Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 148 Ambitious Goals

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Chen Xingyi:

But in addition to @hi14, Roquet in Tramed also scored Albertazzi's goal. //da

idre4: Congratulations, brother! You are the first Chinese player to conquer that "iceberg"! @stahen11

Danny Drew:

I'm shocked! You're not the first person besides Hu. I even asked Hu for verification! @hi14 Didn't you say that Xing was the first person after you to score the Albertazzi goal? //stahen11 But In addition to @hi14, Roquet in Tramed also scored Albertazzi's goal. //da

idre4: Congratulations, brother! You are the first Chinese player to conquer that "iceberg"! @stahen11

Hu Lai:

You can blame me. I said "should", but I'm not sure either. _o_m Regarding this own incident, I take no responsibility. //da

idre4: Shocked! You are not the first person besides Hu. I even asked Hu specifically for verification @hi14, didn’t you say that Xing was the first person to score the Albertazzi goal after you!// stahen11 But in addition to @hi14, Roquet in Tramed also scored Albertazzi's goal. //da

idre4: Congratulations, brother! You are the first Chinese player to conquer that "iceberg!" @stahen11


"Laughing to death! Did you know that Chen Xingyi broke his goal drought in the Champions League this season in the game against the Turin Bulls? After the game, his good friend Drew even sent a tweet to congratulate him. Breaking the goal drought. He was said to be the first Chinese player to score in Albertazzi’s goal since Hulay, but it turned out to be an overturn! Haha!”

"I watched it too, and I was watching the whole process! Drew and Hu Lai even blamed each other. Drew said that he had asked Hu Cai for confirmation, and Hu Lai said that he was not sure either... haha!"

"So have they all forgotten Luo Kai?"

"Why Luo Kai is also playing in Europe!"

"Ah ha ha ha! I didn't think anything was wrong at all at first. It wasn't until Chen Xingyi came out to express his grievances for Luo Kai that I remembered... Fuck! It's true! Luo Kai is really the number one after Hu Lai A Chinese player who scored in Albertazzi’s goal!”

"Hey, no, why do I have no impression that Luo Kai really scored Albertazzi's goal?"

"You must have done it on purpose upstairs."

"What an injustice! Aren't Tramed and the Turin Bulls in the same group? In those two group matches, Luo Kai didn't score a goal..."

"Last season's Champions League quarter-finals, Tramed faced the Turin Bulls at home. Luo Kai came off the bench and scored a key goal, helping Tramed eliminate the Turin Bulls."

"Oh oh oh, I remember! There is indeed a goal, indeed! Before Chen Xingyi, Luo Kai was the first Chinese player after Hu Lai to score Albertazzi's goal!"

"Hahahaha. It turns out that Luo Kai's sense of existence is really low!"

"Luo Kai: Don't worry about whether I'm a human or not, you are real dogs!"

"I really want to vomit - after our Akai scored the Alberta goal last season, why didn't we have such a battle? It was tweeted by former teammates and promoted by marketing accounts... Chen Xingyi this season He only scored one goal in the Champions League and he became so popular. Tsk tsk, as expected, it’s amazing to have many friends!”

"Ouch, your Luo Kai is withdrawn and has few friends, so it's our Xingzi's fault. He's really stupid, weird and blunt. He can't pull shit out and blames gravity!"

" are discussing it so passionately, no one has thought about the feelings of the victims?"

"That's right,

Albertazzi provoked you! Losing the game, conceding the ball, and being whipped is too much. Where is the conscience, where is the sportsmanship? Where should I sit?"


While Albertazzi was alone in the gym doing strength training, captain Serius Caesar walked in.

He sat down on the hip adduction and abduction machine next to Albertazzi, selected his weights, and began his workout.

While exercising, he chatted with Albertazi beside him: "I asked you why you didn't leave. It turns out you are hiding here."

Chapter 148: Ambitious Goals

Albertazzi quickly defended: "I'm not hiding here, captain, I'm practicing extra."

"Practice more by the way." Caesar didn't care about Albertazzi's excuse.

Albertazi fell silent.

Seeing that he was silent, Caesar took the initiative to speak, but as soon as he spoke, Albertazzi was a little depressed:

“I saw that trending topic being pushed.

Albertazzi, who was exercising his back muscles on the high-tension trainer, almost failed to hold the handle in his hand when he heard these words.

"I'm afraid those reporters outside the training base are here because of this matter."

"I don't know..." Albertazzi was unwilling to answer.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. You are a goalkeeper, and it is natural for goalkeepers to score goals - have you never conceded a goal in your career? Do you think it is possible?"

Albertazzi shook his head.

"If someone scores a goal, it's a goal."

"Captain, it's not about being scored on. They're entertaining me.

"Really?" Caesar showed a surprised expression. "I thought they were complimenting you. As a goalkeeper, other forwards can use whether they score your goals as a way to show off. I think... this should be a compliment to you. Otherwise, why don’t we see them competing over who scored on Cordero?”

After the captain said this, Albertazzi also fell into thinking.

Seeing that Albertazzi was really lost in thought and not in a daze, Caesar stopped his training and then readjusted the weights - he reduced the weight and continued training.


"After Hu, you are the first Chinese player to break through the gate of Albertazzi, but they are all talking about Chen. This is so unfair!"

After seeing the discussion on the Internet, Ricardo Barria complained on behalf of his friend.

"I'm going to clear your name!"

He picked up his phone and was about to tweet.

Luo Kai stopped him: "No need, Ricardo. What's the point of fighting for this? I don't care, it's all after Hu Lai..."

Baria said to him: "You should also register a Twitter and Facebook account so that you can speak out yourself next time you encounter something like this. Now you don't even play online social media. You really can't. Like a young man, Luo."

Luo Kai shrugged: "I don't like those. I still want to focus more on football itself."

Barea gave him a thumbs up: "This is what I admire most about you, Luo. You are always so dedicated to football!"

The praise from his friend reminded Luo Kai of Hu Cai, so he shook his head: "I am still far from true concentration... Some people are truly focused.

"Who?" Baria was curious, who could make Luo Kai say such a thing. _o_mIn his opinion, if Luo Kai hadn't recently dated a girlfriend, he really thought football was Luo Kai's girlfriend...


"Ah..." Baria didn't expect Luo Kai to say this name.

"He's really focused on football," Luo Kai said.

"Don't compare with him, Luo. He is an exception. Comparing yourself with him is just asking for trouble." Baria advised.

Luo Kai shook his head stubbornly:

"No, you have to compare with him. If you don't compare with him..."

At this point, Luo Kai paused and seemed to be thinking about why he had to compete with Hulai.

He quickly continued:

"If you don't compare with him, how can you make progress? People always have to compare with the strongest people, so that they have the motivation to continue to struggle."

At the end of the words, he was almost mumbling to himself.

After hearing this, Baria admired Luo Kai even more: "You are right, Luo! People do have to have lofty ideals. If you only focus on what is easy to get in front of you, it will be very easy to be satisfied with the status quo."

Then he said excitedly:

"Let's set a goal that is enough for us to keep striving for. I will go first! I hope... I can become "Mr. Golden Ball"!"

The so-called "Mr. Ballon d'Or" means to win both the European Ballon d'Or and the World Football Award in the same year.

Chapter 148: Ambitious Goals


Being able to win these two honors at the same time is enough to show that this player has been a crushing presence in the past year, and there is no controversy at all.

Just like Hu Lai last year.

"Luo, what about you?" After setting his goal, Baria asked Luo Kai expectantly.


Just when Luo Kai wanted to answer this question, he suddenly remembered an event from many years ago, seven years ago, or six years ago.

That was the first time Hu Lai was selected for a national team.

He went to the Hongfengling national team training base located on the outskirts of the capital to participate in the National Olympic team training and prepare for the East Asian Cup.

At that time, a reporter asked him, the youngest player on the team, what his prospects were for the future.

Do you know how that kid answered?

He actually released a satellite of David!

He said he would lead the Chinese team to win the World Cup!

At that time, he was laughed at and insulted by everyone. First update @

Some people laughed at him for not overestimating his abilities, while others accused him of insulting the World Cup.

At that time, Hu Cai was just an unknown person who was selected for the national team for the first time.

It would be strange for such a person to speak arrogant words and not be criticized.

Even when Luo Kai first saw the news, he felt that Hu Lai's clown character had not changed after so many years.

Wherever he goes, he likes to brag, show off, say arrogant things, and pretend to be powerful.

Very annoying.

But how many years have passed

When the footage of Hu Lai being interviewed was revealed, someone has already commented like this:

"I must be crazy - I am so willing to believe in the future he described..."

Perhaps it is Hu Lai’s horrific goals over the years that gave fans the courage to dream.

But how can I let him shine alone?

Thinking of this, Luo Kai said to Baria:

"My goal, my goal... I hope to win the World Cup for my country."

Ricardo Barria was stunned.

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Chapter 148: Ambitious Goals

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