【The fox in the restricted area】 【】

"I think it's normal for Brother Lin to lead the team to the Chinese Super League championship. When he was still playing football, he showed a very good coaching talent...Anyway, I heard that after he led the team to win the championship, I Not very surprised... happy? Of course I am happy, I am very happy to meet Brother Lin in the Club World Cup... I haven't seen him for a long time, the last time I saw him seemed to be..."

Hu Lai in front of the camera looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, paused for about two seconds, then looked down at the camera lens again, and said to a row of microphones with a serious expression:

"It was last time."

The camera shakes.

"The camera was held in hand, I thought it was on a tripod..." Yu Daisong couldn't help complaining as he watched the news.

The restaurant was filled with a joyful atmosphere, and everyone was amused by Hu Lai's answer just now.

Liu Yan and Wang Zijian, the former teammates of the Olympic team, also got together and complained in a low voice: "Fuck! I guess only Hu Lai dares to tease Brother Lin..."

Qin Lin, who was also eating in the restaurant, was also laughing.

He smiled and shook his head.

Then the assistant coach next to him asked him: "When was the last time you saw each other?"

Qin Lin also looked up and thought for a while, then said:

"Last time."

"..." The coaches at the table were speechless—what? Can Hu Lai's special temperament be transmitted through the TV screen? I've never seen Qin Lin like this before...

Seeing everyone like this, Qin Lin laughed loudly: "Just kidding. The last time I saw him was before the World Cup... Oh, strictly speaking, it was the time of the World Cup qualifiers, in 2025. At that time, he returned to Dongchuan from England, and then The national team had a top 12 match with Australia, so he came to Jincheng a few days in advance. On the one hand, he visited Zhao to guide them, and on the other hand, he also trained with the flashing stars to keep in shape. At that time, I invited some of them to come to my house for dinner Had a meal..."

As the narration progressed, Qin Lin's eyes gradually deepened, as if his whole being was caught in the memory of that time.

It wasn't until he finished talking that his eyes gradually recovered.

"...It seems that we haven't met since then."

"Four years?"

"Yes, it's been four years. Whether it's short or long, it's just a World Cup cycle." Qin Lin nodded.

Four years is actually very short, but it is the time between the two World Cups.

But four years is a long time, because many things have happened in these four years, and everyone has changed a lot.

He has changed from an ordinary coach of Anton Shining Star to the "champion coach" who now leads the South China Tigers to win the Chinese Super League again.

Hu Lai has changed even more, from a "whole village hope" who just went abroad to become a top star who can compete with Meli and Kabanka, the former outstanding players of the younger generation.

Chinese football has experienced earth-shaking changes in the past four years.

More and more players have gone abroad and gradually become the leaders in their respective clubs, becoming a "Chinese force" that no one can ignore in European football.

Like the countries in which they are located, their influence has increased rapidly.

Seeing the progress and achievements of Chinese football now, Qin Lin, an "old man" who has experienced the darkest moment of Chinese football, always feels like he is dreaming.

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【The fox in the restricted area】 【】

He used to always firmly believe that as long as everyone works hard, we can always see the day when Chinese football stands among the nations of the world.

For this reason, he was ridiculed by many people as an "optimist".

But even if he is as optimistic as he is, he never thought that this day would come so soon.

someone said,

This is because Chinese football has insisted on deepening reforms since 2015, and finally ushered in the "golden generation".

But every time Qin Lin heard someone say that, he couldn't help but think of that day on July 3, 2022.

He sat on the stage with Hu Lai and another new player who had just transferred to Anton Shining Star, and was interviewed by Anton's local media.

At that time, he didn't know who Hu Lai was, and he hadn't even heard of this person's name before.

Until the other party said at the press conference that he was witty and said that he grew up watching himself play football...

Qin Lin finally got to know Hu Lai for the first time, and in his heart he labeled this kid as "glib".

Although Qin Lin cooperated with Hu Lai's performance in front of the media reporters, he didn't have a good impression of Hu Lai in his heart.

It's just that during the team training, Hu Lai's attitude and cleverness improved Qin Lin's opinion of him again.

The training is really hard, serious, and hardworking.

Unlike some people of the same age, who steal and play tricks, they complain when they are a little bit tired. In terms of training attitude, Hu Lai really fits the aesthetics of Qin Lin, an "old-school player".

Cleverness is that he can always find space and opportunities that others cannot find on the court.

Now Qin Lin roughly knew why the club wanted to sign this young man.

But Qin Lin still didn't think Hu Lai could achieve much.


Needless to say the later story, Hu Lai conquered everyone with his unstoppable goals one after another, including Qin Lin naturally.

Thinking back on the first meeting between himself and Hu Lai, Qin Lin felt it was funny.

At that time, including myself, no one would have imagined that that oily kid would become a football hero in this country...

Hero, what a title.

But at that time, he was really more like a..."relationship household".

Who would have imagined how big an upsurge he would bring in the future, how many people he would inspire, and how many people's beliefs would be strengthened...

Now the raging fire that has burned the entire Chinese football world was really just an insignificant little spark at the beginning.

In the pitch black darkness, it was so inconspicuous that no one noticed at all.

When history happens, people often don't realize it, because they are in the history.

Only by looking back and summarizing, did I realize how... different those once ordinary moments were.

Qin Lin didn't talk about the topic with Hu Lai anymore, he just lowered his head to eat his meal, while some of the coaches at the same table still turned their heads to look at the TV screen, and continued to watch the news report of the Madrid Pirates team arriving in Lingnan City.


"...This morning, the Madrid Pirates, the Champions League champion team, took a plane and landed at Lingnan Yunshan International Airport... They came directly from Milan, Italy after the last group match of the UEFA Champions League against Insubre. Boarding the plane to fly to China... Every Madrid Pirates player who appeared in the camera couldn't hide the exhaustion on his face. They were warmly welcomed by the fans at the airport, and Hu Lai was naturally the most popular one...

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【The fox in the restricted area】 【】

"Although he was very tired, Hu Lai still accepted our reporter's interview at the airport. He said that he had very deep feelings for Lingnan, because strictly speaking, it was the birthplace of his first national championship in his football career... "

Original Voice of Hu Lai:

"...I won my first national championship here...it was the national championship in high school. That was the first time I won a national championship. Also, my youth team is also Sea God. I have lived here for a year. I am very familiar with Lingnan, and I like it very much..."

"Hey." Seeing this, Xie Lan, who was holding a mobile phone, couldn't help but say, "I thought he was going to say thank you to that grandson again..."

"It's not necessary. He still mentions that person now, but he is flattering him." Hu Lixin said.

"Do you think who still remembers that person now? Has he disappeared long ago? I remember the last time I saw his name, it seemed to be a news about a high-speed rail seat occupancy. He was the one who occupied the seat... and there was no more I've seen it, whether it's football news or social news. It's good to be forgotten like this."

Just as Hu Lixin finished speaking, the phone in his hand vibrated, and a message came to remind him that the plane he was on had started boarding.

So he got up and pulled the suitcase, and at the same time said to his wife: "Let's go to the boarding gate."

"Boarded?" Xie Lan hadn't finished reading the news yet, and was still a little reluctant.

"Well, it's time to board the plane."

"Boarding has just started? Don't worry? Isn't there a battery car to take you to the boarding gate?" Xie Lan still lay on the sofa and didn't want to leave.

"Don't keep thinking about taking a car, walking, and exercising more, it's good for your health."

After speaking, Hu Lixin pulled the suitcase and walked ahead.

Xie Lan had no choice but to put on her backpack and follow behind while looking at her mobile phone.

Two people walked out of the first-class waiting room and walked towards the boarding gate.

They will fly from Jincheng to Lingnan, where they will watch the semi-finals of the Club World Cup between the Madrid Pirates and the Lingnan South China Tigers, and cheer for their son.

And in the waiting hall of the airport, there are also many football news being broadcast on the screens that can be seen everywhere:

"...In the games that have ended this year, Hu Lai scored a total of 98 goals, only two goals away from breaking the 100 goals. With three games left this year, Hu Lai In Lai's current state, he has created a jaw-dropping record, which is already a certainty... The only suspense is which game he will break the hundred..."

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