Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 161 This is the reason

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Due to the passive resistance and uncooperative attitude of the Royal Caterun players, Hulay was unable to continue his crazy scoring momentum in a short period of time.

In the three-minute game time of the tenth, eleventh and twelfth minutes when he scored his seventh goal, Hulay did not score again.

With this as a sign, the commentator can finally say that Hulay's crazy scoring activities are over.

Even if he scores a goal later, it has nothing to do with the previous "nine minutes."

He failed to score seven goals in ten minutes.

And Parotti finally dared to replace Hu Lai at this time.

Seven minutes after Hulay scored the last goal, the football went out of bounds. During the dead ball time, the Madrid Pirates made the first substitution of the game.

Italian forward Daniele Dikunzo came on to replace Hulay.

"This is a big plus for Real Caterhorn - Hu is finally going off! He can no longer threaten Royal Caterhorn's goal! But before he went off, he had scored seven goals! If he continues If he stays on the court, he may still score goals and may continue to refresh his scoring record in a single game. But I think Parotti replaced him at this moment because he must have taken Hu's safety into consideration.... ...

Sanchez put it tactfully, but he was actually afraid that the Royal Catalun players who had come to their senses would become angry and do something wrong to Hu Lai.

Although Tipland had been replaced before, what if his good friends in the team couldn't stand it and wanted to avenge him?

Sanchez believes this concern must exist among Pirates fans.

There are also Chinese fans.

After all, this summer is the World Cup, and no one wants their top star to miss due to injury before the World Cup. That can be regarded as a "catastrophe" for Chinese football.

Sanchez was right. After seeing that Hu Lai was about to be replaced, countless Chinese fans in front of the TV let out a sigh of relief.

After Hu Lai completed the unprecedented "six goals in nine minutes", Chinese fans were both happy and worried for Hu Lai.

it's good now.

At least there is no need to worry about Hu Lai suffering malicious revenge from his opponent in this game.

All the Pirates fans stood up and gave their heroes the warmest applause and cheers.

Because of Hu Lai, the fans at the scene have also become part of the legend, how proud they are!

Not only the fans, but also the Pirates bench players and coaches on the sidelines stood up and applauded.

Many people paid tribute to Hu Lai with solemn expressions.

Di Kunzo, who was about to be replaced, simply knelt down on one knee when Hu Lai walked in front of him and made a gesture of worship to Hu Lai, which raised the atmosphere of the scene to a higher level.

With Di Kunzo taking the lead, the Madrid Pirates fans in the stands also made the same move of worship to Hulay.

There were nearly 80,000 fans at the scene, and the momentum was amazing and the scene was spectacular.

Hulay laughed, pulled DiQuinzo up and gave him a hug.

Then he waved and bowed to the home team fans in the stands, and gently tapped the Pirates emblem on his chest with his hand to express his gratitude and respect.

Then he walked towards the coach, where Parotti had already extended his hand and was waiting for him.

As soon as he shook hands with Parotti, he was pulled hard by the latter.

Parotti pulled Hu Lai into his arms and patted his back hard.

"If you didn't have a temperature and a heartbeat, I would have thought you were a robot!"

The Italian coach praised in his ear.

Hu Laixin said, I am not a robot, but I am capable!

He said to Parotti: "Sir, I am not a robot, Ismail is. Didn't you see that his joints were hard when he celebrated after scoring a goal? There is not enough lubrication!"

Parotti laughed and patted Hu Lai, who was playing tricks, and then pushed him out: "Go, everyone is waiting to hug you."

Hu Lai walked towards the coaches and teammates who had already lined up.

Then he high-fived and hugged them one by one.

Everyone congratulated him, and some were curious about what he said to Tipland.

Although they were sitting on the bench and there was no TV replay to watch, they also noticed that Hu Lai changed his attitude towards the game just after talking to Tipland.

This is not a secret that cannot be told, so Hu Lai told the story of what happened on the field to the teammates surrounding him.

I heard that Tipland was so provocative that he insulted Hulay's girlfriend to provoke Hulay. Other Pirates players said that Hulay did a great job.

There is no need to be polite to such people, and there is no need to feel the slightest guilt, just teach them a lesson!

Then they all set their sights on the Royal Cathorn bench.

Jacob Tipland, who had been replaced before, was sitting there, looking at the court with dull eyes.

He had also been surrounded by Royal Caterhorn players after coming off the field before.

Probably asking the same question.

I just don’t know if he has ever said it as frankly as Hu Lai.

If he said it, I wonder what his teammates would think...


Although the two parties involved, Tipland and Hulay, have been replaced, it does not mean that the feud between Madrid Pirates and Real Catajon is over.

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