Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 34 Where is Hu? !

"Fox in the Forbidden Zone"

Amid the boos from the Sevilla Navigators fans, the Madrid Pirates substitutes rushed out of the bench and ran to the sidelines to celebrate the goal.

Hu Lai was among them.

While he applauded Kyrie's goal, he also widened his eyes and showed an incredible expression.

When Sevilla Navigator goalkeeper Duric attacked, Hulay thought Carey would shoot directly.

As a result, Kyrie just passed the opponent with a pick instead of shooting.

Then Hu Lai thought that after passing the goalkeeper, Kyrie should shoot now, right?

But still nothing!

After Carey caught up with the football, he didn't shoot immediately, but waited a moment!

What is he waiting for?

Wait for Poyatos to catch up!

Then he feinted again, shook Poyatos away, and then shot.

Single-handedly passed the two central defenders and the goalkeeper of the Navigator... and finally completed the goal.

This series of operations is simply... so sexy!

Hu Lai felt that if it were him, he would have shot when goalkeeper Duric attacked.

Is it because Kaili doesn’t have this ability?

Hu Lai didn't think so. He felt that Maxi Carey did this on purpose.

He just wants to get past everyone on the other side and then score.

This guy is really... so good at pretending!

So pretentious, so capable!

Hu Lai admired him from the bottom of his heart...

And after scoring the goal, Maxi Carey looked calm and relaxed, but his teammates and the Pirates players on the bench seemed more excited than him for the goal...

You know, this is Kyrie's first goal for the club after a year!

It was the first goal he scored after returning from a serious knee injury!

Most people would already be excited and running to celebrate at this time, right?

He did turn around and run to celebrate, but the speed and stride he ran made it feel like he was walking...

It was as if he had scored an ordinary goal, nothing to make a fuss about.

Hu Lai was surprised by Kyrie's pretentious way of scoring, but the Pirates' coaching staff applauded Kyrie's speed to force away Arthur.

"He dared to use his speed to break through Artur! This shows that at least his psychological problems have been alleviated a lot!"

"I think this further shows that his physical condition has indeed recovered! This is better news than scoring goals!"

Naturally, everyone is so excited because they all know how strong the Madrid Pirates' offensive firepower will be if Maxi Carey can recover and add Hulay...

Hu Lai's efficiency, coupled with Kyrie's skills and speed...

Invincible in La Liga!

Even if it is the Champions League championship, there is still hope of winning it!


Spanish TV commentator Alvarez Sanchez exclaimed excitedly: "Maxi Carey! This is his first goal after recovering from injury! A wonderful goal that only belongs to 'max'! He gave up He got a chance to shoot directly, just to trick the Navigators' defender! He succeeded! It seems like the 'Flying Dutchman' is back!"

In front of the TV, two children rolled on the carpet in the living room and cheered: "Long live Dad!"

"Dad is the most handsome!"

"Woof woof woof!"

The big golden retriever dog was making trouble with them, making the house extremely lively.

Sofia Carey next to her saw this scene with a smile on her face.

Then she turned her attention to the tall and handsome figure on the screen. He was surrounded by his teammates, and the smile on his face was particularly dazzling, as if a holy light was shining on him.

Sophia's eyes were filled with infinite tenderness.


While running back into his own half with his teammates, Maxi Carey cast his eyes towards the Pirates bench on the sidelines.

He saw Hu Lai still standing outside the bench, with a look of surprise still on his face.

Then Kaili felt a sense of pride in his heart.

Open your kid's eyes!

This is who you challenge!


The game restarted, and the leading Pirates pursued the victory and wanted to expand their lead.

After experiencing the initial panic, the Sevilla Navigators still withstood the pirates' attack.

The Navigators players obviously increased their intensity against Carey.

He kept running into him on the court, and his defensive moves became bigger and bigger.

The fierce confrontation between the two teams "brings out the best in each other"...

After all, Kyrie is a person who has experienced serious injuries. No matter what, he will still have some psychological shadow.

He was instantly frozen by the navigator.

After containing the pirates' offensive momentum, the navigators stabilized their position and began to counterattack.

After all, this is their home court, and all the fans are cheering them on.

Finally, in the 35th minute, Sevilla Navigator, who was playing at home, launched an attack.

After their midfielder Pablo Becker took the ball in the middle and attracted the attention of the Pirates' defense, he suddenly distributed the football to the right corner of the Pirates' penalty area.

That place is a huge void!

Sevilla Navigator's Portuguese forward Dani cut inside in time, trapping Pirates' left-back Ion Martinez behind him.

Then he didn't stop the ball, but started to shoot directly at the passed football!

The football was drawn in an obvious arc by his left foot and went straight to the back and upper corner of the goal!

Madrid Pirates goalkeeper Jonathan Helwell jumped up, stretched out his arms, and fought hard to save.

But it's still a little out of reach...

He didn't touch the ball!

The huge cheers jumped to the peak the moment the football whirled into the goal.


The windsurfing course is like a sudden gust of wind, and the sails are instantly full!

Forward three, navigator!


The live DJ at the windsurfing stadium shouted.

But no matter how loud his voice was, it couldn't be higher than the fans at the scene. Their cheers instantly covered up all the sounds, as if their cheers were the only one in the world.



Yong Jun in front of the TV sighed.

It's a pity that the Pirates couldn't hold on to this goal lead.

But next to him, Zhang Qinghuan laughed: "Uncle Yong, don't sigh, Hu Lai may be more likely to appear."

Yong Jun was stunned for a moment, trying to understand what this meant.


When they saw Hulay as a substitute, they were guessing when Parotti would let Hulay play.

If everything goes smoothly, then maybe Hu Lai will be given ten minutes to go up and experience it.

But that's no fun.

On the contrary, the Pirates are in trouble. As a key figure in changing the situation on the field, Hulay may be entrusted with an important task by Parotti and be sent on early.

None of them believed that under such circumstances, Parotti dared to put Hulay, who the club spent so much money on, on the bench.

Otherwise, if he loses, he will definitely be scolded after the game.

After thinking about it, Yong Jun said with expectation: "In that case, in order to let Hu Lai play as soon as possible, I hope the Navigators will score another goal! Come on, Navigators!"


"goal scorer"


Such deafening shouts rang out from the air above the Sevilla Navigator's home stadium, the Windsurf Stadium.

The Portuguese forward Dani who scored the goal rushed to the corner flag area and slid to his knees, leaving two obvious marks on the turf.

His teammates knelt down and hugged him.

In the nearest stands, Sevilla Navigators fans waved their fists and roared loudly.

Maxi Carey, who was a little further away, saw this scene and waved his hand in displeasure, chattering incessantly without knowing what he was talking about.

Captain Juan Ramirez was clapping his hands to encourage his teammates.

Although the score was equalized, don't be anxious or panic.


When the Sevilla Navigators players ended their celebrations and returned to their own half, the game restarted.

The Navigators players, who had just scored the equalizer, were in high morale. With the cheers of the home fans, they continued to attack the Madrid Pirates goal.

There was now about ten minutes to go before the first half and they were hoping to take the lead at the end of the first half.

If the team can enter the halftime break with a lead, the team will be able to adjust tactics more calmly.

And the mentality will be completely different.

After all, they caught up with two goals in a row from behind.

With this kind of morale, it is entirely possible for Sevilla Navigators to go completely crazy in the second half.

Facing the crazy Sevilla navigator, the Madrid Pirates also had to shrink back and temporarily avoid the edge.

The Navigators' many attacks can threaten the Pirates' goal.

When Becker's long-range shot forced Pirates goalkeeper Jonathan Highwell to make a wonderful save, the Navigators fans in the stands first cheered collectively and then gave him a round of applause.

Then when his team was preparing to take a corner kick, the Sevilla Navigators fans in the stands shouted in unison:

"Where is Hu?! Where is Hu?! Where is Hu?!"

In this way, they are mocking Hu Lai, who failed in this game.

Aren't you awesome?

So where are you now?

ah! Turns out he was on the bench...

Hey, we have evened the score, and we are still ahead of you!

And you can only watch the show from the bench. Isn’t it very unpleasant?

Ha ha ha ha!

After shouting, the Navigators fans burst into laughter.


Hu Lai, who was sitting on the bench, raised his eyebrows when he heard the sudden shouts from the stands.

It’s been less than three months since the Europa League ended, right?

Unexpectedly, fans of Sevilla Navigator can’t wait to see him again as a famous Navigator...

He was really touched!

At this moment, he saw assistant coach Bald Valentin walking towards him and waving: "Hu, go warm up! When the first half of the game is over, you can follow him into the locker room!"

This makes it very clear. Parotti planned to replace him during the halftime break, so he asked him to warm up in advance so that during the halftime break, he could follow the lineup to the locker room and listen to the head coach. The tactics are arranged.

Upon hearing this, Hu Lai got up and ran to the warm-up area.


Xie Lan suddenly listened attentively, then pointed to the TV and asked her husband: "What are those fans shouting? Why do I hear that they seem to be calling our son?"

Hu Lixin also heard it, but he couldn't understand it either.

Because the fans at the scene shouted in Spanish...

"Anyway, it's probably not a good thing. They can't cheer for Hu Lai." Hu Lixin said.

Although Pirates fans also went to the away game in this game, from the beginning of the game to now, except for Maxi Carey's goal, they could not make any sound at all other times and were suppressed by the fans of Sevilla Navigators. .

Therefore, such a huge momentum in the TV broadcast could not have been created by the Pirates fans who traveled with the team.

"Day..." Xie Lan was about to curse when he saw the broadcast camera suddenly cut to the bench of Madrid Pirates. Hu Lai, wearing a yellow vest, got up from his seat and ran to the warm-up area!

The commentator He Feng also said in an exciting tone: "Hu Lai has been called to warm up! It seems that he may be sent on early by Parotti! Now the Madrid Pirates have encountered tenacious resistance from the Navigators in the away game, and the situation is particularly passive. , it is indeed necessary to replace Hu Lai to enhance the offensive threat in the frontcourt, use offense to stabilize the defense, and use offense to change the situation! Turn passivity into initiative! However, there is not much time left for the Pirates in the first half, Hu Lai may be the second half He was replaced directly..."

Xie Lan got excited, waved his fists and shouted: "Come on, son! Come on, mother!"

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