Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 110 Different Dimension Suggestions

Latest website: Although Peng Weijun's goal greatly boosted the morale and fighting spirit of the South China Tigers players, they did create some trouble for the Madrid Pirates in the subsequent games.

But that doesn't change the outcome of the game.

Even the South China Tigers never scored again.

Parotti quickly made substitution adjustments after losing the ball. He replaced Moreno, Joaquin Vela and Hulay successively.

Replaced with Danny Drew, Ramirez and high center Sanabria Ruiz.

The appearance of Danny Drew and Ramirez stabilized the team's defense, allowing them to face the impact of the South China Tigers more calmly.

Ruiz was replaced by Hulay in the last ten minutes of the game. This substitution did not have much tactical significance, except that Ruiz could play in the Club World Cup to thank him for his hard work in the team. In addition to his performance, the more important significance is to give Hu Lai a chance to accept the cheers and applause of Chinese fans alone.

After all, for Hu Lai, this is considered "going home".

So when the fourth official raised the substitution sign on the sidelines and saw Hu Lai's number on it, the fans at the Lotus Stadium couldn't wait to cheer.

When Hu Lai walked off the stage, there was thunderous applause.

The broadcast camera swept across the stands, and all the fans stood up, applauded and cheered for Hu Lai.

At this time, when I looked carefully, I discovered that the red jerseys worn by many people were not the South China Tigers' home jerseys, but the Chinese team's home jerseys.

They waved the five-star red flag and cheered for Hu Lai.

"...Ladies and gentlemen, look at this scene and listen to the cheers! This is why Parotti used the last substitution spot and replaced Hu in advance. Just so that he can enjoy such an honor. '! It's completely conceivable how much support the Pirates from Madrid, Spain, will receive when the final comes... By then, this stadium will truly become the home of the Madrid Pirates!"


After Hu Lai was substituted, the cheers and applause in the stands did not stop, so he stood on the sidelines and continued to thank the fans in the stands.

He waved, then clapped, and finally he bowed in each of the four directions.

After doing this, he left.

When coach Parotti thanked the fans, he stood waiting for him and looked at him.

After he left the stage, Parotti opened his arms and greeted Hu Lai with a smile. Finally, he took him into his arms and patted Hu Lai hard on the back.

Kudos to him for his performance in the game.

After separating from the head coach, Hu Lai started from the coaching bench and high-fived everyone one by one, first the coaches, and then his teammates on the bench.

After a round of high-fives, without leaving anyone behind, he sat down in his seat. He leaned back on the chair, stretched his hands out, hung a dry towel around his neck to wipe sweat, crossed his feet and wiped off his sneakers, his posture was very much like in a bathhouse sauna. The man who enjoys steaming...

This seemed to be a bit inconsistent with the heroic image that had been cheered by everyone just now, but no one thought there was anything wrong with it.

Because Hu Lai is such a person. He has no idol baggage and does whatever he wants.

Now that he has finished writing the chronicle of world football in 2029, he should of course take a good rest.


The departure of the most threatening player in the game did not change the situation of the game.

In the last ten minutes of the game, the physical fitness of the South China Tigers players was exhausted.

Players constantly fell to the ground during games due to cramps.

The Madrid Pirates, who were leading 3:1, did not take advantage of the situation. As long as a South China Tiger player fell to the ground, if they had the ball, they would take the initiative to kick the football out of bounds.

Even the Pirates players who are close will help the South China Tigers players press their legs.

Their gentlemanly approach naturally won applause from the South China Tigers fans in the stands, but it also meant that they did not feel that the South China Tigers would pose any threat to them in the next few minutes of the game...

Peng Weijun had no cramps. At the age of 18, he was in good physical condition and even had the energy to sprint at high speeds.

But this doesn't change anything.

In the 87th minute, Kamara accelerated the ball on his side. After opening up the passing space, he did not give him a chance to pounce and immediately made a pass.

Peng Weijun stretched out his legs and kicked him, but he couldn't stop him.

The football passed in front of his kicked foot and landed in front of the goal.

Mexican high school forward Ruiz, who came on as a substitute for Hulay, jumped up, overwhelmed Yang You, and swung his head towards the goal!

The football flew into the South China Tiger's goal for the fourth time.


"Okay, with the three whistles of the referee, the game is over! The Champions League champion Madrid Pirates defeated the host Lingnan South China Tigers with a score of 4:1! Advance to the final! Hu Lai scored twice in this game, personally The number of goals scored in a single natural year exceeds 100! He has set an unprecedented great record, and with two games left in his 2029 journey, he still has the opportunity to expand this record to a very terrifying point!"

During He Feng's passionate commentary, the Pirates players on the bench rushed onto the court to celebrate the victory.

They are getting closer and closer to the first Club World Cup championship and the second Intercontinental Cup championship in the history of their club.

If they can win the championship, then in the past year, they have won all the championships they can win:

Spanish Super Cup champion, La Liga champion, Champions League champion, Copa del Rey champion, European Super Cup champion, and Club World Cup champion.

They will become the unprecedented "Six Crown Champions" in the history of Spanish football!

Hu Lai is making history, and they are still making history.

But unlike his excited Madrid Pirates teammates, Hulay did not rush onto the court to celebrate.

He simply raised his arms and shouted, and then walked to the coaching bench of the home team, the South China Tigers.

He was going to catch up with his big brother.


When the referee blew the whistle to end the game, Peng Weijun stood on the court and finally stopped running.

Until the last moment of the game, he was still "racing" with Kamara.

But his running changed nothing at all...

He looked a little depressed.

After he scored that goal, he thought he could continue his efforts, create threats, and maybe score another goal?

The result was no goals and no assists.

Instead, the South China Tiger let the pirates do it again...

In the fantasy, if he scores a goal, he can lead the team to rush forward, but the situation that leaves the Madrid Pirates in a hurry did not happen.

Just when Peng Weijun was feeling frustrated, someone walked up to him.

"Hi." The other person said.

Peng Weijun looked at him and found that the latter had taken off his jersey.

Only then did he realize that Ismail Kamara actually wanted to exchange jerseys with him!

He didn't expect that he could actually win the "respect" of the opponent's players - if the opponent took the initiative to come to him to exchange jerseys, it meant that his performance had caught the opponent's eye.

Kamara made him embarrassed in this game, and could even be said to be the source of his disaster.

The South China Tigers conceded four goals in this game, three of which were related to Kamara. He directly assisted two goals, scored one goal, and Kamara was also involved in the remaining one goal.

In the presence of Kamala, Peng Weijun felt like a clown.

But in the eyes of his opponent, he might not be as... unbearable as he thought?

He didn't let Kamara wait too long. He immediately took off his jersey in a hurry and handed it to the other party.

He really wanted to express his admiration for Kamara - even though the two were opponents in the game, as a winger, how could he not admire Kamara?

Unfortunately, he didn't understand the language, and Peng Weijun didn't know what to say.

At this moment, Kamara, who took over his jersey, gave Peng Weijun a thumbs up: "What's up, New Bee!"

Peng Weijun:? ? ?


After Parotti and Qin Lin finished shaking hands, Hu Lai went up to say hello to Qin Lin.

When Qin Lin saw him, he hugged him. While hugging him, he slapped Hu Lai on the back hard with his hands. While patting him, he gritted his teeth and said, "You are so cruel! 'Mr. Double Score'!"

"Hey, Brother Lin, you know me..." Hu Lai grinned after being photographed.

"Congratulations, you hit one hundred balls, perfect score!"

Hu Lai, who was praised by Big Brother, scratched his head with a smile on his face, but he was not humble at all.

Generally speaking, when the greetings are over, the two people have to part ways.

As the head coach, Qin Lin had to comfort his players, while Hu Lai had to say hello to other acquaintances in the South China Tigers, and finally celebrate with his teammates.

But Qin Lin pulled Hu Lai and asked him a question: "What do you think of our left back?"

The only thing the South China Tigers could get away with in this game was Peng Weijun's goal, and this was in return for Qin Lin's insistence on using Peng Weijun. Naturally, he wanted to show off in front of Hu Lai.

The two people simultaneously set their sights on Peng Weijun on the field, who was exchanging jerseys with Kamara.

When they saw this scene, both of them were a little surprised, especially Hu Lai.

He didn't expect that Kamara, who said during the halftime break that he wanted to teach that kid a lesson, would actually run to Peng Weijun to exchange jerseys - he thought Kamara looked down on Peng Weijun.

Hu Lai asked: "I heard that he was a temporary guest star?"

"Well, he originally played as a left winger. He is very fast and has a long shot, but his feet are a bit rough. If there is not enough space to use his speed, his breakthrough ability will be greatly reduced."

Hearing Brother Lin's description of Peng Weijun's characteristics, Hu Lai narrowed his eyes and looked at him: "I don't think he is tall?"

"Yes, he is a bit shorter. Only 1.68 meters tall." Before Qin Lin finished speaking, Hu Lai suddenly looked away and looked at him.

"How high?" Hu Lai asked as if he didn't hear clearly.

"One meter sixty-eight." Qin Lin replied again, and at the same time he was a little strange: Is there anything wrong with this height?

After receiving the answer, Hu Lai turned his attention to Peng Weijun in the distance again, and then said:

"Brother Lin, I have a suggestion. I don't know if it's right or not. I'll just say it and you can just listen to it."

"Okay, you say."

"Don't let him make a cameo, just stick to the left-back position. I think he has the qualities to become an excellent left-back."

Hearing what Hu Lai said, Qin Lin laughed happily: "Oh, we want to go together!"

Hu Lai gave Qin Lin a thumbs up and flattered him: "Brother Lin has good taste!"

After saying that, he planned to say goodbye to Qin Lin, but before leaving, he suddenly remembered something and turned to Qin Lin and said: "Oh, by the way, Brother Lin. You can suggest him to practice more free kicks. His left It’s a shame that I don’t have enough foot strength to take powerful free kicks.”

Qin Lin was a little surprised. Not every player who can take long shots needs to practice free kicks. He also didn't understand why Hu Lai gave such clear advice that Peng Weijun must be allowed to practice free kicks.

But he still nodded and agreed: "Okay, I will tell him."

Seeing that Qin Lin agreed, Hu Lai further suggested:

"If possible, Brother Lin. You suggest that when he takes a free kick, he should have a longer approach distance, preferably ten meters away, with small steps at the beginning and big strides at the end." Hu Lai gave Qin Lin a simple simulation. Take what he said.

This made Qin Lin confused: "Why do you want to kick like this?"

"First of all, according to scientific analysis, kicking a free kick like this can maximize the player's shooting power." Hu Lai said seriously. "Secondly, from a metaphysical point of view, this is a kind of ritual. After doing this, you can communicate upwards and the heaven and man will become one, making it easier to kick out the world wave."

Qin Lin:? ? ?

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