Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 99 Don't Let Yourself Regret

The home field of Lingnan South China Tigers is the Lotus Stadium which can accommodate 80,000 people.

The stadium got its name because it looks like a lotus in full bloom when viewed from the air.

Today, the stadium is full of seats, enthusiastic fans will be able to accommodate 80,000 stands packed to the brim.

There were not only Chinese fans in this game, but also fans from many surrounding countries, and even... there were Madrid Pirates fans who flew from far away Spain.

"This is the charm of the Club World Cup!"

Wang Shanshan stood on the sidelines, looking at the crowded stands, expressing such emotion.

"It is also the reason why we must bid to host the Club World Cup! It will not only allow our fans to enjoy the performances of the world's top teams at close range, but also allow the whole world to see Chinese football more clearly!"

She had just finished her on-site interview and report, and there was nothing else to do with her.

She can watch the game from this position.

When the two teams came out to warm up just now, the host South China Tigers of course won a lot of cheers.

But the popularity of the Madrid Pirates is not far behind, and the cheers they get are almost the same as those of the South China Tigers.

There were even many fans wearing South China Tigers jerseys cheering and applauding for the Pirates players.

Of course, they didn't really "rebel\

,"Most of them were cheering for Holly.

Although these people are fans of the South China Tigers, they are also Chinese fans.

As a hero of Chinese football, Hu Lai has unimaginable popularity and influence in China.

At that time, Wang Shanshan looked at the movement in front of her, and couldn't help thinking that five years ago, the Lingnan South China Tigers lost the Chinese Super League championship to Hu Lai.

These fans seemed to have forgotten that incident, and gave Hu Lai applause and cheers without hesitation.

At that time, the goal that helped Anton Shining beat the South China Tigers came from Qin Lin's assist and Hu Lai's shot.

Now one person is the opponent of the South China Tiger,

Came to the Lotus Stadium again, and the other became the current head coach of the South China Tigers.

Both of them have such a deep bond with the South China tiger, which is really touching.

Moreover, the Lotus Stadium is also the place to witness when the Chinese men's football team reached the World Cup finals for the first time-everyone who came to the stadium to watch the game today will pass by the sculptures commemorating the qualifying of the World Cup-everything is really like It seems to be arranged.

Thinking of this, Wang Shanshan laughed.

She thought it was good, and she had a wonderful sense of destiny.


Qin Lin was standing in the locker room of the home team at the Lotus Stadium.

He and his players are very familiar with this locker room, because this is their home court.

A month earlier, they had also celebrated here to win the league title.

Now all the players have returned to the locker room, and those who are going to start have also changed their clothes. They sit in their seats and look at the head coach in unison.

Under their watchful eyes, Qin Lin said:

"This may be our last game in this Club World Cup. I hope everyone can play their best in the game. At the same time, I feel that if each of us can play 100% With our own strength, then...maybe we can really knock out the Champions League champions in the semi-finals?"

These words startled everyone in the locker room. They looked at each other in blank dismay. They didn't expect the head coach to hide such ambition...

Seeing everyone's reactions, Qin Lin laughed:

"Why this expression? Isn't this normal? Who doesn't want to win when they participate in the competition? What's so surprising about reaching the final of the Club World Cup if you want to eliminate the Pirates? Of course, I know that the Pirates are very strong, very strong .And they still have Hu Lai. But because it is difficult, it feels more fulfilling to do it. Just like the league this season, how did we start off like a dog? Do you remember? What about the end? we are the champion!"

Having said that, Qin Lin spread his hands, his tone full of pride and confidence.

"Nothing is impossible, this is the greatest charm of football. Miracles will always happen, so why can't it be us? Remember that 'Legendary Six Minutes'? What I said before? I said Hu Lai focused on Football, never give up, that's why he can create miracles repeatedly. I also said that as long as we encounter difficulties, we should think about those six minutes of Hu Lai. Focus on football itself, just keep running. Am I wrong? Did we end up running first?"

Someone in the locker room began to nod in agreement with Qin Lin's words.

"So we did create a miracle. Because in this season, we were not the favourites. But in the end we were the champions! What does that say? It shows that we can create miracles and we have the qualities to do them - focus and hard work! Why do I say that the roster is determined by the training state? Because I want to make sure that everyone who steps on the court really wants to do his best and give everything in this game. He is not a bastard!"

Qin Lin waved his arms vigorously, and his voice gradually increased.

"I'm sure you all must think the same way—it's hard to have a chance to play against the European champions. If you can play, can you be worthy of the effort you have put in to come here?"

Hearing Qin Lin's deafening voice, Yao Huasheng remembered the World Cup three and a half years ago.

They went home after three group games.

At that time, I thought this performance was very satisfying, three draws, unbeaten, really excited to think about it!

Especially in the last game, they tied Brazil at the last moment. What an achievement!

On the flight back to China, Yao Huasheng felt as if he was dreaming, with an unreal sense of happiness.

But now, he has realized what a pity this is.

How ecstatic I was at the beginning... Ridiculous.

As they celebrated their draw with Brazil, they didn't realize they had missed out on beating Brazil and reaching the knockout rounds of the World Cup for the first time in history.

I didn't feel it at the time, but thinking about it now, I feel so regretful and regretful.

And this feeling Yao Huasheng will be particularly deep.

Because Hu Lai and Zhang Qinghuan still had the chance to make up for this regret, but he never had this chance again.

So I'm so sad and sorry.

Thinking of this, Yao Huasheng stood up as the captain:

"Brother Lin is right, brothers. We finally participated in the Club World Cup and put in so much effort to reach the semi-finals and stand in front of the Champions League champions. It must not be because we did not give our best in this game. But I have regrets! Don’t be like me, who still regrets that I didn’t fight Brazil in the last few minutes of the World Cup!”

Qin Lin didn't expect Yao Huasheng to say that suddenly.

But it is obvious that Yao Huasheng revealed his shortcomings, which is tantamount to endorsing what he said just now, making everyone present realize that they will regret it if they don't try their best.

And not only will he regret it, but the whole team will suffer as a result.

"So, in the next game, everyone will fight for me! Let's see what we can do against the champions of the Champions League with all our efforts! No matter whether we win or lose, at least we must be clear of our hearts! We will not be in the future Think of this game and regret it! Don't leave regrets for yourself, go all out, maybe we can create a miracle? After all, in the World Cup three years ago, we might be able to create a miracle..."

Hearing what the head coach and the captain told everyone to do their best, Peng Weijun sat in his seat, his legs trembling slightly.

He clenched his fists tightly, trying to suppress the involuntary trembling.

He was afraid of being misunderstood as fear.

But he was not, he was actually excited and impatient.

He just wanted the game to start right away!

"Okay. I've said everything that needs to be said, and you must all know what you should do. There is nothing to say about the rest, just go on stage, and you're done!"

Qin Lin said loudly.

"It's over!"


A group of people screamed in the locker room.


Hu Lai saw his eldest brother Qin Lin in the passage, and immediately went up to greet him enthusiastically: "Brother Lin!"

Qin Lin also hugged Hu Lai with a smile all over his face: "You boy! You are so awesome now!"

"Hey, it's not worth it, it's not enough..."

"Stop being humble in front of me, modesty is hypocrisy!" Qin Lin patted Hu Lai on the shoulder.

Hu Lai could only giggle silly.

He is also very happy to meet Brother Lin in the Club World Cup.

Therefore, this Club World Cup has an extraordinary commemorative significance.

"Kick well."

"Hey, I will, Brother Lin!"

The scene of the two chatting and laughing happily appeared in the TV broadcast. With this scene, the commentator He Feng said with emotion:

"This is a dreamlike scene! After the former teammates changed their identities, they reunited on the field of the Club World Cup. Two people chasing their respective dreams met in this way, and they came to the same goal by different routes!"


PS, good news, Chengdu has unblocked "except for some streets".

Bad news, our neighborhood is in "partial streets"...

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