Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 147 Visitors from the Iceberg

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Turin Bulls 0:1 Athletic Amsterdam

Goal scorer: Chen Xingyi


When he saw this scene, Hu Lai couldn't help but almost cursed.

The reason why he didn't say it was because Drew exclaimed: "The star scored!"

Then he looked back at Hu Lai.

Under his gaze, Hu Cai looked calm: "Why are you so surprised? Isn't it normal for a little star to score a goal?"

"Normal? Hu, this is Star's first goal in the Champions League this season!"

"He was just in bad shape before. But now, he is just back to his normal level - he scored two goals in the Champions League last season." Hu Lai still said calmly, "Why are you right? Your good friend is not confident enough in his abilities. Do you subconsciously think that the little star can't score goals in the Champions League?"

Danny Drew couldn't resist these hats. He waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no, no. I have always believed that the Stars can break the goal drought..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard teammates in the locker room exclaim:

"The Turin Bulls lost!?"

Drew turned around and said in a tone of "I knew it all along": "Isn't that normal? Why are you so surprised, Tony"

The Brazilian asked back: "Is that normal? That's the Turin Bulls, and it's at their home court!"

"The current Bulls can do nothing but defend. Their offense cannot threaten Atlético Amsterdam's defense, and they will lose the ball sooner or later." Vukovich analyzed.

Although he didn't watch the game at all, he was able to make guesses based on his own experience. After guessing, he asked: "Who scored the goal?"

Just as Hu Lai was about to open his mouth, Danny Drew said proudly: "Xing! My friend!"

"O, amazing!" Vukovich praised without hesitation.

Drew was as happy as if he was being praised.

"It's not easy to get through Albertazzi's door. @Essence\\/Bookstore·Unmistakable starter~~How did he get in?" Di Kunzo, the only Italian player in the team, was also curious.

"The penalty kick, he created it himself and then took it himself." Drew further introduced.

DiQuinzo nodded.

Although it was a penalty kick, it was still amazing to create and score the penalty himself.

Moreover, facing Mauro Albertazzi, being able to score a penalty kick is still something worthy of praise.

Tony, who initially exclaimed about the result, added: "The Bulls won't be eliminated like this, right?"

Everyone in the locker room was stunned at first, and then divided into two groups.

"How can it be?"

"It's really possible!"

"After all, they are still the Turin Bulls, a giant Serie A team that is not easily eliminated! And the Bulls are particularly good at playing in adversity..."

"You are talking about the previous Bulls. This season's Bulls are really not good. Caesar has never found a suitable scorer since then. You can't go far by relying solely on defense..."

Finally, captain Juan Ramirez ended everyone's argument: "Okay, it doesn't matter what others do, whether they are eliminated or not is none of our business. Pack up quickly and go home, it's really cold in Rotterdam!"

So everyone stopped discussing this meaningless issue and took care of themselves.

Danny Drew approached Hulay and asked him a question: "Is Xing Xing the first Chinese player to score in Albertazzi's goal besides you?"

Hu Lai was stunned for a moment. He really hadn't thought about this problem.

Then he gave an uncertain answer: "It seems so..."

"Like?" Drew was not satisfied with his answer.

Hu Lai said it again, with an affirmative tone: "Of course it is, of course it is, absolutely yes."

"Great!" Drew waved his fist excitedly.

After saying that, he picked up the phone and lowered his head to operate it.

Hu Lai was curious and took a look and found that Drew was speaking on social media:

"Congratulations, brother! You are the first Chinese player to conquer that 'iceberg'!"

He asked: "Why am I excluded?"


Chapter 147: The people who conquered the iceberg

"A lot of things would be boring if you weren't excluded," Drew explained. "Should I say, congratulations, brother, you scored against Albertazzi, even though Hu had already scored before you?"

Hu Lai stretched out a slap.

"What?" Drew was confused.


"What five?"

"It's five balls. I poked five bloody holes in Albertazzi." Hulay said, "Why can't you say that? I think it's completely okay! Seek truth from facts, Danny, seek truth from facts."

Drew rolled his eyes at him and was too lazy to pay attention to him. He still did not change the content of his tweet. After @Chen Xingyi's Twitter account, he chose "Send".

Soon he received a message that someone had forwarded his tweet, and he clicked in to take a look...

Hu Lai:

"The one who "except" has conquered five times."

Danny Drew:…

Then he glanced at Hu Lai. Error-free updates @

Hu Lai smiled: "What?"

"No, it's nothing..." Drew grinned and turned his head back.


Losing the Champions League knockout round at home is a very uncomfortable thing.

Back in the locker room, every Turin Bulls player was unwilling to talk more about the game, and the atmosphere in the locker room was very depressing.

During the intermission, the atmosphere here was relaxed and happy.

Forty-five minutes later, they fell from heaven to hell.

In the depressing atmosphere where the air was almost frozen, the team's captain Caesar stood up and said to his teammates with a straight face:

"Now is not the time to be frustrated! The knockout round is two rounds, and we have another chance to go to their home court! They are only one goal ahead of us, and we can definitely get back this point difference! The Turin Bulls have never seen such a defeat today. It’s just a trivial matter!”

Not long after Chen Xingyi scored from the penalty kick, Caesar was substituted.

Although he is almost thirty-eight years old, when the team faces difficulties, everyone will still involuntarily turn their attention to him, hoping that he can turn the tide, just like he has done countless times before.

Only this time, he failed to help the team equalize the score.

The fact is very obvious - "Caesar" is old.

Although he can no longer provide much support to the team on the court, as captain and legend, Caesar can still play a vital role in the locker room.

When he shows his determination to win in the second round, other Turin Bulls players can't help but believe what he says.

Because the career of "Emperor" Caesar has never seen any big storms.

He has faced countless difficulties, dangers, and even... desperate situations!

He has also written impossible miracles countless times, reversals, shocking reversals, kills, counter-kills...

These are all part of his illustrious career.

If he says yes, then it is yes!

After all, we were only one goal behind, and the second round lasted a full 90 minutes.

At worst, we'll have to compete with Atlético Amsterdam!

Encouraged by Caesar, the atmosphere in the locker room became active again. Some people were discussing how to defeat Atlético Amsterdam in the second round, while others took out their mobile phones and refreshed their minds. After losing the home game, they finally had the courage. Facing the public opinion on the Internet.

Mauro Albertazzi took out his mobile phone and responded to messages from his partners and family.

After doing all this, he opened social media and prepared to post a message to comfort his fans and express his determination.

The game can be lost, but morale cannot be lost.

But as soon as he opened Twitter, he found a lot of @himself messages:

"5381 people mentioned you"

This surprised him.

Could it be that losing this game has created such a terrifying storm of public opinion on the Internet?

Just as he was secretly guessing, he found that the number in the new message prompt jumped and became:

"5898 people mentioned you"


Chapter 147: The people who conquered the iceberg

Did it increase so quickly?

Even if we lost the game, even if I didn't save the penalty kick in the game, it shouldn't have such a big impact, right?

Are these people scolding me?

Or is it because some people scolded me and others spoke up for me? Because the quarrel was fierce, that's why there were so many messages mentioning me?

Albertazzi could not figure out why so many people mentioned him. _o_m

He clicked into the message prompt with some anxiety.

The latest news from Danny Drew:

"Congratulations, brother! You are the first Chinese player to conquer that "iceberg"! @starauroalbertazzi1




In the locker room of the Turin Bulls home team and away team, Shaanxi Xingyi was in a daze facing the more than 10,000 new message notifications on his mobile phone.

He didn't know what was going on either.

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Chapter 147: The people who conquered the iceberg

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