Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 38 Your grandpa is your grandpa

"Fox in the Forbidden Zone"

Arthur was targeted by the Madrid Pirates, and everyone can see this.

The Sevilla Navigators coaching staff on the sidelines is naturally no exception.

But they can't get another centre-back, Victor Poyatos, to help out yet.

There are only four defenders and two central defenders. Everyone has his own defensive zone and cannot run around casually.

Defense is far more about positioning and discipline than offense.

Whoever's position belongs to whoever has it, and you must not visit each other, otherwise big problems may easily occur.

Therefore, even if he saw that the situation on Arthur's side was somewhat critical, Navigators head coach Pierre Brunt did not instruct Poyatos to switch positions with Arthur.

If you are used to playing left center back, you will still have problems if you move to the right center back position.

In the end, Brent made an adjustment plan to let midfielder Victor Montero help Arthur to withstand the attack of the Madrid Pirates.

He could see that the Madrid Pirates took advantage of the momentum after the goal and attacked fiercely.

But they can't keep going like this.

They are not bloody Leeds City after all.

So as long as we hold on for this period of time, the pressure on the defense can be greatly reduced.

When the time comes when the Navigators control the ball and attack, they will at least be able to maintain a balance of power.

Brent looked at the watch on his wrist. There were still about twenty minutes until the end of the game.

To score two goals in twenty minutes... is a bit difficult, but not impossible.


The reason why Brent was able to ask Montero to help Arthur and serve as a central defender was mainly because the Madrid Pirates' midfielder did not have a top offensive midfielder like Pablo Becker.

Madrid Pirates' four midfielders, with Juan Ramirez and Joaquin Vela in the center.

Among them, Ramirez is a pure midfielder with excellent defensive ability, but his offensive level is very average, and he has almost no long-range shots.

Joaquin Vela balances offense and defense.

This is a nice way of saying it.

A bad way to put it is "mediocre offensively and defensively."

Vela is a talented player trained by the Madrid Pirates themselves and has the advantage of having a household registration. In addition, he is indeed a hard-working and versatile player, so Parotti has high hopes and focuses on training him.

Although his offense and defense are mediocre now, he has just turned twenty-five after all, and there is still room for growth - although not much. But Vela has always been diligent and hardworking. His tireless running and solid basic skills are indeed an important part of the midfield of Parotti's team.

What he needs to improve is awareness, awareness of handling the ball correctly.

The current offense of the Madrid Pirates mainly relies on two wings.

Especially on the left, the combination of Cardoso Toni and Ion Martinez is top-notch in La Liga.

Therefore, some media nicknamed their group "Angel Left Wing".

The embarrassment of the Madrid Pirates can be heard from this nickname - angels only have a left wing and no right wing, so the Madrid Pirates are "disabled angels" who fly with one wing.

Why is there no right wing?

Because Silverio on the right is in good and bad form. When he is good, he is fully worthy of his worth of 70 million euros. When he is bad, he is the biggest parallel import of Madrid Pirates.

The Pirates also wanted to pursue excellent right midfielders or right wingers this summer, but due to various reasons, they failed to successfully win several of the targets they were interested in. So even if Silverio's condition is unstable, we can only make do and let him continue to play. At the same time, I pray that his good condition can last longer...

In addition, the team's right back Jose Irazusta has just joined the team this season, and he and the team are also facing running-in problems.

So the right side of Madrid Pirates has not yet taken shape.

As the main defensive midfielder of Sevilla Navigators, Montero was able to retreat to help Arthur because the Madrid Pirates' midfield attack did not pose much threat.

Of course, he still has to take care of the midfield defense. After all, he is only there to help, and he is not a serious central defender.


In the attack just now, Hu Lai went to compete for the top of the pass from the wing, but he did not top the ball and instead collided with Montero.

The other person pushed him hard.

In the end, neither of them got a point.

However, the football was pushed away by Poyatos, so Montero still completed the defensive task.

Hulay turned his head and took a look. The opponent was a Uruguayan player.

So he reminded the other party in Spanish: "Be gentle, brother. Do you want to memorize a card too?"

Montero glanced at Hulay.

He still remembers the Europa League final.

I heard Hergures talk about Hulay touching the trophy before the game. At that time, he also said that he wanted Hulay, who did not believe in evil, to see the cruelty of fate.

As a result, the Seville navigators saw how cruel fate is...

This is really a very bad memory.

So now when he heard Hu Lai say this, Montero subconsciously believed that he could do what he said.

If I really get a yellow card from this kid... then the game will be really difficult!

Seeing that the other party didn't respond, Hu Lai said again: ", if you don't do those little tricks, you won't be able to guard against me?"

Montero took a deep breath and resisted the thought of spraying it back.

He realized that the other party was provoking him and trying to provoke him.

So be careful with your movements and never take any chances on this guy.

Stay calm, Montero!


Daniele Di Kunzo is an Italian international who joined Madrid Pirates from Ferenc last summer.

He has not played in the Europa League between Ferenc and Leeds City, nor has he actually had contact with Hulay on the court.

But he has been teammates with Albertazzi for three seasons and is very familiar with the abilities of this talented Italian goalkeeper.

Using Albertazzi as a reference standard, he knew how powerful Hulay was.

This is a man who can perform a hat trick in front of Albertazzi!

He still remembers how he felt when he learned that Albertazzi conceded three goals in a single game - he thought the news was wrong.

For this reason, he specially went to look for game highlights.

After watching it, I was shocked by Hu Lai's performance.

As both forwards, he often played against Albertazzi in team training when he was at Ferenc.

Even against training with lower intensity, he failed to score three points against the "Iceberg".

This is a shooter born to score goals!

So at halftime, head coach Parotti asked him to use his skills to create chaos near the Sevilla Navigator penalty area and then looked for Hulay.

He had no opinion.

If Hu Lai were replaced by a young boy who had just arrived in Europe, he would definitely criticize the head coach's arrangements in his heart.

But he won't feel uncomfortable if he is asked to make a wedding dress for someone who can break the "iceberg".

Not to mention Hu Lai's goal just now.

Strictly speaking, that's not a very good opportunity.

Because defensive players and offensive players are stuck together and too close to each other. Not enough space.

But Hu Lai still relied on his superb ability to judge the placement of the football, accurately found the space to kick, and completed a wonderful volley.

The reason why Sevilla Navigator goalkeeper Duric did not make a save was that he did not expect Hulay to complete the shot from that place.

Di Kunzo is only 1.68 meters tall, so in terms of his ability to grab points, he is really inferior.

Most of his eighteen goals last season were scored after breaking through.

He can contribute 3.8 dribbles per game, which ranks among the top ten in Europe.

Scoring in this way is very inefficient.

But if it is used to assist...

The short Dikunzo has a very low center of gravity, so even though his body is not strong, he can still keep up with physical confrontations during dribbling.

It seems to be stumbling, but it is not easy to lose the ball.

Just like now, he receives the ball with his back to the offensive direction.

Sevilla Navigator midfielder Becker was behind him and didn't want him to turn around.

But Di Kunzo took advantage of his low center of gravity and simply moved the football to the side, then turned around... and it turned out successfully!

When Becker stretched out his foot to steal the ball, he went around from the side and directed the football towards the Sevilla Navigator penalty area!

Facing the central defender Poiatos who came up to intercept, Di Kunzo raised his left foot as if to cross the ball. Poiatos was deceived and stopped for a moment, trying to intercept his passing route, but he raised his foot. Then he dunked the football into the penalty area with his left foot!

When Poyatos tried to turn around again, he was obviously a step too late.

Compared with the short and nimble DiQuinzo, he looked like a big robot with rusty joints.

When Di Kunzo broke into the penalty area, Sevilla Navigators fans booed in the stands.

Amidst the boos, Di Kunzo continued to bring the football forward. After leading goalkeeper Dulic to the front point, he passed the football sideways with his right foot.

Montero glanced at Hu Lai in the middle and found that he was accelerating to go around to grab a point, so he quickly accelerated forward and blocked Hu Lai's route.

In the end, Hu Lai was just a feint shot!

After making this fake move, he immediately flashed from behind Montero to the other side of him, still going around, but not from the right, but from Montero's left!

Squeeze in between Montero and Artur!

When Atul saw Hu Lai interjecting, he quickly raised his hands to indicate that his hands were not moving.

With a yellow card on his back, he is really in a state of panic. He is afraid that he will give the opponent a penalty kick and get another yellow card, and then he will have to end the game...

Montero watched the football being passed to his left, and when he turned around, he saw Hulay appearing there, blocking Arthur behind him.

Arthur was halfway through the tackle and did not dare to continue. He raised his hands and half-knelt on the line of the small penalty area.

Hu Lai raised his right foot without being affected, crossed his ankle, and knocked the rolling football towards the empty goal!

Goalkeeper Dulic turned over and pounced back, but it was too late!

"goooooooooooooooool!!! Hu! Hu!! Scored twice! Madrid Pirates leads Sevilla Navigators 3:1 in the away game!!"


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