succeed.


"...It's so heartless! A heartless man! A scumbag!"

Sun Yonggang and the cameraman looked at each other while listening to the live radio coming from the earphones.

When Chen Xingyi ran to the Dongchuan Middle School football team for help, they clipped a wireless microphone to Chen Xingyi's collar for remote listening.

But I never expected to receive a scolding from Hu Lai to Chen Xingyi...

"Uh...Brother Sun..." The photographer looked at Sun Yonggang in embarrassment.

"It's okay, it will be cut off later..." Sun Yonggang rubbed his temples.

He remembered that when he went to Dongchuan Middle School to interview Luo Kai, it was this kid who came to make trouble.

Why is this kid so indebted!


With great difficulty, all the players from Dongchuan Middle School walked out of the exit, and met Lin Jinlin, the sister who came to pick him up.

Seeing the players from Dongchuan Middle School coming out smoothly, Lin Jin was also very happy. She fulfilled the promise in her heart and hugged the players from Dongchuan Middle School one by one at the exit.

In the face of her enthusiasm, most of the students in Dongchuan Middle School were very reserved and shy. They just hugged Lin Jin lightly and let go immediately.

And when Lin Jin saw Hu Lai, Hu Lai also called out sweetly: "Sister!"

"Hey!" Lin Jin agreed loudly, and gave Hu Lai a strong hug.

Seeing Hu Lai being pressed hard on Lin Jin's chest, Chen Xingyi next to him twitched his lips...

It's called so sweet because of this, so you have the nerve to call me a scumbag? Shameless!

When Lin Jin let go of Hu Lai and turned to Chen Xingyi to open his arms, he cried out in shock: "Chen..."

Chen Xingyi was so frightened that he immediately took the initiative to hug him, and at the same time whispered in Lin Jin's ear: "Sister, don't call..."

Suddenly being hugged by a boy, Lin Jin blushed suddenly, but after hearing Chen Xingyi's reminder, she quickly understood - Chen Xingyi must have used this trick to get rid of the fanatical fans over there .

However, the scene where Chen Xingyi took the initiative to embrace Lin Jin still stunned the Dongchuan Middle School players next to him: I didn't expect Chen Xingyi to be so proactive. No wonder he has so many female fans!

Hu Lai snorted coldly beside him: "Scumbag!"



Sun Yonggang and the cameraman heard Hu Lai's scolding from the earphones again.

The two of them looked at each other, and neither spoke anymore.

This section of the radio must indeed be deleted, otherwise people would think that Hu Lai and Chen Xingyi were jealous because of women...


"So you just slipped out like this?" Lin Jin asked Chen Xingyi beside him while leading the way and leading the Dongchuan Middle School players to the parking lot. She just called Uncle Li and told him not to wait at the exit, as Chen Xingyi had already been picked up by her.

Chen Xingyi, who was still pushing the luggage cart, nodded and replied, "Yes, thanks to the help of the Dongchuan Middle School football team..."

Lin Jin glanced back at the Dongchuan Middle School players who were following behind. They were looking around curiously, and laughed: "But I have always heard that Chen Xingyi's fans are crazy. I saw it with my own eyes today, and it really deserves my reputation... ..."

Hearing what Lin Jin said, Chen Xingyi was a little embarrassed. When I set off today, I was still talking to Sun Ge about my attitude towards the fans in the car, but I was overwhelmed by the fans at the airport here, and I almost didn't get out.

Seeing Chen Xingyi's reluctance, Hu Lai, who was following him, thought that he needed a small pack of [Charming Lotion Essence Trial Pack] with 5,000 points in order to have so many female fans come to him for autographs. Chen Xingyi didn't have to do anything, there were so many fans who came to pick him up on the spot.

And this person is still so pretentious, he doesn't think Chen Xingyi is so troubled, but just thinks that this kid is pretending.

So he hummed: "A full man doesn't know a hungry man is hungry!"

Chen Xingyi turned his head and shot back: "Then shall I give these fans to you, Hu Lai?"

Now that they are far away from those fans, Chen Xingyi doesn't have to worry about revealing his identity.

"Okay, you go tell those fans now, let them follow me." Hu Lai did not show any weakness.

On the other hand, Chen Xingyi couldn't continue when he heard what he said - how could he turn back to give away the head after he fled the group in a hurry?

Seeing this, Hu Lai snorted in his heart: Fight with me?


Because the distance was too far, the wireless microphone could no longer feed back to this side. Sun Yonggang and the photographer also put away the machine and walked out of the exit pretending to be ordinary passengers.

He also turned his head and glanced at those fans of Chen Xingyi.

They were still standing there, listlessly holding the lampboards and posters, with the banners hanging down, and they were still looking forward to it, but disappointment and sadness had inevitably appeared on the faces of many people.

Seeing this scene, Sun Yonggang sighed in his heart.

Fans' love for idols may be sincere, but the troubles they bring to idols are also real.

Can you tell who is right and who is wrong?

Sun Yonggang couldn't come to a conclusion, he only knew that the powerful bodyguards hired by the stars in the entertainment circle were probably not for guarding against gangsters...


Chen Xingyi had already bid farewell to the Dongchuan Middle School football team, and went to find his team. Xia Xiaoyu was putting on the coat that Chen Xingyi had worn.

But Hu Lai suddenly said: "No! Mistake!"

Meng Xi rolled his eyes at him: "Why did you make a mistake? Didn't you ask Chen Xingyi for an autograph?"

"No." Hu Lai shook his head, "We shouldn't agree to help him."

"Why?" Everyone cast curious eyes.

"If we don't help him and let him get stuck at the airport, won't we lose a rival in the national competition?" Hu Lai said.

"You have a good idea..." Yan Yan patted Hu Lai on the back, "The big deal is that someone forced his way in, how could he be trapped in the airport all the time?"

"That can also consume his energy and make him unstable..." Hu Laiwu insisted.

"That's all right, let's not be any strong rivals, they don't regard us as opponents at all, and we don't need to treat them as opponents. It's not certain whether we can touch them..." Yan Yan said, "Hurry up and go to the bus There!"

The players of the Dongchuan Middle School football team pushed their luggage and rushed to the parking lot under the leadership of Lin Jin.

Hu Lai, on the other hand, frowned at the direction Chen Xingyi left, feeling unwilling.

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