Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 64 Fan Behavior

When Maxi Carey came to the box, his wife Sophia was already waiting for him there.

When he saw him coming, he asked: "How was it? You went to the locker room..."

Kaili knew what his wife really wanted to ask, so he didn't beat around the bush and said directly: "I thanked him."

"What was his reaction?" the wife asked.

"have no idea."

"Don't know?" Sophia's eyes widened.

"I turned around and left after I said that. I didn't see his reaction." Kaili told the truth.

The wife was speechless, and then sighed: "You..."

Then she laughed again: "But it's good that you can thank him in person, ha! Then just rest in peace and recuperate."

Kaili nodded and agreed, but did not say a word.

Then they sat down and waited for the game to begin.

But soon someone in the box recognized Carey and came up to him to ask for his autograph and take a photo with him.

The private room they were in was not a small room like a private room in a restaurant as everyone understood it, but a place that could be called a "lobby". There are two rows of sofa seats near the floor-to-ceiling windows, which can accommodate dozens of people to watch football together.

In the wide space behind the seats, there is a 360-degree bar roundabout, where there are dedicated waiters to serve the VIPs watching the game in the boxes. You can order whatever you want to drink directly, and there are also simple meals for whatever you want to eat. supply.

And it's all free.

The stadium's box is not a place with better conditions to watch the game at all, but a place for socializing.

After all, the people watching football here are basically celebrities, politicians and business people. It is normal for them to use their time to do some social activities while watching football.

The situation at the Pirates Park stadium can only be considered ordinary. After all, even those watching the game in the boxes are basically people who really like the Pirates, but they have different identities.

Next door to them, the situation with the Kings of Madrid is even more complicated.

Many people in the VIP boxes at Crown Stadium are not even fans.

They come to watch the game in the box as a check-in behavior, or simply because they want to socialize. As for how the Madrid Kings play, they don't care at all.

Inside and outside the box seemed to be two completely different worlds.

The Kings fans outside the box cheered for their team, and their moods fluctuated as the game progressed.

The VIPs in the box are more concerned about their own stock market returns, or the results of a business negotiation thousands of miles away in East Asia.

The people who came to see Carey were actually fans of Madrid Pirates, but they were also successful businessmen. They wore suits and ties and wore a Madrid Pirates scarf around their necks to prove their identities.

They expressed regret for Kyrie's injury and wished Kyrie a speedy recovery, saying, "The team needs you, Maxi. No matter what, no matter what the situation, you are an important member of the team!"

Carey smiled and complied with all requests for autographs and photos.

After doing all this, he sat back down next to his wife.

Sofia smiled at him and said, "Look, honey. We still need you."

She sensed her husband's low mood and negative attitude after the ankle injury and took every opportunity to cheer him up.

In fact, it was Sophia's idea to come to watch the game, including visiting her teammates in the locker room.

She believes that it is better to go out, not stay at home all the time, but to go out and interact with people, especially with teammates and fans. Let your husband know that he is welcome and needed.

Sophia is very aware of her husband's problems. Even though he says all kinds of things that sound arrogant, in fact, his heart is not really as strong as he shows.

He longs to be needed.

Obviously coming out to watch the game between the Pirates and Ruerrhein made him feel this needed atmosphere.

Sofia hoped this would cheer up her husband.

However, faced with his wife's words, Carey remained indifferent and did not give any response. He just sat on the sofa and quietly waited for the game to start.


Janus Edman walked into the tunnel wearing the white away jersey of Ruhrlein.

He immediately saw Hu Lai, who was already standing in the passage.

This is actually not the first time Edman has seen Hulay, but it is indeed the first time he has met on such an occasion. In the International Champions Cup, a warm-up match before last season, Ruhrlein and Leeds City played against each other. However, Edman was only sixteen years old at the time, and the main forward of Ruhr Rhein was Mark Becker. Even if Edman had become the youngest goal scorer in the history of Ruhr Rhine, it was still impossible to win. Mark's location.

So Edman watched Hulay's game from the bench.

He didn't come on as a substitute until the last ten minutes of the game, and Hu Lai had already been replaced by that time.

Strictly speaking, the two men have never played against each other in a game.

Edman originally thought about exchanging jerseys with Hulay after the game, but he suddenly remembered what if someone exchanged jerseys with Hulay before him?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was a possibility. In order to ensure that he could definitely exchange for Hu Lai's jersey, he decided to make an agreement with Hu Lai first and let him keep the jersey for himself.

So he walked out from his own team and walked straight to Hu Lai.

As soon as the tall Edman walked up to Hu Lai, he immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

The Pirates players looked at him with puzzled eyes, and Joaquin Vela directly asked Hulay in a low voice in Spanish: "Do you know each other?"

Hu Lai shook his head: "I don't know him."

After speaking, he asked in German: "What's the matter?"

Edman was very happy, grinning, showing his white teeth, looking a little...silly: "You can speak German? That's great? I was just thinking about how to express what I meant in English. Express yourself English is very average."

"It's okay, just speak German. I understand and speak German." After Hu Lai finished speaking, he asked, "So what's the matter with you?"

"That's it, Hu. I have an idea...can I exchange jerseys with you after the game?"

Hu Lai was stunned for a moment: "Exchanging jerseys?"

It's not uncommon to exchange jerseys, but it doesn't mean you can encounter them in every game.

Moreover, Hu Lai himself did not take the initiative to exchange jerseys, with the exception of Morikawa Junpei.

So the chance of swapping jerseys happening to him is not high.

And he couldn't understand why a person who had never interacted with him before suddenly wanted to change jerseys with him?

Generally speaking, exchanging jerseys is an act with some special meaning. It means some kind of appreciation, liking and sympathy. Otherwise, two people who have a bad relationship will never exchange jerseys.

Being willing to collect your opponent's jersey shows that the opponent has been recognized by you.

But the problem is that I haven't fought against the person in front of me yet...

Hu Lai looked at the tall, naive-looking man in front of him, and suddenly realized that this kid in front of him was his fanboy?

Ouch, I didn’t expect that I also have fans of players?

This is...superstar treatment!

This is so kind!

Although Hu Lai rarely takes the initiative to exchange jerseys, it does not mean that he will refuse others to come to him to exchange jerseys.

Not to mention how could he disappoint his little fanboy?

So he nodded: "No problem!"

Seeing Hu Lai's answer so simply, Edman was very happy: "That's great! That's what we have agreed. You must leave your jersey to me, but you are not allowed to give it to anyone else! Ah, I forgot to introduce myself, My name is Janus Erdmann, number nine of the Ruerrhein!"

He pointed to the number behind him.

This number belonged to Mark Becker last season. Now that Mark has moved to Blue and White Munich, No. 9 is vacant. Edman expressed a strong desire to wear the No. 9 jersey, so the number fell on his back.

"After I score a goal in the game, I will come to you after the game to exchange jerseys!"

After speaking, Edman turned around and returned to his team, leaving Hu Lai a little messy:

What did he just say?

Come and exchange jerseys after scoring a goal?

If you exchange jerseys, you just exchange jerseys. Why do you need to set a condition?

Can't we exchange jerseys without scoring?

He couldn't figure out the brain circuit of this new Ruhr Rhein No. 9.

It's hard for me to have a fan of a player, but it seems like my brain is not working very well?


"What are you talking about?" Joaquin Bella came over and asked Hu Lai, who fell into silence.

"Oh, it's nothing. He wants to exchange jerseys with me, so let's make a reservation first."

Hearing this, Bella happily patted Hu Lai: "Ah, what a superstar treatment! Before the game even starts, someone from your opponent is thinking about your jersey! Now if you don't show some good performance in the game, It’s all unjustifiable!”

Hu Lai was reminded.


Now that there are fans of the players, if I don’t perform hard in the game, score a goal or something, how can I make the fans feel like they are succeeding in chasing stars?

As an idol, of course you have to show something in order to calmly accept the admiration of your fans!

Hu Lai nodded, and his voice suddenly became low and slightly magnetic: "You are right, Joaquin. I can't let that big man down."

"Why did your voice suddenly change?"

"It makes it look official."


"What are you doing?" John Set asked Edelman, who returned to the team.

The latter smiled and said: "I asked Hu to leave the jersey to me to prevent others from snatching it. He agreed. He is really a good person to talk to!"

Then he said: "John, you must create more opportunities for me in the game later. I made a promise in front of Hu that as long as I score a goal, I will go to him and ask for the jersey! Can I get it?" Hu’s jersey all depends on your passing!”

But John Sett shook his head: "I won't pass the ball to you specifically, Janus. Unless you are in a good position. Otherwise, once they find out that I am more inclined to pass the football to you, they will target it." Defense. That is detrimental to our offense. So I will just do what I usually do. Whether you can score goals or not...has nothing to do with me. You have to work hard on your own."

After speaking, he patted Edelman on the shoulder.

It's just that he, who is only 1.75 meters tall, raised his hand and patted the shoulder of Edman, who was 1.88 meters tall. It looked a bit weird and funny.

"Okay...I will try my best!" Edelman felt that Sett was right. "I'll prove that I'm better than Becker!"

Mark Becker's move to Blue and White Munich disappointed Ruerrhein fans who felt they had been betrayed.

Edman feels that if he can perform well during this window period, he can make the fans of Ruerrhein completely forget about Mark.

It's like winning the hearts of girls who have just fallen out of love.

Use goal after goal to fill the empty hearts of the fans and soothe their lost mood.

Tell them, forget about that "scumbag" Mark, I, Janus Edelman, am your "right one"!

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