Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 168 The winner and the loser

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"... After ninety minutes of boring battle, Atlético Amsterdam and the Turin Bulls shook hands 0:0 at home. Atlético Amsterdam relied on Chen Xingyi's penalty kick in the first round to score a 1:0 total. The score eliminated the Turin Bulls. After giving the latter the "Sixteenth Man of the Champions League" for two consecutive years, Chen Xingyi also reached the quarterfinals of the Champions League for two consecutive years..."

"Although there was no goal in this game, there was no shortage of topics and famous scenes. Among them, Caesar contributed two famous scenes after coming off the bench. Once when no one was marking him, he jumped up and missed the ball. . Another time, after being overtaken by Sibanda, he became angry and pushed the opponent, triggering a physical conflict between players from both sides...Caesar himself received a yellow card for this."


"Let me show you the heat map of Caesar in this game. See the brightest area? In the penalty area of ​​​​Atlético Amsterdam, that is where Caesar was most active in this game. Isn't it very Does it look familiar? That’s right, it’s the place where our irritable emperor pushed Sibanda down. He argued with the Amsterdam Athletic players and the referee for a long time, and finally left such a scene on the heat map... ..”

"After pushing down the defender from behind, he hit him with a rake and said he was diving... If an 18-year-old player did this kind of thing, we would praise him for not admitting defeat. If it was a 28-year-old player, If he does, we will joke and call him a cunning chicken thief. But for a thirty-eight-year-old player to do this, I can't think of any other comment other than 'shameless'..."

"...Although Caesar's poor performance against Sporting Amsterdam also triggered a conflict between the players of both sides. But after the game, Chen Xingyi still found Caesar and exchanged jerseys with him. And not only In this way, he also posted a photo of himself and Caesar exchanging jerseys on social media with the text, 'Salute to my idol, the eternal emperor, and the living legend. I am honored to compete with you.,... ....”


"You said you... went to Caesar to exchange jerseys after the game. Why did you post such a post? It seems like you are provoking those fans. You see, now it is really being criticized by the media Are you following it?"

Chen Hantang pointed to the news reports on his mobile phone and complained to his son.

"Has the media finally noticed?" Chen Xingyi answered with a somewhat excited tone, "I thought they had all lost their ability to associate."

"You really did it on purpose!"

"Of course it's intentional, dad. I just can't stand what those people do. They show off a hot spot photo posted by P and have a party there. I don't know what to do. Who is the ugly person in the end..." Chen Xing Yi pouted.

"Also, why do the same actions have different results at different ages? Why is it shameless to do it at the age of thirty-eight? Shouldn't being competitive be consistent? Even Sibanda himself didn't think Caesar wanted it Face, what are those black guys making fun of here! Damn it, if I encounter the same situation, I will push too. After the push, I will also complain to the referee that the other party flopped... Isn't this a normal way of playing? ?How come everyone’s sportsmanship is so high all of a sudden? In their eyes, Hu Lai is probably a disgrace to Chinese football, right?”

Seeing that his son was so excited, Chen Hantang joked to calm down the atmosphere: "That's not true. Didn't everyone say that he is thirty-eight years old, and Hu Lai is not even twenty-eight now."

Chen Xingyi sneered: "I bet even if Hu Lai is thirty-eight years old, he will still be so cheap!"

"Uh..." Chen Hantang was speechless.

“In the final analysis, the winner is the king and the loser is the loser.

Caesar can't score goals now, and he shows his hips, so he is scolded. But he is already thirty-eight years old. Isn't it normal for him to behave badly? What's there to scold?" Chen Xingyi also dislikes some of the current trends on the Internet.

"The scene where Albertazzi scolded reporters for lack of respect for Caesar was made into a meme. But what is there to laugh at? Shouldn't Caesar be given enough respect? Any player will grow old, if The more successful you are when you are young, the more you will be criticized when you are old. How can there be such a truth in the world?"

The reason why Chen Xingyi was so excited was that he would inevitably be a little "unavoidable".

When he was a child, when Caesar was in his prime, he never would have imagined that the idol that was held high by everyone would now be trampled on like rubbish, trampled and trampled on at will.

He felt that this was not a normal phenomenon, so he chose to "fight" against this abnormal phenomenon in his own way.

He went to Caesar to exchange jerseys immediately after the game and expressed his respect to him in person.

Then posted the photo online.

It’s not just Twitter.

He posted it all on Facebook, INS, Weibo, including the "Goal" website where he signed up under his real name.

His actions will naturally arouse the dissatisfaction of many people. After all, not everyone cannot see his true intention of doing so.

As his father, Chen Hantang is worried that his son will get into unnecessary trouble.

What does Heiselius Caesar have to do with you?

If you provoke those crazy dogs, wouldn't you be able to live in peace?

Are there any benefits to yourself?

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