Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 169 You guys are so boring

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After the Champions League quarter-finals are announced, what everyone is most concerned about is the quarter-final matchup.

In the current knockout stage of the Champions League, lots are drawn every time to determine the matchup.

Even if they reach the semi-finals, they still have to draw lots to decide the opponents.

This approach increases uncertainty and enhances the suspense of the event, making it more eye-catching.

Of course, "conspiracy theorists" believe that this increases the opportunity for UEFA to intervene in the matchups in each knockout stage.

But in fact, there are only so many teams that can reach the quarterfinals of the Champions League. Unless there is a sudden dark horse, there are familiar faces almost every year.

Drawing back and forth, the chances of encountering each other are relatively high.

These teams will always accumulate some grudges in many years of Champions League collisions.

So every time we meet, there is something to talk about.

They were not drawn together simply for the sake of publicity.

It is true that there are only so many materials, and no matter how innovative you are, it is difficult to come up with any new tricks.

Take a look at the Champions League quarter-finals this time. Which one is not a battle-hardened powerhouse?

Which one should not appear in the top eight?

It's normal for anyone to meet someone, and it's also normal for someone not to meet someone.

It's really just an encounter, no other gimmicks.

For example, isn't it normal for the Madrid Pirates and the Madrid Kings to run into each other? This is definitely not a draw result that UEFA can create in order to hype the competitive relationship between Julay and Melli.

Otherwise, the Kings of Madrid and Catalonia cannot be drawn together, or else they will deliberately create a "national derby" in the Champions League. But in fact, these two teams met in the quarterfinals last season...

In the same way, considering the recent "small grudge" between Hulay and Catalan United, if Madrid Pirates and Catalan United are together, it will definitely be UEFA deliberately manipulating the draw results.

If Catalonia meets Manchester United, the media can hype up the feud between Kabangka and Manchester United.

Tramed and Manchester United cannot be grouped together because that is the "Manchester Derby" in the Champions League.

Tramed cannot yet play against Stan Park Rangers, which is the "English Derby" in the Champions League.

It seems that only the Ruhr Rhein and Atlético Amsterdam are "purely natural" and "without artificial interference".

But sometimes the "reasonable choice" that avoids all "deliberate choices" may be the "most deliberate and unreasonable choice"

Chinese fans actually don't care about this. As usual, they started to struggle before the quarter-finals draw - whether they want Chinese players to meet in the quarter-finals or not.

The reason for hoping to meet is that it can ensure that at least one person can enter the semi-finals of the Champions League.

If you don’t want to meet, you think that based on the performance of Chinese players in the Champions League this season, maybe they can reach the semi-finals of the Champions League without meeting?

Wouldn't it be possible for three Chinese players to reach the semi-finals in the Champions League?

For this reason, Chinese fans have transformed themselves into probabilists and started to arrange and analyze various possibilities.

Then after the official UEFA draw results came out, some people were happy and some were worried.


Group 1 Champions League quarter-final matchup:

Defending champions Madrid Pirates take on Manchester United.

This is a new matchup in the Champions League quarter-finals in recent years.

But the media still have gimmicks to speculate on, because when Hulay was in Leeds City, he and Manchester United were rivals for the championship. At the same time, Kabangka can also be brought in to join in the speculation-because Hulay's only victory against Manchester United was when Kabangka did not play.

If Hulay can lead the Madrid Pirates to eliminate Manchester United this time, then the media can take the opportunity to run against Manchester United and say, "Sure enough, you can't beat Hulay without Kabangka!"

Of course, Manchester United also has something to say: "Catal United has Kabangca, but it's not possible to beat Hulay!"

In short, this kind of thing that the media likes to speculate on is that "the public is right when the public is right and the mother-in-law is right when the mother-in-law is right".

It is done because it is difficult to reach consensus. As long as there are differences, there will be quarrels. If there are quarrels, there will be traffic and popularity.

The media relies on traffic and popularity to survive.

Stirring up trouble is their innate skill.


The second group played against Ruhr Rhein and Madrid Kings.

Ruerrhein is enjoying great momentum this season. Their center Janus Edman is becoming more physically mature. The 20-year-old has been making a killing in both the Bundesliga and the Champions League this season.

The reason why Ruhr Rhein was able to eliminate last season's Premier League champion London Bridge in the Champions League quarter-finals was because Edman's hat trick at home in the second round helped Ruhr Rhine defeat London Bridge 3:1.

Ruerrhein, which is gaining momentum, meets the Kings of Madrid, who are in ups and downs. This game is also worth watching.

After being impacted by Hulay in the past two seasons, Melly's dominance is not as convincing as before.

Moreover, Edman has always been the target of the Madrid King's attempts to introduce him. I don't know if this confrontation will allow the Madrid King to continue to seduce him to come to Madrid.

Especially this season's failure in the league has deepened many people's concerns about the offensive firepower of the Madrid Kings. Everyone could see that Merry alone might not be able to bring this giant king along.

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