Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 37 Understanding the Thoughts

"Fox in the Forbidden Zone"

"Irazusta is coming in...Silvilio passes! Irazusta breaks through the base directly...crosses! Joaquin Vela! He misses... Huh!!! goooooooooooooooooooool !!!gol!gol!gol!gol!!golgolgolgolgolgolgol!!! Hu! He gave Madrid Pirates the lead again! With a wonderful volley!"

The excited voice of Spanish TV commentator Sanchez came from the TV.

The Chinese students in front of the TV were more excited than him.

When they saw Hu Lai flying up, many of them couldn't wait to raise their arms. Some of them leaned forward and lifted their buttocks from the seat cushion of the chair. Their thigh muscles tightened and they were ready at any time. with...

When the football flew into the goal, they did not cheer immediately. Instead, they first confirmed that the football had really entered the goal, and then they collectively jumped up and cheered.


"Beautiful! Beautiful! So fucking beautiful!!"

"Awesome! Hu Lai is awesome!!"

Various cheers filled the room.

Even Han Shuyu, who was taking pictures with his mobile phone, was cheering at this time: "Volley! Hu Lai's first goal in La Liga is a world-wide wave!! Ahhh! So handsome!!"

But this time, while cheering, she still held her phone steady.

She really didn't want Hu Lai's historic goal, and what finally appeared in her vlog was a blurry shot.

When they saw Julay running to the Sevilla Navigator fans to make his signature celebration, the international students all burst out laughing.

So cool!

The unhappiness and annoyance that had been accumulated in my heart before were all vented with Hu Lai's celebration.

Make everyone's thoughts clear.

A girl next to Han Shuyu put her arm in front of the camera of her mobile phone and said to her in a tearful voice: "Look, Shuyu, I'm getting goosebumps!"

Han Shuyu put the camera of her mobile phone up, and sure enough, she took a photo of densely packed little bumps.

So she put her arms up and put her two white and tender arms together: "I also got goosebumps!"

It's no exaggeration at all. When she saw Hu Lai score the goal with a volley, it was like an electric current passed through her body, making her scalp numb.

She is also a senior football fan. She started playing football ten years ago. She is familiar with many things about world football and has watched countless games.

But she never thought that as a fan of the Kings of Madrid, one day she would be so excited that she would tremble all over while watching a match between the Kings of Madrid's mortal enemies...


As the ball flew into the goal, Sheran let out a high-pitched scream.

Although this voice will definitely scare the neighbors.

But considering that Li Ziqiang is next door, Xie Lan doesn't have any psychological burden.

Because the other party might be watching the game too!

Even if he is disturbed, Lao Li will definitely understand...

In fact, Xie Lan is not so excited every time he watches football in the middle of the night.

It's really a special situation this time.

The fans of Sevilla Navigators made their mentality explode before.

Now that she sees her son scoring a goal, she is so indulgent.

Well done, son!

That’s it!

Don’t spend the night taking revenge!

If you can get slapped in the face on the spot, don’t say anything and wait until we see you next time!

After screaming, Xie Lan burst into laughter with his hands on his hips.

When Hu Lixin saw his wife's appearance from the side, he couldn't help but smile and shake his head.

You are almost fifty years old, why are you still acting like a child?



Pete Williams laughed and said to his girlfriend Delphine Isabella: "Look what I said? Who are they messing with?! I hope this ball will let the Navigators fans know that provoking Hu It won’t end well!”

But the Sevilla Navigators fans at the scene obviously didn't think so.

After the initial shock, deafening boos and curses erupted from the Storm Stadium.

Naturally, these are all given to Hu Lai.

After Hu Lai's celebration, the security police on the sidelines acted quickly. Wearing helmets and armor, they moved closer to Hu Lai and raised their shields high to guard against things thrown from the stands.

Nonetheless, a number of soft plastic single-use cups containing drinks and beer have been thrown from the stands.

Smashed next to Hu Lai.

Calculating old and new grudges together, Sevilla Navigators fans really hate Julena and show no mercy!

So, around Hu Lai, a "beer rain" began.

But Hu Lai didn't realize it. Without even looking at the Navigators fans, he opened his arms and hugged the Madrid Pirates players who ran up.

Celebrating his first goal for Pirates and La Liga.

"Ha! Congratulations, Hu!!" Joaquin Vela rushed up to hug Hu Lai and shouted in his ear, "Now the Pirates fans are going to love you to death!"

What could be more captivating than scoring a goal against a bitter rival?

Pirates fans originally had a good impression of Hulay because there was no hatred at all before. In addition, Hulay rejected the King of Madrid twice in a row. Many of them have already concluded that Hulay is an "anti-King element."

Now playing for the Pirates for the first time, he scored such a wonderful goal against a mortal enemy like Sevilla Navigator.

The favorability level is already full.

If you want to truly conquer the fans, you still have to look at the performance on the field.

Otherwise, why would Maxi Carey be so popular with fans when he was at the grassroots level?

Because he can score goals!

He brought three championship trophies to this team!


After Hulay's goal, Maxi Carey stood up with his teammates on the bench to applaud the Pirates' lead.

But he wasn't as excited as the other teammates around him.

Because he still retains a shred of sanity.

He knew exactly what Hulay's goal meant.

This kid has made a great start with this team.

The competition you face will also become more intense.

Carey was indeed a little surprised. He didn't expect Hu Lai's first goal to come so early and so wonderfully...

But he wasn't really surprised.

Because if Hu Lai doesn't even have such ability, how can he be regarded as a competitor?

He was still a little unhappy. If Parotti didn't replace him, he could still compete with Hu Lai.

But now he can only watch Hu Lai's personal performance from the sidelines.

He felt that he was not incapable, but was artificially deprived of the qualification to compete.


After Hu Lai and his teammates finished celebrating, they ran back to their own half.

The game isn't over yet.

On the way back, Julay waved to the Sevilla Navigators fans in the stands, as if he was really a star of this team...

Of course, his doing so did not bring him any benefit except causing even bigger boos.

However, Hu Lai still did it. He often did this kind of thing that harmed others and was not beneficial to himself.

In a word, it is cheap.

It can make people’s minds explode anytime and anywhere.

The mentality of Sevilla Navigators fans is very explosive.

That's why the booing was so intense.

I laughed at Hu Lai before, but was slapped in the face.

Will this make them shut up?

Of course it's impossible. Hu Lai's approach can only make them angrier!

Hu Lai didn't care at all. To him, the huge boos sounded like gentle breeze and drizzle whispering in his ears.

If the boos and insults could have broken him, he would have given up football in high school.

The crazier the Sevilla Navigator fans are, the happier he is.

Come on, let’s hurt each other!

Let’s see who is more unlucky in the end!


The game restarted, and the Madrid Pirates, who had regained the lead, had the upper hand in morale and mentality. They launched a more fierce attack on the Navigator's goal.

The navigator was beaten and could only temporarily shrink his defense to avoid its sharp edge.

This scene is somewhat like the first half, except that both sides have changed their offensive and defensive positions.

After scoring the goal, Hulay received more "special treatment."

In the 67th minute, Hulay was knocked down by Arthur outside the penalty area.

The referee whistled for a foul and showed him a yellow card.

This penalty caused dissatisfaction among fans from both sides. Sevilla Navigator fans thought it was too harsh. They even thought Hulay was diving. And Madrid Pirates fans were angry because their team's offense was blown.

For a while, there were loud boos in the stands, and they couldn't tell each other apart at all.

Amid the boos, Hu Lai got up from the ground, then smiled at Atul, who raised his arms and pretended to be innocent: "Well done, if you had fouled later, I would have entered the penalty area."

It's like praising your opponent.

Artur ignored him and pretended not to hear. He didn't even say thank you. It was not polite at all.

Hu Lai curled his lips and reminded him kindly: "But unfortunately you already have a yellow card. Be careful, don't get another one, and you will be punished."

After saying that, he ran away.

Artur was left looking at his back and opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything.

This bastard!

I don’t need you to remind me of that!

He really didn't need Hu Lai to remind him, because soon the Madrid Pirates' attack was coming towards him.

Any central defender who receives a yellow card during a game will become a key breakthrough point for the opponent's offense.

This is common sense.

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