Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 62 A king will not envy pirates

September 14th, St. Petersburg, light wind, light rain, and ground temperature of 10 degrees Celsius.

Even for a high-latitude city like St. Petersburg, the temperature was still a little cold in mid-September.

This is because it is drizzling.

It wasn't raining heavily, but it was cold.

Fortunately, the wind is not very strong today, otherwise the temperature would be even lower.

Teams from warm Spain are not used to playing in such weather.

The weather can be said to be the natural "moat" for the Russian team.

Not just in football, but in other areas as well.

Fortunately, the Kings of Madrid are neither a French team nor a German team, so they don’t have to carry the baggage of history...

Nonetheless, this kind of weather also makes the Madrid Kings fans worried.

I am worried that the Madrid Kings will lose to St. Petersburg Metallurg in an away game under such conditions.

In fact, the current score does have that trend:

Twenty-five minutes into the game, St. Petersburg Metallurg led Madrid Kings 1:0 at home.

The sudden rain and cooling really caused trouble for the Spanish team. They seemed not very active after the start of the game, as if they had not done enough warm-up.

Although the brand new artificial turf is the crystallization of high technology, it feels weird underfoot. It looks like artificial turf, natural turf, and neither...

In short, the Madrid Kings players are not comfortable with it.


Mellie Banega was unhappy.

Not only because the Madrid Kings are now lagging behind in terms of score and scene, but also because he feels that he has been left behind in the competition with Hulay.

In the last round of the league, the Madrid Kings were tied 2:2 by Real Catalon in the away game.

He also failed to score in this game.

Originally, after the start of the league, the top three teams in the Western Premier League all won.

Now the Kings of Madrid are the first to fall behind.

The Catalan United and Madrid Pirates continued to win completely. The Kings have dropped to fourth place in the standings, even behind Real Catalon. The two teams have the same points, but because the goal difference is one less than Catalon, so Currently ranked fourth.

The team ranking is not as good as Madrid Pirates, and the number of personal goals is not as good as Hulay.

Melly had a fire in his heart, so he didn't feel cold.

Since winning the Champions League with King Madrid at the age of 19, Melli has been dubbed a "future superstar" by the world.

Although during that Champions League winning process, Melli could not be said to have played a role in the whole process of the Madrid Kings, and he was only a rotation substitute.

But everyone can see how talented he is. In a wealthy team like the Madrid Kings, he can be trained by the Madrid Kings at such a young age, which shows how unlimited his future is.

Melly also lived up to everyone's expectations of him.

When he won the Champions League for the first time, he was just a rotation player.

By the time the Madrid Kings win the 11th Champions League title in team history in the 2024-2025 season, Mellie Banega is already an unshakable and absolute main player in the team. Not only in the Champions League, he also made great contributions to the team in the league.

At that time, Hulay had just landed in Europe and was fighting to stay in the Premier League in a Premier League relegation team.

The two people can be said to be one in the sky and the other in the earth. They are as different as clouds and mud.

At that time, no one in the world thought that Julay could be compared with Melli. Even if he defeated Argentina in the Olympics, it was just an accident - even if Julay and Melli were compared together No thoughts will arise.

Who would have known that just two years later, Meili would be defeated in the competition with Hu Lai!

Now that Hulay has moved to Madrid Pirates, he has scored in four consecutive games, scoring a total of seven goals, with amazing efficiency and unparalleled popularity.

Melly's number of goals was four, which was almost double the difference.

Thanks to Julay's crazy goals, the Madrid Pirates won all four games and only trailed Catalonia United on goal difference, ranking second in the league. Moreover, Catalonia's goal difference advantage is also very small, only a two-goal difference.

The Madrid Kings fell to fourth place.

Although the competition for the league championship is a marathon, the competition for league shooters is also so.

But Melli still attaches great importance to the comparison of every game.

How could Melly remain indifferent when Hu Lai challenged him with such excellent form and performance?

The league was tied by Real Caterhorn and he failed to continue his scoring momentum in the league. These are results that cannot be changed. Is this the same for this Champions League game?

The screams and roars of the Russian fans in the stands made Melli unhappy.

I always felt like I was targeting him.

What they shouted was not "Ula" but "Hulai".

So when Melli caught the football, his upper body suddenly leaned forward, as if he wanted to bring the football forward.

This caused the St. Petersburg Metallurgical defensive players to quickly retreat and give up the space in front of them.

Melli quickly used the outside instep of his left foot to gently push the football inward, and at the same time, he ducked across and dribbled the ball toward the center!

The second St. Petersburg Metallurgical defensive player came up from behind Melli. He originally wanted to steal the ball, but Melli had successfully cut in front of him. In order not to commit a foul, he had to brake suddenly and raise his hands to show his innocence.

His body hit.

Melli was not knocked down by him, but staggered slightly, and his feet were still very stable to hook the football away.

Even in such a physical collision, his ball-handling skills were not affected at all.

This is Mellie Banega, the most talented young man today!

After passing two St. Petersburg Metallurgical players, Melly continued to dribble the ball horizontally towards the opponent's penalty area.

The center back of St. Petersburg Metallurgical immediately came up to defend him.

Melli raised his left foot and pretended to shoot. When the opponent stretched his leg to block it, his left foot slammed the football to the right. He himself broke through from the right and entered the penalty area!

The goalkeeper of St. Petersburg Metallurgical saw Melli entering the penalty area and moved towards this side to block the angle.

Other St. Petersburg Metallurg players also came towards Messi, trying to block him in the penalty area. Don't even think about stealing the ball. As long as you can prevent him from taking a shot, or force him to miss the goal frame, it will be considered a successful defense.

But when the encirclement was about to form, Melli took a shot!

His right foot kicked the football to the near corner. Because the distance was too close, the goalkeeper of St. Petersburg Metallurgical could only fall to the ground and try to block the football with his feet... but he failed!

The football still rushes into the goal one step ahead of him!

"Melli——! Oh beautiful! So beautiful! He scored a wonderful goal by himself! He almost defeated the entire defense line of St. Petersburg Metallurgical by himself!" the commentator kept exclaiming. .

In fact, when Melli suddenly started dribbling the ball, he had already exclaimed repeatedly.

Melly's goal was fully worthy of his crazy commentary.

This is the ultimate expression of personal heroism, a goal that combines viewing pleasure and importance.

"... In front of Melli, the players of St. Petersburg Metallurgical were like rusty tin men... They could only watch themselves being passed by Melli and were unable to do anything! Even in the cold rainy night in Russia, Mei Leigh still maintains a very high competitive state. Although they failed to get Hu in the new season, fans of the Madrid Kings need not be too sorry, because they also have the almost omnipotent Mellie Banega! Hu may be very capable Goal, but can he score such a beautiful goal?"

The commentator of Madrid's King TV said this excitedly.

Perhaps Hulay's pressure of scoring seven goals in four consecutive games was not only felt by Melli, but even he, the commentator of Madrid's King TV, also felt it.

During this time, the discussion about Hu Lai occupied the vast majority in the media, while Meili was left out in the cold. The Madrid Kings commentator certainly wanted to express his dissatisfaction for his team's star player.

In his opinion, Hu Lai is a ruthless scoring machine that just sends the football into the goal. It has no ornamental value and no technical difficulty.

How can it be compared with Melly?

Although Melli's goals are not as good as Juledo's, each one is of high quality and can be called an artistic treasure of human football!

Just the ball just now, can Hu Lai do it?

Can't do it?

You don’t have that ability, you know?

The commentator of the Madrid Kings TV station felt proud. Melli's beautiful goal came at the right time. It can effectively combat the arrogance of the neighbors and increase the confidence of the Madrid Kings fans!

In the end, he even asserted: "This goal will become the best goal in the Champions League this season!"


Melli was also very excited after the goal. He rushed to the corner flag and waved his fist at the few Madrid Kings fans who traveled with the team.

He punched three times in a row, drawing cheers from the Madrid Kings fans in the stands.

But as soon as he spoke, he was drowned in the boos of the St. Petersburg Metallurgical fans.

Melly didn't care about the boos from the Russian fans. He waved to the Kings fans in the stands and then embraced and celebrated with his teammates who came up to him.

Kings coach Roy Wei showed a relaxed smile on the sidelines of the coaching bench.

Giving Merry more power to fire is indeed the right thing to do.

As Cerrados grows older, his abilities in all aspects are declining, and Melly does need to shoulder more tasks.

And he still has this ability.

Is it a pity not to sign Hu Lai?

But we have Melly!

Why does the king envy pirates?

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