Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 146 He changed football

"The game is over! The defending champion Madrid Pirates defeated the Rotterdam Elite 3:1 on the road! Just as everyone predicted before the game, even though it was a home game, the Rotterdam Elite, the weakest among the top 16, was not able to give Madrid What threat did the Pirates create... Hu scored twice in this game and was an important contributor to the team's victory! Although there is no away goal advantage in the current Champions League, this score almost means It is difficult for Rotterdam Elite to make a comeback in the away game...Madrid Pirates has almost reached the quarterfinals of the Champions League!" After the game, the disappointed and painful Rotterdam Elite fans in the stands left one after another. Facing the powerful Madrid Pirates, even at home, it is difficult to win. The players tried their best, but there is still a huge strength gap between them and Madrid Pirates... No, or rather, the biggest gap is that Madrid Pirates have Hulay, but they do not. Essence\\/Shuge's unmistakable starting line-up Only twenty minutes into the game, Hu Lai took the lead for the away team. This goal not only gave the Pirates the lead, it also completely disrupted all the plans of the Rotterdam Elite, and also disrupted the hearts of the Rotterdam Elite players. The visiting team Madrid Pirates firmly controlled the initiative in the next game. Even though Rotterdam Elite pulled a goal back, they failed to make any waves. Because the strength gap between the two teams is huge, and the Madrid Pirates performed better. So even though they lost the game, the home team fans also behaved very gentlemanly and did not boo the visiting team players crazily after losing the game. Those who were in pain just left the field silently, while those who had calmed down stood in the stands and thanked the players of their home team with applause for their efforts. After applauding with his teammates for the Pirates fans who came from afar to support them, Hulay turned and left the field. But he was intercepted by a player from Rotterdam Elite. "Hu... um, can I exchange jerseys with you?" Hu Lai looked at the Rotterdam elite player in front of him with some surprise. He remembered that the other player was replaced in the last three minutes of the game. Obviously, it is definitely not to come forward to turn the tide and turn things around. I just came here to feel the atmosphere of the Champions League match. Looking at his immature face, one could tell that he must be a young player transferred from the youth team. But to be able to be played in the Champions League, even if he is just a member of the "atmosphere team", he probably has a certain amount of talent, and the club has high hopes. Otherwise, why not give others the opportunity to feel the atmosphere? But I'm sorry, Hu Lai doesn't even remember the other person's name... Oh, by the way. It seems to be called "Driu", I don't know if this is the other person's last name or first name. "It's good to exchange jerseys." Seeing that Hu Lai agreed simply, Testriu breathed a sigh of relief. He had specifically checked online before and found that Hu Lai rarely exchanged jerseys with others. Someone also asked the question: "Why don't I see Hu Lai exchanging jerseys with opponents? Does he not like it?" So Deriu is extending an invitation to Hu Lai. , I worry about being rejected by the other party. When he heard that Hu Lai agreed to exchange jerseys, he quickly took off his jersey, as if he was afraid that if he moved slower, Hu Lai would regret it again. Of course Hu Lai would not go back on his word. After the opponent took off his jersey, he also took off his jersey and handed it to the opponent. The two completed the jersey exchange ceremony. "Thank you, thank you!" Deriu was very excited after taking over the jersey. He wanted to hug Hu Lai, but he seemed to think that Hu Lai was a Chinese and Chinese people have Chinese etiquette. So he simply took a step back and punched Hu Lai like the characters in the Chinese kung fu movies he had watched... Hu Lai was stunned----What is going on? This is me traveling through time again. He traveled to the world of martial arts football. "Ah, it's not necessary..." Hu Lai didn't know how to respond, so he could only persuade him reflexively. But Deleuze, who was in excitement, obviously didn't hear Hulay's words. Chapter 146 He Changed Football After Hu Lai saluted, he turned around and ran away. As he walked, he put on the jersey stained with Hu Lai's sweat.

He couldn't smile after losing the ball, but his brisk pace still somewhat explained his mood at the moment. Hu Lai looked at the child's back, still recovering from his dazed state. Until Drew slapped him on the back: "What are you looking at?" Hu Lai was still looking at Deleuze's back: "That person just now, after he and I exchanged jerseys, he made a... fist-holding ceremony." As he spoke, he imitated it. Drew laughed: "It's quite normal." "Normal" Hu Lai finally turned to look at Drew, "Why do I think he is abnormal?" "Drew regards you as an idol, so of course he will use your Chinese etiquette and habits. Thank you." Drew said, "Perhaps in the eyes of you, a Chinese, his actions are like a poor imitation show, but his intentions are true." "Such an exaggeration." "No exaggeration. What do you think about Tas? How much does Derrieu know?" Drew asked him. Hu Lai shook his head: "I have never heard of his name before this game." "He is a striker with a similar style to yours." Hu Lai was shocked: "He is also cheap" "...He didn't You're mean. No, he's not." Drew took a deep breath to calm down, "I'm talking about his football style, not his life style!" "Oh. But my style of play is also..." "Shut up, Hu." "Okay." Seeing Hu Lai really shut his mouth, Drew continued: "Deliu is not outstanding in physical condition. He is only 1.75 meters tall. He is not strong and has no speed. Not fast, and not good at dribbling. His only advantage is that he has a keen sense of smell in front of the goal, just like you, Hu." Hu Lai understands why Drew said that Deleuze has a similar style to him. "Originally, the future of a player like him in the Netherlands was not promising. But because of you, Hu, Deriu is now a genius that the whole Netherlands is watching and looking forward to." "Because of me" Hu Lai was a little surprised. "Well, because of your crazy goals. Now Dutch fans are expecting Deleuze to become an efficient shooter like you. You changed his destiny. Of course he wants to thank you and regard you as an idol." Drew nodded. . "He played in the Eredivisie in September last year when he was not yet seventeen years old. He scored in the Eredivisie just twenty-three days after his seventeenth birthday in December last year. In fact, it's not just Deleuze, there are many people who have benefited from you. Your appearance has allowed the center to regain its original definition. In the past, people had a lot of requirements for the center, but scoring goals was not the top priority. Now those who are simply Center forwards who can score goals are particularly popular. My old club spent 50 million to buy Van Bruggen last summer. He can score goals." Hu Lai heard Drew say this and rubbed his chin: "You That said, I feel like I'm quite amazing." "Aren't you amazing enough?" Hu Lai imitated the media's tone: "But I'm just a forward who can do nothing but score goals." Drew laughed. : "Let the person who said that go to hell!" As he said that, he put his arm around Hu Lai's shoulders and walked off the field together. Derriu returned to his team wearing Hulay's jersey. Someone came up and patted him on the shoulder: "Congratulations, Theis, you got your wish." Teammates all know that Tesdeliu is Hulay's little fan. , before this game, he revealed that he hoped to exchange jerseys with Hu Lai after the game - so naturally he hoped that others would not compete with him. "Being able to exchange jerseys with Hu means that you have his recognition, Theis." Derieu shook his head: "Maybe he doesn't even know who I am." "It doesn't matter, Theis. He will definitely hear about you often in the future. Name, just like you often hear his name now." His teammates encouraged him. He nodded: "Hu is indeed the goal of my efforts. Essence\\/Book First Update I don't expect to catch up with him, but he let me know this. Chapter 146 He changed the type of football Where is the limit of a forward." Then he took off his jersey and stared down at the name on the back of the jersey. Just like Mount Everest, when you see this name, everyone knows that it is the highest peak in the world. Correct update and now seeing Hu Lai's name, everyone knows that this is the world's number one forward. After Hu Lai and Drew returned to the locker room, Drew couldn't wait to walk to his seat and pick up his phone. Hu Lai saw him joking: "Why are you in such a hurry to chat with your girlfriend?" Drew didn't even look back: "Let me see the results of the other Champions League game..." Before he finished speaking, he suddenly Taking a deep breath, the voice stopped suddenly. "What's wrong?" Hu Lai came up and saw Drew's phone screen. The result of the match between Turin Bulls and Sporting Amsterdam is displayed above. 0:1 international practice, the home team goes first and the visiting team goes last. Scorer: Chen Xingyi. To be continued, please enter -m..- in your browser to view the fastest update of "Fox in the Forbidden Zone". Chapter 146 He changed football

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