Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 163 Let Hu Lai give you a sample

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Renaldo Lima had just arrived in the locker room of the team's training base when Kabangka came to the door:

"Hey, Reynado, did you watch the match between Pirates of Madrid and Real Catajon?"

"I saw it. Is there anyone who didn't?" Lima asked.

Kabangka laughed: "Yes, if there is anyone who doesn't know about this game now, he must not be from Earth. What do you think after watching Hu's crazy performance?"

"He is really powerful." Lima sighed sincerely. "While watching the game, I repeatedly thought about whether I could do it if it were me. The answer is no. I had heard that he had done something similar at the U23 level before, but I didn't expect that he could do it again. Carve it once

"And it's even better. This time it was six goals in nine minutes, that time it was five goals in nine minutes." Kabangka said.

"Hu really did his best when it came to scoring goals..." Lima sighed.

"I thought the 60 league goals last season were already great. But looking at it now, he is likely to break the record he created." Kabangka also nodded.

Then he asked: "Besides thinking that he is awesome, do you have any other opinions?"

"What else do you think?" Lima raised his head slightly, thought for a moment, then shook his head, "Probably not."

"Have you ever had trouble sleeping?"

Lima felt that Kabangka's question was strange: "Why should I not be able to sleep?"

"So you slept well?"

"I can't say it's okay. It's just like me, neither good nor bad."

Hearing this, Kabangka laughed: "Not bad."

"How could anyone have trouble sleeping because of Hu's performance?" Lima still felt that Kabangka's question was puzzling.

This is a good question.

The smile on Kabangka's face became brighter: "Why not? You see, after Meili knew about Hu's performance, didn't she have a hard time sleeping?"

Lima was stunned for a moment, and then he realized why Kabangka said that before - he had been waiting here for Melly for a long time!

"Ah, it turns out you were just trying to laugh at Mellie...

Kabangka shook his head with a residual smile on his face and said: "Of course not. I want to show you the importance of keeping a normal mind. Meili just doesn't keep a normal mind, so any slightest disturbance will cause stress." reaction......"

Lima smiled and said: "Kendor, if you have a more serious expression on your face when you say this, I will believe you."

"I'm serious." Kabangka still smiled and said, "I want to

Otherwise, how do you explain the first time that Meishi F is bigger than Zi P. "The ball was missed. This is the first time in his career."

The expression on Lima's face also became serious: "So he is really affected?"

"Otherwise? Is there any other explanation? Did you watch the match between King Madrid and Atletico Malaga?"

Lima shook his head: "I didn't see it."

"No wonder." Kabangka nodded, "If you have watched that game, you won't have any doubts. When Melli took the first penalty kick, his eyes were wandering and he looked worried. He looked heavy, and then he kicked a half-high kick that the goalkeeper loves, and it was easily saved by Artuloma."

"It's normal that he watched Hu's game the day before Melli's game... No, no, he must have watched it. He cares about Hu so much..." Lima analyzed.

Kabangka smiled and said: "So you see, Renaldo. Meili cares so much about Hu, and he is very worried about his loss to Hu. So much so that his mentality was unknowingly influenced by Hu. As a result, he seemed to have become Hu's satellite, locked by Hu's tide. If Hu performed well, he would not perform well.

He performed well, but when he saw Hu's performance, his good mood was gone... If this continued, it would be strange if there was no problem with his mentality. "

Lima nodded, he felt that what Kabangka said made sense.

Kabangka continued: "So keep a normal mind. Learning to accept failure does not mean accepting your fate and giving up. It means facing failure by accepting failure. Facing failure is to defeat him in the end. And Not like Melly is now, no

Accept failure and dare not face failure. I can even say that in the next round of Madrid Derby, Melli will lose to Hu. "

"That's the home court of the King..."

Although he agreed with most of Kabangka's analysis results, Lima still felt that Kabangka's conclusion was too arbitrary.

Seeing him so surprised, Kabangka smiled half-heartedly: "What? It's not like they have never lost to the Pirates at home."

"Uh..." Lima suddenly thought of something. Catalonia lost more at their home court, so what about the home court?

He was a little embarrassed.

"Anyway, just wait and see, Renaldo. I actually hope that the Kings can defeat the Pirates at home, so that we can return to first place. But... with Melli's state, I am very worried. !”

Kings of Madrid now have 58 points, far behind Pirates of Madrid and Catalonia United, who both have 67 points.

Therefore, even if the Madrid Kings win once, they will not be able to threaten Catalan United in terms of points. Instead, they can hold off the Madrid Pirates and allow Catalan United to regain the top spot in the standings.


"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Crown Stadium to watch the highlight of the 26th round of La Liga. The Madrid Kings will face the Madrid Pirates at home, the Madrid derby!"

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