Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 160 The Collapse of Tipland

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"Eh?! Hu Lai!!! Opportunities are so beautiful! Beautiful!!"

He Feng now regrets that when Hu Lai scored the last goal, he used up all the words and sentences that could be used to praise him.

So much so that now when he faces greater moments, he can only repeat "beautiful" over and over again - this should be what his partner Yan Kang does.

Sure enough, Yan Kang was shouting hoarsely and took over his words: "Beautiful! Hu Lai! So beautiful! The sixth goal... no, the sixth goal in nine minutes! The seventh goal in the whole game A ball! Beautiful! So...beautiful!"

Turning his head and seeing Yan Kang's excited look, He Feng suddenly felt relieved - he didn't shout "***" when he scored, which was very worthy of my professional ethics as a professional football commentator.

Because in fact, "***" is the most suitable for his mood at this moment.




"oh"! "


"I'll wipe it!!"

At this moment, countless "***" messages of different forms appear simultaneously on China's Internet.

Most netizens also feel that only this kind of swear words can best express their emotions - who can think of any wise words at this time? You don’t have that intention at all, okay? Only the most instinctive common words that come easily from the mouth are the ones that best suit their inner impulses.

Of course, due to different local dialects, not everyone can say "***".

For example, Xie Lan, a native of Anton, said, “I say!

And Matt Dawn, who just sent out several tweets to introduce "Nine Five Supremes" to everyone on Twitter, posted this:



After scoring the goal, Hulay still did not do his signature celebration. He rushed into the goal and picked up the football.

Then, under the dull gazes of the players on both sides of the field, he continued to run towards the center circle.

Finally, he helped Royal Cathorn put the football in the center circle, stood up and exited. Continue to stand outside the line and wait for the Royal Cathorn kick-off.

But this time, it's different from before.

This time, not a single Royal Caterhorn player stepped up to kick the ball off. Their @starting forward, Colombian international Adrian Sandoval, was actually standing not far from the center circle at this time, but he was standing there and had no intention of coming up to kick the ball.

After the Royal Caterhorn players scored six consecutive goals, it seems that Ping finally came to his senses - the best way to prevent Hulay from scoring is not a sophisticated tactic at all, nor does it require the players to show their best condition. But don’t kick off the ball!

Don't tee off!

Don't tee off!

Repeat again:

Don't tee off!

As long as the kick is not kicked off and the game is not allowed to continue, wouldn't Hu Lai have no chance to continue scoring goals?

Of course, it is impossible for the Royal Caterhorn players to not kick off the ball all the time, that would also be against the rules. When the referee blows the whistle, the football must be kicked out.

But at least they can delay it for a little longer each time, so that Hu Lai will not be allowed to complete an unprecedented six-goal performance in nine minutes...

Every Royal Cathorn player present is responsible for this "miracle" that Hulay created on them!


The Royal Catalhorn players were in no rush to kick off, and the commentators from all over the world didn't mind.

The TV broadcasters didn't mind either.

Hu Lai scored the seventh goal of the game, and the entire process of the sixth goal in nine minutes was played repeatedly.

Because this ball connected with the previous ball too quickly, many viewers watching the TV broadcast were not able to see the entire process of the goal.

So now it's time to take advantage of the Royal Caterhorn players to hang out and let the audience see clearly how Hu Lai scored the goal.

"... With a lob shot from outside the penalty area, Hu scored a wonderful goal in such an imaginative way. But in front of his performance of six goals in nine minutes, this goal no matter how good it is No matter how exciting it is, it can't steal the limelight. There is only one thing destined to happen in this game a few years later.

Still remembered by countless people. That was Hu’s extraordinary performance of scoring six goals in nine minutes! "

"Ah... this time it was a pass error by Royal Kathun goalkeeper Peteksa Zhiji... In fact, it cannot be completely regarded as a pass error by the goalkeeper. If it must be said, center back Tipland also made a pass error. Responsibility, he stopped the ball too much when he stopped the ball... The Danish international was in very bad shape in today's game. As the main player to defend Hu, he has already allowed Hu to score five goals on him... ...If I were Gonzalez, the head coach of Real Catajon, I would replace him right away!"

"The Royal Caterhorn players were completely bewildered. It was obvious that when they were handling the ball, they were panicked and at a loss. Because they were not thinking at all, they were just acting on instinct. But I can completely understand, after all, it is difficult for any player to keep thinking when facing Hu's performance... This is a tragedy, but in fact, there is no need to blame the Royal Cathorn players too harshly... even the worst performance Tipland..."

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