Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 162: Furious

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"In a La Liga focus match that ended early this morning, the Madrid Pirates played at home. Before the game, the Royal Catalun ridiculed Hulay, which attracted much attention. In the end, Hulay set a series of records in the game. Including his personal single-game scoring record in La Liga, his personal single-game scoring record in all competitions. At the same time, he is also the player with the most goals in a single game in the history of La Liga. Not only that, he scored consecutive goals in nine minutes. The performance of scoring six goals also set a world football record....

"It's a pity that he had already scored a goal in the first half before that, otherwise he would have also created the fastest hat trick, the fastest four goals, and the fastest five goals in the history of La Liga... ....Before the game, the official account of Royal Catharine once posted a message mocking Hulay's low scoring efficiency against them, five goals in seven games. The average goal was less than one goal per game, but after this game, player Carter Hong officials can no longer say that. The average goal rate in 12 games in eight games is 1.5, which is exactly the same as Hu Lai's goal rate last year. He caught up with his average goal rate in one game. ....

“But none of that is really what this game is about.

The real focus of this game, there is only one event that everyone is paying attention to. That happened in the 58th minute of the game. The conversation between Hulay and Royal Cathorn center back Jacob Tipland was what ultimately led to Hulay going into a "furious state"..."

"Shocked!" Hu Lai "The truth behind the scenes of six goals in nine minutes is outrageous!"

"An anger turns into beauty, and I will help you understand the heart-warming reasons behind Hunan's six goals in nine minutes!"

A match between Madrid Pirates and Real Catajon. Unexpectedly, the protagonist in the end turned out to be a Madrid Kings player..."

The verbal spat between Hulay and Tipland during the game became the focus after the game. Today we will take stock of the verbal battles in those games..."

"The Pirates players confirmed the content interpreted by the lip reader after the game. They knew what the two people talked about during the game. That's why they desperately helped Hu Lai score. It can be said that if it weren't for the whole team's help Hu Lai It is also almost impossible to complete the miraculous performance of "six goals in nine minutes"..."

"After the game, Hu Lai didn't make any further comment on his grudge with Tiplande. He really didn't need to say anything. What he should say and do was all in the game. Hu Lai and Li Qingqing decided at the beginning During the relationship, some people still wondered why the two of them got together. Now you know the reason? When a man is willing to protect you at all costs, how many women in the world can remain indifferent? "

"Some people say that Hu Lai is not romantic enough. Is there anything more romantic than this? "To protect you, I can even score six goals in nine minutes to create an unprecedented miracle in world football"!"

"If I were a Royal Caterhorn fan, I would hate Tipland to death. If this bastard hadn't said that, Hu Lai would have been satisfied with a hat trick. Royal Caterhorn had almost no dissatisfaction with Hu Lai. All came from his record-breaking goal last season. Royal Cathorn was unwilling to be the backdrop for Hulay's record. Originally, this was a normal idea...but now after some of their tricks, Royal Cathorn has become the background for more and bigger records, and this time it is more exaggerated than the record of "50 league goals in a single season..."

"After what was said was revealed, Jakob Tipland said that it was part of the game and that he was just bickering with Hulay normally. There is no reason that Hulay can bicker with other players and he can't. . He thought it was just because the person he was fighting against was Hu Lai,

He just suffered online violence... I hope Tipland can understand that it is not normal to make dirty jokes on other people's family members during the game... If he doesn't realize this, then He deserves to be bullied online! "

The day after the game, the conversation between Hulay and Tipland became the most heated topic in the media.

Regular media, self-media and fans are all expressing their opinions on this matter.

There is also some behavior that is based on popularity and traffic.

For example, there are self-media marketing accounts that have posted many beautiful photos of Li Qingqing to tell everyone about this incident.

How beautiful is the other client? Why did Tiplande say that.

Li Qingqing is indeed beautiful, but it is really inappropriate to discuss her beauty in this matter.

Although with Li Qingqing's appearance, she is not afraid of others saying bad things.

But this behavior itself is not very polite.

Moreover, for Li Qingqing, the trouble is not limited to online comments.

When Li Qingqing returned home from training at the Madrid Kings training base the next day, he was blocked by reporters outside the base.

Everyone wants to know what he thinks about this matter.

Li Qingqing's answer was simple: "I support everything Hu Lai has done, and his answer to this matter is my answer."

"But he didn't give any interviews about it."

"Because he has already answered in the game." Li Qingqing explained with a smile.

A group of reporters were speechless.

That's it, goodbye.

Li Qingqing closed the car window and drove away slowly.

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