Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 111 Take a step back and the sky will be brighter

Latest website: Although they have lost the semi-finals, it does not mean that the South China Tigers have been eliminated.

They still have one game to play, which is the third-place final against AFC Champions League champion Al Ayan.

The final ranking of the Club World Cup is determined through competition, so even if they cannot continue to advance, there will still be a "loser showdown" to ultimately determine the ranking of each team.

Only the team that was eliminated in the first round does not need to - it will definitely be the last one.

Since there was still the last game, the team resumed training as usual on the morning of the second day of the game and trained normally in the afternoon.

After the game against Madrid Pirates, the coaching staff has decided to let Peng Weijun continue to play left back.

Although he still has many shortcomings on defense, his advantages are more prominent.

Fast and physical.

At the same time, in the duel with Kamara, it can also be seen that Peng Weijun's mental attributes are very good - he was not defeated by Kamara's impact again and again, which is really commendable.

You must know that young players who are only 18 years old have not experienced many big storms in their careers, and their psychology is very fragile. If you are targeted by your opponents in a series of games, collapse is inevitable.

And Peng Weijun was able to score such a beautiful goal after being regarded as a key breakthrough by the Madrid Pirates team.

Not to mention that he was still "fighting bayonet" with Kamara until the last moment of the game.

His tenacious performance also won the respect of his opponent Kamara, who took the initiative to find him to exchange jerseys after the game.

Qin Lin looked at Peng Weijun training on the court and thought of what Hu Lai said to him after yesterday's game.

Perhaps this is what Hu Lai said about Peng Weijun having the qualities to become an excellent left back...

However, Qin Lin still failed to understand why Hu Lai believed that Peng Weijun had the potential to take free kicks. Peng Weijun had never taken any free kicks before - at least that was what he knew.

Did Peng Weijun take a free kick when he was very young? And Hu Lai knew about it? Did they know each other before?

It shouldn’t be. Peng Weijun is not from Dongchuan either.

He's not from Jincheng either... he's a native of Lingnan.

There shouldn't be any intersection between them.

Hu Lai suggested that Peng Weijun practice free kicks. Although Qin Lin was full of questions, he was not completely incomprehensible.

Isn't it just a free kick? The goalkeeper can take it, so why can't the left back take it?

It’s just that he won’t force Peng Weijun to practice. He will convey this suggestion to Peng Weijun. If the other party is interested, then he can practice it himself. If the player himself isn't interested, he won't force it.

In Qin Lin's mind, there are more important things for Peng Weijun than developing a new weapon called free kick.

What Qin Lin couldn't figure out the most was why Hu Lai specifically designated a way to kick free kicks.

For a ten-meter run-up distance, start with small steps and then sprint...

Qin Lin had never seen someone take a free kick like this on the court before.

He has seen people with long approach distances, but the special combination of small steps and long strides is really rare.

Qin Lin thought about it for a long time last night, but could not understand the purpose of Hu Lai's suggestion.

If you are someone who knows Hu Lai generally, you will definitely think that Hu Lai is playing swordsmanship again, so just ignore this strange suggestion.

But based on Qin Lin's understanding of Hu Lai, he believed that Hu Lai was actually using a special temperament to hide his inner sincerity. After all, some meanings were expressed in his special way, which was easier for others to accept.

Qin Lin and Hu Laitong had a deep understanding of this when they played in Flash Star.

It seems that Hu Lai is playing tricks a lot of the time, and it's just a smile from Bo Jun.

But in hindsight, all his tricks had profound meaning.

For example, regarding Zhang Qinghuan, everyone thought that Zhang Qinghuan was hopeless and a scumbag. Only Hu Lai suddenly wanted to save the "prodigal son". Every day when he came to the training base, he ran to the gate to block Zhang Qinghuan, wanting to have a good talk with him and persuade him to turn back.

This kind of behavior is no different from neurosis in the eyes of many people.

But... Zhang Qinghuan was actually pulled back by Hu Lai!

Now Zhang Qinghuan has become the core midfielder of the Chinese national team, and all this is due to Hu Lai's "playing tricks".

So if someone else had given such a weird suggestion to Qin Lin, Qin Linli would have ignored it. If he didn't roll his eyes on the spot, he would be considered polite.

It was precisely because Hu Lai proposed it that Qin Lin was willing to seriously consider the meaning behind it.

But with his extensive knowledge and understanding of Hu Lai, he still didn't understand.

Then he decided to tell Peng Weijun what Hu Lai said intact. As for what Peng Weijun thought... he didn't care.

If Peng Weijun thinks Hu Lai is joking, let him.

Ultimately, practicing free kicks is not the most important thing for Peng Weijun right now.


After the training, Peng Weijun was left alone by head coach Qin Lin.

He didn't understand why, and stood on the sidelines with some anxiety, watching his teammates leave one after another.

He was worried that the head coach left him alone to criticize his performance in yesterday's game.

Although there was a goal, whether it was statistics or actual scenes, his left wing was the "hardest hit area" in yesterday's game.

After he and Qin Lin were the only ones left on the training ground, the latter said: "Your performance yesterday..."

Hearing this, Peng Weijun's heart skipped a beat and he quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, boss! I'm sorry! I didn't perform well yesterday and allowed them to score four goals. It's my fault!"

Qin Lin did not interrupt Peng Weijun's self-blame. After he buried his head and admitted all his mistakes, he smiled and said: "Actually, I want to say that your performance yesterday was not bad."

"Ah?" Peng Weijun raised his head in surprise and looked at Qin Lin with wide eyes. Seeing that the other party was really smiling, he realized that the boss was not mocking him.

"Really? Ha...ha!" He could only hide his embarrassment with a dry laugh.

"That's right, because of your outstanding performance in the last game, I hope you can play more at left back in the future."

"Uh..." In order to be able to play, Peng Weijun is of course willing to play left back, but this is just a stopgap measure. After all, he still prefers to attack.

Now when the head coach said that he should be fixed at the left back position, he reflexively wanted to refuse.

But when I thought that if I refused, I might never get another chance to play, I swallowed the words that came to my lips.

"Your characteristics are more suitable for playing as a full-back." How could Qin Lin not see that Peng Weijun was unhappy? He explained patiently. "You are fast, but your skills at the feet are relatively rough, and you need more space to use your speed. The full-back in the back position is just right for your characteristics. Because you have enough space to sprint."

"But I...can't defend well, boss..."

"You can practice if you are not good at defense. You are only eighteen years old, not twenty-eight. What are you afraid of? The key is whether you want to practice or not."

If it was something else, Peng Weijun should nod at this time to express that he wanted to think about it.

But now he was silent.

"I know that wingers are more likely to steal the spotlight than full-backs, but to be honest, you can't succeed if you continue to play as a winger. Haven't you felt it in the first team this season? If you take a step back, the sky will be brighter. , maybe changing your position can change your career." Sensing Peng Weijun's hesitation, Qin Lin continued to persuade patiently.

He was really optimistic about Peng Weijun's talent and thought it would be a pity to give up.

Peng Weijun was a talented player when he was in the South China Tigers at all levels, but he was playing as a forward.

After entering the first team, there was no way for the offensive players. Seeing that the prospects were bleak, Qin Lin was also worried for him.

Seeing that Peng Weijun remained silent, Qin Lin was neither angry nor urging.

Because he knows very well that changing positions is a big deal for any player.

Different positions have different requirements and prospects. It is difficult to change the habits developed since childhood, whether it is a technical or psychological change.

It's normal for Peng Weijun not to give an answer right away.

While Qin Lin was waiting silently, Peng Weijun thought of the scene when Kamara came to him to exchange jerseys after the game yesterday.

Ismail Kamara is one of the top wingers at the moment and someone Peng Weijun wants to strive to be.

Being able to get Kamara's jersey yesterday was a great encouragement to Peng Weijun.

Let him have the confidence on the road to becoming a winger like Kamara.

As a result, the head coach asked him to switch to left back today...

His dream was poured cold water on Dou Tou.

But if he doesn't agree, the boss will definitely be disappointed with himself.

Peng Weijun was unwilling to disappoint his boss.

Qin Lin gave Peng Weijun a minute to think, but when he saw that he still didn't speak, he said: "Let you play more full-backs, but it doesn't mean that you can only play full-backs. Being able to attack and defend is definitely better than being able to only attack. You want to have more chances to play and be more comprehensive."

These words seemed to give Peng Weijun a step up. He nodded and said: "I listen to you, boss. I will do whatever you say!"

Seeing that he finally agreed, Qin Lin secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and then continued: "Since you are willing. Then I will give you another suggestion. Oh, it is not my suggestion, it is Hu Lai's."

"Hu Lai...Brother Hu?" Peng Weijun was surprised. He didn't expect that he would attract Hu Lai's attention.

"Well, actually he also thinks that you are more suitable to play as a left back." Qin Lin nodded. "He also has a suggestion. I hope you can give full play to your left foot's powerful shooting characteristics and practice free kicks."

"Practice free kicks?"

"Yeah, a big free kick."

Peng Weijun didn't even think about it, he just nodded and said: "Okay!"

You agreed to switch to left-back anyway, so what’s the point of practicing another free kick?

Peng Weijun agreed simply, and Qin Lin was also very satisfied. He nodded: "Okay. Hu Lai has another suggestion. He hopes that your free kick will have a run-up distance of ten meters, and the run-up method will be small steps first and then big strides. "

"Ah?" Peng Weijun looked at the head coach dumbfounded, not understanding what kind of weird suggestion this was.

Seeing Peng Weijun's expression, Qin Lin knew that he was also confused, but it didn't matter.

He is just a messenger. After passing on Hu Lai's words, as for Peng Weijun, how he understands and thinks about it is none of his business.

Can't figure it out?

What does it have to do with him as the messenger?

After all that needed to be said, Qin Lin patted him on the shoulder and said earnestly: "Both Hu Lai and I are optimistic about your performance at the left back position. Come on, do your best!"

Peng Weijun came back to his senses from his doubts and nodded repeatedly to show his determination: "Don't worry, boss, I will do my best!"

After saying that, he couldn't help but think:

Why do you need to take small steps first and then take long strides?

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