Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 167 Caesar’s Desperate Situation

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Caesar, who was sitting on the bench, heard someone calling him. When he looked up, he saw the assistant coach hooking him. "Ready to play!"

So he quickly stood up and took off his sports coat.

When this scene appeared on the TV broadcast, commentators from all over the world almost said in unison: "Caesar is coming on!"

Although on the Internet, "The Great" Caesar has been ridiculed and criticized, and it seems that he has changed from the top star of the "Four Kings" to the top shame.

But whether they are scolding him or ridiculing him, they all have to admit one thing, that is - Selius Caesar is still a star with great traffic.

Otherwise, why would they scold him and ridicule him? Isn't it because he got traffic by scolding him and ridiculing him?

Selius Caesar's every move now is still the focus of everyone's attention.

Whether he @starts or not @starts can become a topic of debate among the media and fans before the game.

Every move he made on the court was accompanied by an endless quarrel between those who defended him and those who attacked him.

Although it was just an appearance, he had not yet performed at all, and even though he did not perform convincing enough in the weekend's Italian national derby.

But just appearing on the scene is still enough to lift everyone's spirits - those who support him are happy for him, and those who hate him are ready to find fault.

"There are twenty-five minutes left in the game, and the score is still 0:0. The defense of the Turin Bulls is still very solid, but the problem still lies in the offense. At this time, Caesar was replaced, and the head coach of the Turin Bulls, Zaccaroni Obviously we hope to use Caesar's experience to help the team..."

If what the commentator said was relatively tactful, then the next commentator was very straightforward:

"I think Zaccaroni was out of medical need out of a sudden illness. Caesar started @in the last round of the league and played for more than 60 minutes. How did he perform? Everyone is watching. Now. The team's offense is in trouble, how can he still think of changing the offense by replacing Caesar? I wonder if Zaccaroni didn't direct that game, which is why he had such an illusion!"

"I know it doesn't sound good to say this, but I still want to say it - both Caesar himself and his supporters should recognize this reality clearly: Selius Caesar is no longer the omnipotent emperor he once was. "Well, in the football world, he is just an old man. He should be sitting in a rocking chair leisurely basking in the sun and enjoying his retired life with no worries about food and clothing, instead of staying on the court and working hard with a group of young people who are ten to ten years younger than him. It's not decent, not decent at all. "


When Caesar ended his warm-up and came on as a substitute, there were twenty minutes left before the end of the game. The score is still 0:0, and the total score is 1:0.

The home team Atlético Amsterdam leads by one goal. But this is not safe.

However, after seeing Caesar come on the stage, the home team fans still cheered.

"Obviously when the Amsterdam Athletic fans saw this substitution, they thought they were sure to win!" a commentator joked.

During the cheers, Chen Xingyi turned his attention to Caesar who ran onto the field.

The latter is conveying the latest instructions from the head coach to his teammates on the field.

Chen Xingyi's focus is not on what adjustments the Turin Bulls head coach has made, but on Caesar.

This former one of the Four Heavenly Kings has indelible traces of time on his face. But his hair is still as meticulously styled as it was in his youth.

He also grew up watching Caesar play football...

I didn’t expect that at the age of 27, I would still have the opportunity to compete with my childhood idol on the court. People on the Internet are scolding him for not retiring yet, but Chen Xingyi thanks him for not retiring yet.

Otherwise, how could he have the opportunity to appear on the same court as Caesar?

He has made up his mind that no matter what the outcome of this game is, he is going to exchange jerseys with Caesar. Because this may be his last chance.

Even if Caesar does not retire next season, he may not be able to meet him in the Champions League.


After Caesar came on the court, the Turin Bulls played more simply and roughly.

Facing the shrinking defense of Sporting Amsterdam, they directly passed the ball from the wing to find the forwards in front of the goal. In the 74th minute, the Turin Bulls got a chance to cross from the wing.

The team's right back Tobias Lovisa took the ball on the thirty-meter line and was unmarked. He decisively made a pass!

At that time, Atlético Amsterdam's defense was still in the process of retreating, and it was not completely in place. Caesar found this space keenly with his outstanding experience.

At the same time as Lovisa passed the ball, he suddenly ran forward, shot out from the middle of the Amsterdam Athletic defense, and appeared alone behind the Amsterdam Athletic defenders!

"Oh opportunity!"

the commentators shouted.

When those who support the Turin Bulls and Caesar saw this scene, they couldn't help but think of Caesar's goal to save the team.

But when Caesar jumped up with all his strength, he didn't hit the ball!

It wasn't that he was inaccurate in his judgment of where the football would land, but that his take-off height was not high enough...the football flew directly above his head and then flew out of the baseline!


"It's gone! Caesar's gone!"

"Caesar missed the ball!? This is an excellent opportunity!"

There was no look of annoyance on Caesar's face when he missed the great opportunity. Instead, after landing, Lovisa turned around and passed the ball to him and gave him a thumbs up.

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